December / 8 / 2020
Lets Talk About Reparations
Some key questions include, “What does a plan for reparations look like? What has been lost? Who are the victims? Who are the perpetrators? What is owed? What are possible sources for renumeration?”

Our Presbytery - Our Work
Weekly Prayer Basket

  • Please pray for...for the family and friends of Rev. Robert Rogers, in his passing.
  • Please pray for...all of our churches as we journey through Advent during a challenging Pandemic year.
  • Please pray for... all to receive love, joy, peace, hope, healing, answered prayer and a merry Christmas.
  • Please pray for ... for those struggling from anxiety, depression, irrational worry, and all other mental health concerns that they find comfort, healing and support as this difficult year continues into a difficult winter.
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Parish Paper

Saddened to Report
Rev. Robert P. Rogers
We are saddened to report the passing of Rev. Robert Rogers, on December 2.
Robert was ordained to Ministry in the Presbyterian Church, USA in 1961 and served as parish pastor, Regional College Minister, and retired as Clinical Pastoral Educator, Supervisor Emeritus.
Read more and leave a message or memory by clicking here.
Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy
Upcoming Team Meetings
During Advent, Presbytery Ministry Teams are asked to recess from meetings, if possible. If you are unsure if your team is meeting, please ask your Team Moderator, or contact the office at 314-772-2395.

Meetings will resume virtually in January.
New Associate Presbytery Leader Announced
The Vision Team is delighted to announce that we have concluded our search for an Associate Presbytery Leader and have unanimously and enthusiastically called Liz Kanerva to serve as our Associate Presbytery Leader beginning on January 1. We will be asking for Presbytery-wide approval of this decision at our called meeting on January 9. 
News & Activities
Phishing is about...
If you have recently received an email requesting a gift card, credit card information or any other financial request from the Presbytery office or a Pastor within our Presbytery-someone is Phishing. No one, either in our office or our member churches, will ever solicit funds in this manner. Please notify any party, by phone, if you receive any suspicious email or text message.
What is Phishing?....a scam by which an Internet user is duped (as by a deceptive e-mail message) into revealing personal or confidential information which the scammer can use illicitly
How to recognize and avoid it? Scammers use email or text messages to trick you into giving them your personal information. But there are several things you can do to protect yourself. Click Here
Home for the Holidays
A Free Virtual Christmas Concert
Saturday, December 12 | 7 p.m.
Although we will not be able to hold our annual Christmas concert, you can still enjoy us at this special virtual concert. Register today at
Advent Vespers
The 14th annual Advent Vespers of Second Presbyterian Church will be presented virtually beginning on Sunday, December 6. The Vespers will highlight the relevance of Psalm 130 and include readings and choral anthems plus handbell and organ music.
To watch the Vespers, go to The Vespers will be available for viewing from December 6 though December 20. For further information call 314-367-0367 or email
Let us Light Candles
Join in Social Media Participation
Presbyterians Today’s Advent and Christmas devotional, “Let Us Light Candles: Matthew 25 and the work of Advent.” This extended online devotional — taking us not just through Advent but through Christmastide and ending with Epiphany, Jan. 6 — brings to you the inspiring words in Howard Thurman’s poem “I Will Light Candles This Christmas.”
Presbyterians Today wants to see your light shine this holiday. Submit pictures of the candles you are lighting (actual candles or how you are shining light in the world by living out the words of Matthew 25 to give water to those who thirst, visit those in prison and clothe the naked). Include your name, church and a brief description of the picture. Send to Donna Frischknecht Jackson at
The Christmas Eve Text, 
Isaiah 9:2-7, Comes Alive
This brief video creatively offers a relevant reading of Isaiah, while also bringing the Light to our current darkness. 

(Produced by Light for the Darkness: Learn more here.)
Please watch here and
share this Light. 
Tips for Caring for God's Sacred Earth
Make it an Eco-Friendly Holiday!
Even in the midst of a raging pandemic, people of faith can enjoy a holiday that respects God's incredible creation!: Make homemade items to eat or use; Use natural materials rather than plastic; Decrease spending and waste; Give to the Christmas Offering of the Presbyterian Church.
(TIPS are brought to you by the Earth Care Team of the presbytery, composed of representatives of the nine certified Earth Care Congregations of the PC(USA) in our presbytery. Contact: or 314-941-9378 to learn how to become an Earth Care Congregation.)
FREE to a Church in Need
St. Mark has three working server switches at the church, and our Technology Committee would like to offer them to any other churches who might need them. We just did an upgrade, but they are all in good working order. We’d prefer donating them (since they are costly) as opposed to recycling. Do you know of anyone who might need them? Please contact Rev. Dr. Dave Burgess by email here.
Hearing from Mission Co-Workers
from Peru
Leandro is only just learning about Jesus and his revolutionary birth, life and ministry of justice and love. And yet, Leandro knows that we cannot simply read the story over and over; but we must put those words into action. We must jump up and down when we tell of Jesus’ birth. This is a story to be told and remembered all year round, not only at Christmas. It is a story that all are invited to hear, and one in which all can take part and take action.
Self-Care & Health Care
COVID19 & Seasonal Flu Shouldn't Mix
If you do not live in the St. Louis Area, please consult with your local Health Department for guidance on where you can get your Flu Shot. If you don't know how to contact your local health department, the following links will direct you to the appropriate office.
In Illinois - Click Here | In Missouri - Click Here
Heritage Preservation Grants
To assist congregations with the preservation of church history, the Presbyterian Historical Society awards annual Heritage Preservation Grants to PC(USA) congregations, covering up to $500 of the cost to digitize official church records. Qualifying congregations must be at least 50 years old.
For 2020, applications are due on December 15. Grants must be used within a two-year time period. You might want to share this with your congregations, especially older and smaller churches. Learn how to apply.
Hunger Action Grants Available
The COVID 19 pandemic has created an unprecedented loss of jobs and hardship on families within the geographical boundary of the presbytery. Food pantries connected to our presbytery and PCUSA congregations are reporting a much higher demand than usual. As we enter the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, the presbytery is making available Hunger Program grants to hunger programs connected to our congregations or those programs that partner with the presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Security Grant Program Application Support
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a program called the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) to help nonprofits and faith-based organizations prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks.
Here are several examples of projects the NSGP funds: Surveillance equipment; Physical protective measures such as fences, blast-proof windows, and concrete barriers; Active Shooter Training; Security Training for employees, or members/congregation
PDA is here to assist in the 2021 application, which is always a difficult, complicated and time-bound process. If you are interested in learning more, please let PDA know by November 30, by contacting David L. Myers, Senior Advisor at or by calling 502-200-4878.
Technology Grants - Wave 2
When COVID-19 began to spread across the United States, Giddings-Lovejoy congregations responded in amazing ways to continue their worship and ministries. I am in awe. Congregations have stretched themselves beyond what they thought they were capable of doing. As I like to say, the building may be closed, but the church is not! 
Please submit your grant request to Note in the subject line Second Wave Grant.
In your request, include the church’s name and address, contact person and email address, and what the grant will be used for.  
By the way, First Wave Grants are still available. Please contact Liz Kanerva at the above email for more information. (Learn More Here)
Education & Training Opportunities
Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches (CTS)
The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center will present a Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches workshop which is scheduled for Saturday, January 16, 2021. With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, that date will be upon us before we know it. If you have colleagues who you believe might benefit from this training, would you please remind them that the discount deadline for this event is Dec. 31, 2020 (barely three weeks away).  If someone whom you refer eventually registers for any session of CTS — Jan. 16, Feb. 13, March 22, or April 10 — then we would like to thank you by allowing you to register free of charge for The Language We Use, a 90-minute webinar on the morning of December 16.  Learn more here
APCE 2021
Registration is open for the virtual event hosted by the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators, to be held February 4–6. Explore “Anything But Ordinary Time” with APCE, from the comfort of your own home.
Lux Summer Theological Institute
for Youth
A New Earth: Thinking Theologically about Environmental Justice
June 13-27, 2021 
What does it mean to care for creation? Are Christians called to respond to climate change? Is it possible to LIVE SUSTAINABLY for the benefit of future generations? Theologically curious high school students are invited to apply before January 1, 2021 for the 2021 Lux Summer Theological Institute. Safety permitting, the program will be held in-person at Presbyterian-related Monmouth College (Monmouth, IL)
Funded by the Lilly Endowment, the Lux Institute is an opportunity for students to engage with a topic of global importance and participate in a living-learning community through study, worship, service, recreation, and vocational exploration.
Scholarships are available to cover all program expenses for the two-week program, with the exception of travel. A free shuttle to/from Chicago airports is provided.
For more information:
Becoming Matthew 25
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How Do We Engage Socially Distancing and still participate in Mission & Ministry?
Send us your stories of how your congregation is maintaining congregational vitality during this pandemic. Send stories to Office Manager, Leigh Porter at
Current Support Ministry Position Openings
Part-Time Pastor - First Presbyterian, Perryville

Part-Time Organist - First Presbyterian of Alton, IL

Associate Pastor - Dardenne Presbyterian, Dardenne Prarie

Organist/Pianist - First Presbyterian, Jackson, MO

Interim Pastor - John Calvin Presbyterian