Top 5 Reasons You Don't Want to Miss
our February 2nd Gathering
Blog Post by Rev. Ryan Landino
Presbytery Leader
"...In no specific order, here are FIVE reasons you do not want to miss our February 2nd Presbytery Gathering!
Commissioners have the opportunity to voice and vote on the business of the presbytery. Here is a glimpse of some of the highlights..."
Our Presbytery - Our Work
Weekly Prayer Basket
Please pray for...please pray for PC(USA) delegation headed to eastern Europe in support of Ukraine.
Please pray for...please pray for the safety of plow drivers, EMS workers, healthcare workers, and all other essential workers this winter.
Support Ministry
Help Wanted
Upcoming Ministry Team Meetings
Thurs., Feb. 2
Presbytery Gathering
See Below
Tues., Feb. 7
Wed., Feb. 8
Thurs., Feb. 9
9:30 am History Team (John Calvin)
Clerks of Session
Statistics Season Has Arrived
We are Here to Help!
There will be open office hours at the presbytery office Mon., Feb. 6, from 10 am – 2 pm, if you would like to drop by and receive help with your statistics.
Presbytery Gathering This Thursday
Schedule of the Day
3:30 pm to 6:30 pm
(End time is approximate)
3:30 pm - Worship
4:15 pm - 10 Minute Break
4:25 pm - Education Session
5:10 pm - 10 Minute Break
5:20 pm - Business Session
Stated Gathering Thursday, February 2
Congratulations to Pastor Tricamo and Rock Presbyterian Church
Pastor Darlene Tricamo has now been commissioned to serve as the Pastor of Rock Presbyterian Church, in Imperial, Missouri. We hope you join us in praying for their journey in ministry together.
Rev. Hannah Zyla Installation
Sun., Feb. 26 | 3 pm
Rev. Hannah Zyla will be installed as the Pastor to Affton Presbyterian Church on Sunday, February 26th at 3 pm.
Celebrating 75 Years!
Sunday, March 5
Florissant Presbyterian Church welcomes you to join them in celebrating 75 years of outreach and ministry, on Sunday, March 5, with worship at 10:30 am, followed by luncheon and an Open House.
To support their local schools they will be collecting school supplies to celebrate this special occasion.
Florissant Presbyterian Church is located at 660 Charbonier, Florissant
Tips for Caring for God's Amazing Creation:
Join Presbytery Gathering Zoom Thursday!
The focus for the Presbytery Gatherings for 2023 will be Public Witness and the focus for the Feb. 2 Gathering this week will be on caring for Mother Earth. Rev. Carleton and Ellie Stock, Co-Moderators of the Earth Care Work Group, will officiate at the opening worship at 3:30 PM and the Education Session at 4:25 PM will be led by Dr. J. Clinton McCann, Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Eden Seminary, speaking on "The Climate Crisis and Biblical Response". Members of congregations are invited to the call, as well as Commissioners from congregations. Don't miss it!
"TIPS" is brought to you by the Earth Care Work Group of the presbytery. Contact: [email protected] or 314-941-9378.
Spirit of Stewardship Conference
Generosity & Stewardship
in a New Day
Tuesday, March 7th • 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
The Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy Conference Room will serve as one of the four synod regional host sites. The office is located at 1001 Craig Rd., Ste. 170, Saint Louis, Missouri 63146.
Cost: $25 per person and includes lunch and refreshments. The registration deadline is February 28th. Late Registration: $35
- Scholarships are available to Giddings-Lovejoy members
Registration is online and available by clicking here.
The planning team is pleased to welcome Scott McKenzie and Kristine Miller of Horizons Stewardship. Both Scott (Horizons Partner) and Kristine (Horizons Senior Vice President and Partner) bring a combination of experience & energy to the ministry of stewardship and are delighted to lead us in a day of learning.
Both are seasoned stewardship leaders. Kristine’s stewardship passion is rooted in her days serving on her church’s stewardship team. She is a self-described “stewardship junkie. Scott, an ordained minister, developed his ministry over the last 25 years to focus on stewardship. He is a trained ICF coach and certified fundraising executive.
History & Power of
African-American Spirituals
Is your church choir interested in learning about the history and power of African-American Spirituals so that they can better sing them during worship? Would they like to participate in a community gathering of other singers with a similar desire? If your church choir is near the St. Louis area and is interested in an intensive workshop on singing spirituals, culminating in a live public concert, they are welcome to register either as a group or as individual singers for this year's Festival of African-American Spirituals on February 17-18. This yearly event is back after a two-year COVID hiatus and is sponsored by the Legend Singers choral ensemble (follow the link below for more information about this historic choral group and the registration link).
The Legend Singers are excited to bring as their educator and conductor Roland Carter, world- renowned composer, arranger, educator retired from the University of Tennessee Chattanooga, and owner of the MAR-VEL publishing company, which focuses on promoting the choral music of African-American composers and arrangements of spirituals.
For a $25 per person registration fee, participants will receive music and rehearsals on Friday night starting at 7:00 p.m. and then Saturday morning starting at 8:00 a.m., with a public concert at 3:00 p.m. that Saturday. There's also a fireside chat that one can attend virtually on Thursday night with leaders in the African-American choral community. The rehearsals in concert will be held at Second Presbyterian Church in the Central West End part of St Louis.
In Solidarity and Support
A Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) delegation will travel to Eastern Europe this month in a show of solidarity with people in and near Ukraine as the war with Russia continues to create death, destruction and displacement.
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship Announcing…..
After three long years of not gathering in person -- PPF will gather our community once again into one place.
Save the date for May 7-10 for an in-person Activist Council gathering at the Heartland Center outside Kansas City, MO.
This is a great opportunity to get to know PPF, even if you are not an Activist Council member. There will be opportunities for building relationships, slowing down, and for deepening our commitments to nonviolence and abolition. More details and registration, coming soon!
Do you know a pastor-to-be who is or will be enrolled in a Presbyterian Church (USA) seminary in 2023? The Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation supports congregations and their leaders through a scholarship for Master of Divinity Students. Five Apollos Scholarships (of up to $8,000) will be awarded in 2023. Scholarships are renewable for up to three years of enrollment, with a total maximum potential of $24,000. The application deadline (for all materials) is April 17, 2023, at midnight CST.
Called to Serve? We Need You!
Have You Considered Presbytery Service?
There are many ministry team positions available in the coming year, and we just know you would be a good fit for a committee or commission
Please fill out and return the form below.
Current Support Ministry Position Openings
(PT) Coordinator Christian Education - Southminster Presbyterian, Crestwood, MO
Head of Music - First United Presbyterian, Collinsville, IL
Off Hours Help Needed? Contacts Found Below
Rev. Ryan Landino
Presbytery Leader
Rev. Liz Kanerva
Presbytery Leader
Rev. Joy Myers
Stated Clerk
Leigh Porter
Office Manager
Janice McMillen
Communications Associate
Keep Connected
We love to hear about the work of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy Congregations. Have an event, fundraiser, or concert and want to get the word out? Simply email that information in by 6 p.m. on Monday of the week you want your event published. Help keep us connected by simply emailing your information to [email protected]