February / 4 / 2020
Presbyterians Care
"Simply wearing a shirt that identifies us as Presbyterian may generate conversation. It may become an entrée to sharing our faith, witnessing for Christ, and inviting someone to church."
Our Presbytery - Our Work
Weekly Prayer Basket Update

  • Please pray...Rev. Bill Perman who had surgery to repair his Achilles Tendon on January 28.
  • Please pray ...the Gaines Family, Park Hills Presbyterian, with four family members in critical/hospice care at this time..
  • Please pray... for the those who are battling winter weather, while also doing mission for food pantries in their community.
  • Please pray...for winter weather to be light, so our Presbytery Gathering can take place
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Parish Paper

Presbytery Gathering - Thursday, February 6th
ALL Have Vision and Voice - So ALL are welcome! Please Share!
10:30 a.m. - Dismantling Racism & Privilege Pre-Session "An Apology to our African American Sisters and Brothers for the Sin of Slavery and its Legacy"
12 p.m. - Registration/Fellowship
 1 p.m. - Worship, Plenary, and Business Meeting. Featuring Rev. Dr. Jennifer Harvey, Author of Dear White Christian, the book study for the Presbytery
If you can't make it to the gathering we still want you to join us for worship! Simply sign into Facebook just before 1 p.m. and find us at:
Upcoming Team Meetings
NOTE: Meeting locations are as follows: Oaks - is the meeting room next door to the presbytery office; St.Andrew - refers to the Board Room of St. Andrews on the second floor, directly above the presbytery office; Pres - refers to the Presbytery Office Resource Center; Ladue - refers to Ladue Chapel; WG - refers to Webster Groves Presbyterian, Kirkwood - refers to First Presbyterian of Kirkwood. Contact the office at 314-772-2395 if you are unsure where you will be meeting.
Week of: Feb 5 to Feb 11

Thurs., Feb. 6
Presbytery Gathering - St. Mark Presbyterian (CSee Post Below)
Mon., Feb. 10
5 p.m. - DRAP (Third Presbyterian)
Tues., Feb. 11
10 a.m. - Finance (Oaks)
11 a.m. - NWCC (St. Andrews)
1 p.m. - Mission/Outreach (Oaks)
3:30 - Church Liaisons (Resource)
4 p.m. - Admin/Support (Oaks)
Week of: Feb 12 to Feb 18

Thurs., Feb. 13
10 a.m. - Stewardship (Oaks)
3 p.m. - Gathering Planning (Oaks)
Mon., Feb. 17
5 p.m. - CVT (Oaks)

Becoming Matthew 25
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2020 Presbytery Wide Goal
New Social Justice Resource Inspires Children and Adults to Live Out Matthew 25
Ideal for Lent, ‘Seeing Jesus’ includes many practical activities backed by Scripture
 “Seeing Jesus: Social Justice Activities for Today Based on Matthew 25” includes 60 social justice activities for children, teens and adults to live out the Matthew 25 vision. Could an elderly neighbor who can no longer drive to the grocery store be hungry? Could the family who lost everything in a fire be poor? Could the adolescent yearning to make sense of his life be thirsty for God?
Our Current Matthew 25 Congregations
  • Cote Brilliante Presbyterian
  • First Presbyterian - Cape Girardeau
  • First Presbyterian - St. Charles

  • First United Presbyterian - Belleville
  • Ladue Chapel Presbyterian
  • Second Presbyterian - St. Louis
  • Webster Groves Presbyterian
Ministry Teams News & Activities
Uni Pres Kindercottage Receives Excelerate Illinois Silver Circle of Quality Designation

Uni Pres Kinder Cottage a joint mission of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) and the United Church of Christ (UCC) has received the Silver Circle of Quality designation from ExceleRate Illinois, the state's new quality recognition and improvement system for early learning and development providers. (PCUSA Board Members, Roger Watson, Donna Crider, Rev. Joy Myers, along with UCC Board Members and staff worked hard toward achieving this goal. Read the complete document here. 
For more information about the mission of Uni Pres Kindercottage, click here.
Communion Training
Saturday, February 15 | 9 a.m.
First Presbyterian - Hillsboro, located at 10790 Business 21, Hillsboro, MO 63050

The River And The Wall
Thur., Feb. 13 | 7 p.m.
The Eco Video, "The River and The Wall" will be shown in Ferguson Feb.13 at 7 p.m. at the St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 33 N. Clay Avenue exploring the environmental impacts ecological disaster of the border wall being built along the Rio Grande River. These monthly Video Nites are sponsored by the Ferguson Eco Team, composed of church (including Presbyterians) and community residents of the Ferguson area. All are welcome. No cost. Popcorn. Brief discussion afterward. A shareable flyer can be found here . More info: .
Bread for the World Advocacy Training:
Better Nutrition, Better Tomorrow
Sat., Feb. 22 | 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
The Advocacy Training will take place at Parkway United Church of Christ 2841 N Ballas Road, St. Louis, Missouri. Directions can be found here.
For more information, click here.
Presbyterians Care Movement 
March 20 to March 22
The Presbyterians Care Movement is a planned quarterly event in which your congregation communally engages in a community based activity. Learn how your church can participate in this weekend of compassion and care.
Pilgrimage:   A long journey to a sacred place
as an act of devotion.
YOUR ARE INVITED to be part of the 2020 Joining Hands Partnership 20th Anniversary Peru Pilgrimage. This pilgrimage includes journeying to the coastal, mountain and rainforest regions of Peru, to meet with our Joining Hand's Partners, to hear updates about the socio/economic context of Peru, to experience historical and cultural events and places, and to join with Red Uniendo Manos Peru (Peru Joining Hands Network) and others in a 20th Anniversary Celebration.
Congregational/Event Happenings
Unmasking the Powers - Gun Violence
Washington University - Graham Chapel
Fri., Feb. 7 | 7 p.m.
UKirk St. Louis ask that you join them in welcoming the Rev. Deanna Hollas, PCUSA's first minister of gun violence prevention, who will present a lecture on “unmasking the powers” behind the gun violence issue for students and members of the public in Graham Chapel at Washington University at 7 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 7, followed by a question and answer session. 
Directions can be found here.
Courageous Conversations about Gun Violence  
Webster Groves Presbyterian Church
Sat., Feb 8 | 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Talking about gun violence can be challenging but you don’t need a trained facilitator or mediator to do it. With the right tools anyone can have courageous conversations. Rev. Deanna Hollas, the Gun Violence Prevention Ministry Coordinator with the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, will lead a workshop on Feb. 8, from 3 until 5 p.m. at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church, 45 W. Lockwood Ave., St. Louis, 63119, where you will get resources and learn how to host courageous conversations in your church or home. “No matter where you fall on this issue,” Hollas says, “the important thing is we remain in conversation with each other.” 
Directions can be found here - More Information Found Here
Join members of Webster Groves Presbyterian Church on the bus Tuesday, February 18th as we lobby for gun violence prevention with MOMS Demand Action in Jefferson City. (All are welcome, not just MOMs!)
The bus leaves WGPC’s parking lot, at 45 W. Lockwood Ave. Webster Groves, 63119, at 7:00 a.m. and returns at about 5:00 p.m. Save your seat on the bus by registering now by clicking here. Before February 1st the cost is $10. After February 1st, cost is $15 and remaining seats will be opened to the community.
NOTE: On the sign up page choose “Pay online now” and select “Registration Fee” in the drop down, then type “Jeff City bus trip” in the memo.
Midwest Winds in Concert at
First Presbyterian - Alton, Illinois
Sun., Feb. 9 | 3 p.m.
The Midwest Winds woodwind quintet is an ambassador of the Air Force Band of Mid-America, providing a highly professional product to communicate esprit de corps and render honor to our Airmen and country. Located at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, this ensemble is committed to honoring veterans and active duty military members across a 10 state region in the Midwestern United States. The Midwest Winds present public concerts and educational outreach events, inspiring and connecting with its audiences. The group offers a wide range of musical literature from classical and contemporary music to marches and patriotic crowd pleasers to light popular music.
Directions can be found here.
In Their Own Words Concert at Ladue Chapel
Sun., Feb. 16 | 3:00 p.m.  
“The Power of Spirituals” is an interactive event based on Eileen Guenther’s recently-published book In Their Own Words: Slave Life and the Power of Spirituals.  In this program Guenther, a graduate of Kirkwood High School, combines first-person narratives from books written by those formerly enslaved, interviews conducted with them in the 1930s and her own commentary. These narratives are interwoven with the singing of spirituals by guest soprano and St. Louis native Marlissa Hudson, our Ladue Chapel Choir, and the audience. Many Americans have gaps in their historic and cultural education; this powerful music and the texts of this presentation not only shine a light on the events of the past, but also offer hope and reconciliation to present-day circumstances.
Directions can be found here.
Kid Brother with Organ Accompanist Andrew Peters
Second Presbyterian Church
Sun., Mar. 1 | 4 p.m.
Harold Lloyd shows his talents in this 1927 American classic comedy silent film. Still considered by critics and fans as one of Lloyd’s best films, The Kid Brother blends comedy, romance, and drama in one action-packed film. Lloyd stars as the town sheriff’s bashful son who has the chance to prove himself when a medicine show comes into town. Andrew Peters provides live organ accompaniment to this 84 minute film. Directions found here.
Complete List of Educational Opportunities: Found Here
FEMA Security Grant Programs Available
The main purpose of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant program is to support “target hardening” and other physical security enhancements. For example, surveillance systems, physical access control equipment, impact resistant doors and gates, education and training of church volunteers and staff.
If you are unsure whether this would be a good fit for your congregation, please see the archived version of a prior (January 22, 2020) webinar that can be found at: archived January 22 webinar. FEMA Grants page may be found here.
Continuing Education Classes Announced
Union Presbyterian Seminary Theological Institute Upcoming Continuing Education Events offered January through March 2020, can be found by Visiting their Events page
Current Support Ministry Position Openings

Full Time Interim Pastor - Grace Presbyterian

Called Pastor - Faith DesPeres Presbyterian

Versatile Soprano Choral Section Leader - Westminster St. Louis
Youth Ministry Coordinator - Cote Brilliante Presbyterian

Christian Educator - First Presbyterian -Edwardsville

Children, Youth and Family Ministry - Second Presbyterian