March / 9/ 2021
Time Well Spent
"Let’s be clear, a golden ticket to church growth and vibrancy has not and will not be found."
Our Presbytery - Our Work
Weekly Prayer Basket

  • Please pray for... in thanksgiving for Rev. Alexandra Lysdahl for sharing thoughts on evangelism.
  • Please pray for...for those receiving vaccinations for COVID19, as our nation works for herd immunity; those battling COVID19 at home and in the hospital, and science and medical personnel making treatment and vaccination possible.
  • Please pray for...our Presbytery Leader Nominating Committee (PLNC) as they work to finding new leadership for our Presbytery.
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Help Wanted
Parish Paper
The Presbytery Leader Nominating Committee: Survey
As the Presbytery Leader Nominating Committee (PLNC) starts their task of calling the next Presbytery Leader of Giddings-Lovejoy, we want to provide you with the opportunity to share your perspective of the past, present, and future of our Presbytery and your hopes for our new Presbytery Leader.
Your responses will be one of many resources the PLNC will use throughout this process. Please click on the link below:
Easter Worship & Special Events
Special Easter Services & Events?
Is your church having a virtual or in-person event this Easter? We would love to share that information with the Presbytery! Please let us know by emailing us here.
John Knox Easter Egg Hunt
Sat., Apr. 3 | 10:30am
EVERY BUNNY WELCOME! Hundreds of Eggs to Hunt. Rain or Shine – drive-thru distribution in case of rain. Facemasks and Social Distancing Required.
13200 New Halls Ferry Rd, St. Louis, MO 63033 Directions Here
Easter Sunday Worship Services
Upcoming Team Meetings
As Presbytery Ministry Committees and Commissions Organize, please check with your Moderator for meeting dates and times, or call the office at 314-772-2395, or email Office Manager, Leigh Porter at
Wed., Mar. 10
12pm-Transitional Pastors Click Here
1:30pm-COM Click Here
Thur., Mar. 11
3pm-Gather Planning Click Here

Mon., Mar. 15
11am-Dynamic Leaders - Click Here
12pm-Since 2015 Pastors Click Here
Thur., Mar. 18
9:30am-History Click Here
10am-Public Witness Click Here
4pm-Vision Team Click Here
Fri., Mar. 19
10am-PW Co-Council Click Here
News & Activities
Joining Hands Peruvian Partnership
Meeting on Zoom
Wed., Mar. 10 | 6:30pm
 There will be updates from Jed Koball and Chenoa Stock, our Mission Co-Workers in Peru. Contact Rev. Mark Strothmann if you have any questions, by clicking here.
Join the meeting, by clicking here.
Mound Ridge’s Annual Spring Dinner Auction
Sat., Apr. 10 | 1 pm to 4 pm
at The Venue At Maison Du Lac
Tickets are $65 per person

Brunch will be served along with a cash bar. You will have a chance to bid on live auction items, dessert auction, silent auctions, raffles, and door prizes. We will also have fun games like ring toss and pig races. This beautiful, spacious venue also has a deck that overlooks a lake, which you can enjoy.
Speaking of spacious.. this will be a socially distanced, safe event! The size of the facility is perfect for our event with plenty of room for guests at the tables. There would be six people to a table to ensure social distancing and sneeze guards at the buffet and drink lines. Masks are required when social distancing can’t take place. 
The Venue At Maison Du Lac is located at 2603 Wild Plum Valley Road, Catawissa, MO 63069. Find complete details and purchase tickets by clicking here.
Mr. Rogers Day
Saturday, March 20
Fred Rogers was an ordained minister of word and sacrament for the PC(USA) and is a notable public figure whose work around peace and reconciliation is worth remembering. Rogers was also a pioneer in the world of Christian education and the formation of young children. March 20th was his birthday and the day that the PC(USA) has chosen to highlight all we can learn from his work. This QuickSheet is a compilation of ideas and resources for faith communities to engage in this emphasis day. Click Here
Black History Month Event
The Great Divide: Race in Our Region
YWCA Metro St. Louis is partnering with the Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis and area Interfaith groups for four important conversations on how systemic racism permeates our city and our region.
These programs will provide background, share stories of how area residents are directly impacted, and explore what action you can take to create change. Each hour-long program will be followed by an opportunity for small group discussion and reflection.
Mark your calendars for these upcoming programs:
March 10th - Healthcare
April 14th - Environmental Justice
May 12th - Court Systems

Register Here
Equinox Chamber Players Concert
Sun., Mar. 14 | 4pm
The Couts Music Series of Second Presbyterian Church presents the Equinox Chamber Players in concert on Sunday, March 14 at 4:00 pm. The program includes works of Gwyneth Walker, Scott Joplin, and St. Louis composer Stephen Mager. The concert is free and takes place virtually at Due to union regulations, this program is only available online on March 14 at 4:00 pm. For more information, call 314-367-0367 or visit
Dreaming & Discerning Virtual Gathering
Tues., Mar. 16th at 7pm
Although many of our buildings may be closed for now, our churches are creatively open, continuing and even expanding the reach of their mission and ministry, with God’s Spirit inspiring many of us to see visions and dream dreams in ways we might not have imagined a few short months ago. Please join New Worshiping Commission Moderator, Rev. Steve Matthews for a time of Dreaming and Discerning.
Please join us virtually, through Zoom,
If calling in, please dial 312.626.6799, and enter meeting ID 896 8804 2422
Education & Training Opportunities
Mental Health First Aid Training
What is Mental Health First Aid?
Mental Health First Aid is an early intervention public education program. It teaches adults how to recognize signs and symptoms that suggest a potential mental health challenge, how to listen nonjudgmentally and give reassurance to a person who may be experiencing a mental health challenge. Also, it includes how to refer a person to appropriate professional support and services.
The instructor will be our newest advisory board member, Lawson (Cal) Calhoun, M.A, MHFA, also the clerk of session at Westminster Presbyterian Church St. Louis.
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (30 spaces available): April 17th, 9-4pm; (deadline to register is 4/3) (this class is to help adults identify signs in youth, not a class for youth)
The course cost per person is normally $170, but we are receiving the reduced rate of $24 per person, per course. If you need assistance with this cost, please note this in your registration and your fee will be covered.
To register please complete this link, then mail your check to the presbytery with MHFA in the memo, for $24.
Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy, memo: MHFA, 1001 Craig Rd Ste 170, St. Louis, MO 63146.
Clergy Confab Groups
Starting in March, LeaderWise will offer small groups for lay pastors and ordained clergy called “Clergy Confabs.” What’s a “confab?” It’s a conversation – a conversation that is held in a relaxed, personal way and that will be kept confidential. Each Clergy Confab group will be composed of 5 or 6 clergy and lay pastors and will be facilitated by a skilled LeaderWise staff member. The facilitator will have materials prepared for each group session, and group members will covenant to explore with each other the ministry issues that come before them. These groups are a unique experience and opportunity – they are not spiritual direction, therapy, or coaching groups. Rather, they are groups to connect you with others serving in ministry in a safe, trusting setting where you can learn from each other and bring your challenges and successes.
For pastors or CPs in the Omaha Presbytery Seminary Foundation 13-state region, a limited number of $200 scholarships are available for the 8 session participation. Please complete this form to apply for a scholarship. 
Coming Alive in Christ: Training for PC(USA) Ruling Elders and Deacons Based on the Constitutional Questions
The constitutional questions asked of leaders within the PC(USA) when they are ordained, installed, and commissioned is the focus of a new resource created to assist teaching elders as they serve in ministry with ruling elders and deacons. Coming Alive in Christ: Training for PC(USA) Ruling Elders and Deacons based on the Constitutional Questions provides a study of these beliefs that are central to our lives of faith and in our community with each other and is available through Equip, the church’s online training platform. Beginning with an introduction on baptism, call, and membership, the study for each question has been written by a leader from across the diversity of the church with questions for reflection or discussion included in each section. Leader guides and a visual supplement are also included and available for download.
The resource is a focus of the Year of Leader Formation, which provides an emphasis on the ecclesial development of Presbyterian leaders for those currently serving and those preparing to serve PC(USA) congregations as ruling elders and deacons. Events, announcements, and links are available and updated on the Year of Leader Formation webpage. To receive periodic email updates, subscribe here.
Synod Youth Workshop
July 12-17
The 2021 SYW Planning Team of youth and adults is once again energetically preparing for an in-person gathering at the University of Tulsa, July 12-17, 2021. It is through the Planning Team’s prayerful discernment that they invited Martin Osae to keynote the Theme: WhataGreatGod based on Romans 8:38-39 (‘…nothing will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”) In this passage, they find assurance and hope that God is ALWAYS with us, and takes us far beyond fear to faith, hope and love. In fact, there is nothing which can interrupt God’s love for us…ALL of us. Learn more here
Becoming Matthew 25
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How Do We Engage Socially Distancing and still participate in Mission & Ministry?
Send us your stories of how your congregation is maintaining congregational vitality during this pandemic. Send stories to Office Manager, Leigh Porter at
Current Support Ministry Position Openings
Several Positions - PCUSA National Office

Part-Time Pastor - First Presbyterian, Perryville

Part-Time Organist - First Presbyterian of Alton, IL

Associate Pastor - Dardenne Presbyterian, Dardenne Prarie

Organist/Pianist - First Presbyterian, Jackson, MO

Interim Pastor - John Calvin Presbyterian