August / 6 / 2019
Gone in 30 Seconds
And what if it comes to our town? Our school? Our Walmart? Our office? Our church? 

Our Presbytery - Our Work
Weekly Prayer Basket Update

  • Please pray... for our neighbors in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio as they come to terms with and heal from the mass shootings from this weekend.
  • Please pray....for the Marion Medical Mission as they are scheduled to install 3,035 wells in about 10 weeks. Learn more at
Click on the prayer basket to find our current prayers.
Community Exegesis
at Presbytery Gathering
Using Belleville as our example, we will learn more about the area as we explore what is available and what is needed in that community. This journey we take together will give you the tools necessary to do a Community Exegesis in your own community and utilize it in future mission and evangelism.
( See Below for Registration)
Quick Connect
Support Ministry
Help Wanted
Parish Paper

Planning Calendars should arrive soon.

If you have reserved one, we will notify you when they arrive.
Presbytery Gathering
August 22
Featuring Evangelism & Vital Congregations with
Rev. Dr. Kathryn Threadgill
The Coordinator for Vital Congregation for the PC(USA)

Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy
Application for Nomination
224th General Assembly
June 20-27, 2020 | Baltimore, Maryland
Upcoming Team Meetings
NOTE: Meeting locations are as follows: Oaks - is the meeting room next door to the presbytery office; St.Andrew - refers to the Board Room of St. Andrews on the second floor, directly above the presbytery office; Pres - refers to the Presbytery Office Resource Center; Ladue - refers to Ladue Chapel; WG - refers to Webster Groves Presbyterian. Contact the office at 314-772-2395 if you are unsure where you will be meeting.
Week of: Aug. 8 to Aug. 14

Thurs., Aug. 8
9:30 a.m. - History Team (Aberdeen Hts)
10 a.m. - Stewardship (Oaks)
3 p.m. - Gather Planning (Oaks)
5 p.m. - Congreg. Vibrancy (Oaks)
Mon., Aug. 12
3 p.m .- Personnel (Oaks)
Tues., Aug. 13
11 a.m. - New Worship Com (St. Andrew)
1 p.m. - Mission/Outreach (Oaks)
4 p.m. - Admin/Support (Oaks)
Wed., Aug. 14
1:30 - Pastoral Transit/Care (Oaks)
Week of: Aug. 15 to Aug. 21

Thurs., Aug. 15
4 p.m. - Vision Team (Oaks)
6:30 p.m. - CPM (Ladue)
Sat., Aug. 17
9 a.m. - DRAP Fac. Train (WG)
Mon., Aug. 19
1 p.m. - Social Witness (Oaks)

Session Records Review
is Coming Soon! Save the Date!

Session Records Review Resource may be found here.
If you have questions, please contact Rev. Joy Myers, Stated Clerk, at or by calling 314-772-2395.

  • Saturday, August 10 - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at New Hope Presbyterian
St. Charles, Missouri - Directions Here

  • Saturday, September 14 - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at First Presbyterian
Sullivan, Missouri - Directions Here

  • Saturday, September 21 - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Oak Hill Presbyterian
St. Louis, Missouri - Directions Here.
SAVE THESE DATES for 2020! Locations To Be Determined
  • Retired Pastors - Third Act - Wed., Jan. 22 from 9:30 a.m to 2 p.m.
  • Healthy Pastors - Wed., Jan. 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Uprooting Hunger - 2019 Presbytery Wide Goal
Congratulations to Westminster Presbyterian Church - Cape Girardeau
on becoming our 30th Hunger Action Congregation!
Ste. Genevieve Presbyterian
Addressing Children's Hunger
in the Summer
Ste. Genevieve Presbyterian Church handed out almost all the lunches we had made and they hope to have even more visit the Kid’s Mobile Lunch Box tomorrow and throughout the week. They will also be delivering lunches on Monday-Wednesday next week. It took many hands to prepare and deliver these valuable meals to area children and youth. What a gift to their community!
Pictured at left: Pastor Steve Matthews, the mobile lunch box driver and Julia, their mobile lunch box developer and planner. 
Uprooting Hunger - Hunger Action Team
In 2019 the presbytery will work toward establishing Certified Hunger Action Congregations. This  handout will be helpful to your congregation, as we journey together.
We welcome any questions you might have - email us at or call 314-772-2395.
We celebrate, in thankgiving, our 12 Certified and 18 Covenanting Congregations for their dedication to eradicating hunger in their communities!
Ministry Team Updates
Forgiveness after Hate
Wed., Aug. 14

On August 14th the Newmark Institute for Human Relations at the JCRC will be hosting “ Forgiveness After Hate.” It is the story of two men who found the ability to move forward after a hate crime. For one, the massacre at the Oak Creek Sikh Temple—for which we commemorated the seventh anniversary just yesterday—took the life of his father. For the other, it was the realization of the hate that he fostered and recruited in his life as a white supremacist. 
Regarding Ruling Elders Resource
Did you know that the archive of “Regarding: Ruling Elders” resources is available in Spanish, Korean, and English via the  Equip PC(USA)  site? This is one of the first of what will be a growing collection in E4U: Self-Enrollment Training Opportunities that will require no permission to access. Find more information here .
A Place of Grace
Join Julie Gvillo for one of two Prayer Art Retreats at Von Dell Gallery & Studios on Thursday, August 15th. The afternoon retreat begins at 1:00 p.m. and the evening retreat begins at 6:00 p.m. The focus scripture is Jeremiah 1:4-10 and the theme "Calling and Commission." If you can write the letters l, c, s, and o, you can tangle ... I'll show you how!  RSVP to the art gallery 618-251-8550 by noon on August 13 or to the event on the A Place of Grace Facebook Page .
Is your creativity stalled? Are you stuck? Do you need a jump start? Join Julie Gvillo for a 12-Week Creativity Challenge at Von Dell Gallery & Studios in Wood River, IL beginning Thursday, August 29th. See the attached flier for more information. We're going to have a GREAT TIME flexing our creative muscles!
Partners for Just Trade Invite you to:
The Tea - Remembering Downton Abbey 
Sat., Sept. 14   | 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.
 This fundraising event will be held at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church, located at 45 West Lockwood Avenue, Webster Groves, Missouri. For more information on how to register to attend, click here.
On the Road to Reconciliation
October 18 to 21
Applications are now closed. We are proud to be taking 48 people to Montgomery, including 4 youth, and representing 12 congregations. We are excited for the road ahead!
Congregational/Event Happenings
Family Fun Weekend
August 9th - 11th
First Presbyterian - Sullivan

Yee-Haw Family Adventure as they stampede through the wild frontier and celebrate God’s greatest gift of all—Jesus! Learn more here.
Be SMART for Kids
Webster Groves Presbyterian Church
Sun., Aug. 11 | 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Come early and enjoy brunch! 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

What is Be SMART? The Be SMART framework is designed to help parents and adults normalize conversations about gun safety and take responsible actions.
Maryland Heights Presbyterian Church
Celebration of Ministry & Final Service
Sun., Aug. 11 at 2 p.m.
The final service, in celebration of the many years of ministry and mission, for Maryland Heights Presbyterian Church will be held on Sunday, August 11 beginning at 2:00 pm. Everyone from across the Presbytery is invited to participate with the congregation as the Presbytery officially closes their ministry. Directions may be found here.
Annual Women’s Association Rummage Sale
at Southminster Presbyterian Church
August 16 & 17
The Rummage Sale begins with a Pre-Sale, Friday, August 16 from 6 pm-7:30 pm, $5 admission fee; then the open Rummage Sale will be on Saturday, August 17 from 8 am-12 noon. This is a huge sale with lots of treasures to find! The sale will be held at the church, located at 10126 East Watson Road, Crestwood, Missouri.  Directions found here.
Dardenne Presbyterian Church
Third Annual Bowling for Water
Sat., Aug. 24 | 6 p.m.– 10 p.m.
Bowlero, St. Peters
Come join us for our third annual "Bowling for Water" crazy bowl event to raise money for the purchase and installation of new water purification systems in third world countries such as Haiti. During our trips, we install new systems, provide Health & Hygiene training to local communities, follow-up on systems previously installed, and repair hand-pumps to get water out of the ground so that it can be purified. There will be bowling, 50/50 raffle, silent auction items, raffle box items, and loads of fun!
Celebrating Our Past and Future
Sonlight Parish Celebration
Sun., Aug. 25 | 3 p.m.
As we, the Presbyterian Churches of Fredericktown, Ironton, and Park Hills, rallied together to form the Sonlight Parish, we had no idea of the direction it would take us. Ten years later our relationship has strengthened into a parish
that can be celebrated. Our efforts to form the parish echoed those of previous generations that formed churches across the frontier. So what better place to celebrate our 10 years together than the oldest Presbyterian Church west of the Mississippi!
Annual Harvest Festival
Red Cross Blood Drive
Tues., Sept. 3 | 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Steelville Presbyterian Church
Directions found here
New Hope Presbyterian to be Host Site for
Journey to Baptismal Living's
National Training Event
October 18-20
Ruling Elder Terry Martinez, a member of New Hope and a member of the Board of Directors of the Journey to Baptismal Living, a national, ecumenical movement to introduce congregations to the adult catechumenate, explains the importance of baptismal living in this blog post, found here . New Hope has practiced the catechumenate for several years and will be the host site for the Journey to Baptismal Living's national training event this coming October 18-20. Learn more about the Journey to Baptismal Living and this event by clicking here.
Space For Rent in Imperial
1600 square foot space, five rooms and common room, second floor. Perfect for office, preschool, daycare, etc. Rent all or individual rooms. Located at Rock Presbyterian Church, Imperial, Missouri. Call 314-420-9471
Complete List of Educational Opportunities: Found Here
The Spiritual Leader Development Commission of the Presbytery of Baltimore is  encouraging pastors to take advantage of coaching , including offering financial support.
Black Authors Write about Whiteness
Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Lifelong Learning Grants
Deadline - August 15
Through the years, the Foundation has provided over a million dollars to support many educational events, workshops and/or seminars which cover a wide range of topics and serve anywhere from 10 to more than 200 people. Teaching Elders, Commissioned Ruling Elders (CREs) and Lay Leaders all greatly benefit from LifeLong Learning events that are located within their Presbytery or state.
Youth Ministry Foundations Retreat
August 26-27, 2019
Youth Ministry Institute Midwest  is pleased to open its annual “Youth Ministry Foundations” training to area youth workers and youth ministers on August 26-27, 2019. The two-day retreat serves as an optional gateway to the YMIM two-year course of study and certification. 
Class topics include working with volunteers, developing teaching techniques with students, identifying core competencies, budgeting trips and events, organizational strategies, and more.  YMIM faculty  will teach at the event. The full schedule can be   downloaded from our website . Contact Matt Vaughan at   t o request additional information.
"Ending Violence in America"
Beloved Community UMC.
August 9th-10th
The purpose of the conference is to bring the faith community together, cross denominational, to join hands in an effort to reduce violence, particularly domestic violence and other forms of violence as "America's Peacemakers Against Violence". There will be training and workshops on how to implement faith based models of violence prevention and intervention, as an extension from your church into communities near your church. Models of faith based domestic violence and Prison Reentry Programs, as well as other training on faith based violence prevention program models. 
Learn more about the presenter here and registration information can be found here .
Stewardship Kaleidoscope Annual Conference
September 30 to October 2
San Diego, California
Stewardship Kaleidoscope is an annual conference offering excellent plenary speakers, informative workshop leaders, provocative worship experiences, and incredible networking opportunities for all who are passionate about stewardship and generosity. Drawing leaders from across the Lutheran Church (ELCA) and the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) and beyond, Stewardship Kaleidoscope is designed to help participants explore stewardship, in its many colorful dimensions!
More information found here | Registration can be found here.
The Art of Transitional Ministry
Princeton Theological Seminary
October 7–11
Leading a congregation through transition is challenging and rewarding. Whether it is a change in leadership or a changing neighborhood, it takes knowledge, skill, and spiritual strength to navigate the waters of transition in a way that allows a congregation and its leaders to thrive. The Art of Transitional Ministry offers training in the skills and understanding necessary for leading a congregation in transition. There are two week-long courses of study. Both weeks are being offered concurrently.
Co Inspire
Liberating Imagination, Eviscerating Racism
October 7–10, 2019 | Montreat
In the beginning, God breathed on humankind to animate our existence. Our breath is our life-force, but the air we breathe can restore our life or kill us. We are living in a world where the sins of racism infect the very air we breathe. What happens when we pay attention to how much breath we give to scarcity, competition, and fear? What happens when we choose to focus our breath on giving oxygen to liberate our imaginations for a world where the air is full of abundance, hope, and equity?
Current Support Ministry Position Openings
Church Pianist - St. Charles Presbyterian Church

Christian Educator - First Presbyterian -Edwardsville

Part-Time Ministry Assistant - Westminster St. Louis

Church Choir Accompanist - St. Mark Presbyterian

Children, Youth and Family Ministry - Second Presbyterian