November 2024 Newsletter

News and Updates from the Multnomah County Preschool & Early Learning Division

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A Note From Our Director

Dear Preschool for All Community,

I’ve been reflecting on the scale of this program we’re creating, and the incredible progress we’ve seen so far. I’m proud to share that Preschool for All continues to be on track – we’re meeting our goals and successfully building toward universal preschool in 2030!

This fall, as we settle into the third year of implementation, there are more than 2,000 Preschool for All seats thanks to our community’s investment, and those seats are 99% filled! I'm so grateful for our current 80 providers who are early adopters and partners in this work with us. That group of partners will continue to grow – more than 80 additional preschool providers have expressed interest in joining PFA for the 2025-26 year. 

In this newsletter, you'll read about the impact PFA is having on families and providers in our community and learn about the steps we're taking to strengthen the early childhood education workforce, which is so critical to our mission. You’ll also hear about the additional seats we’ll be adding this January!

As always, we welcome your feedback as we work together to build a strong foundation for our children's future. Thank you for your ongoing support of Preschool for All.


Leslee Barnes

Preschool & Early Learning Division Director

Implementation News

Mid-Year Seats Coming in January!

Last month, the Board of County Commissioners approved a budget modification that will allow us to tap into our contingency fund to add over 150 additional preschool seats at 11 locations this January.

These new seats and locations will be added to the online Preschool for All family application in November.

If a family is interested in one of these new sites, but has already submitted an application for the 2024-25 school year and is currently waitlisted, they can email to update their program choices.

PFA Tax Increase on Hold for One Year

The Multnomah County Board of County Commissioners recently voted to delay a scheduled 0.8% increase in the Preschool for All tax on high-income earners. Instead of starting in 2026, the increase will take effect in 2027.

The Multnomah County Chair’s office will be convening a committee of financial and subject-matter experts over the next year to examine the program’s financial needs and issue recommendations on how to ensure the program has the resources to meet our commitments to voters.

The Preschool & Early Learning Division worked closely with the County Economist on financial modeling ahead of the Board's vote, and we can assure PFA supporters that this tax delay will not impact our ability to fully implement the community's vision for this program!

Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici Visits Preschool!

Oregon Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici joined Multnomah County Chair Jessica Vega Pederson on a visit to St. James Child Development Center in SW Portland earlier this month.

St. James is one of the new PFA providers coming into the program with mid-year seats.

Enormous appreciation to St. James' staff, including director Patrick Earnest, for the warm welcome!

"In my 14 years of ECE, the biggest complaints I've seen are related to staff pay, turnover, and access to technical support. PFA has provided all of those things for me."

- Troy Tate, Sunshine Center

Updates from the Field

Education is for Everybody: Q&A with a PFA Family

This program has been a game-changer for families like the Landons, whose daughter Cati attended Richmond Learning Academy through Preschool for All.

We sat down with Alma and Jonathan Landon to hear about their experience with the program and why they believe universal preschool is so important for our community.

Read the interview!

PFA’s Facilities Fund Supports Expansion of IRCO’s Multicultural Preschool Programming

We're proud to partner with and support preschool providers to grow their capacity and serve more families!

In our latest blog post, you'll read about an exciting new project: IRCO, a Preschool for All provider and local nonprofit, will use PFA Facilities Fund dollars to build a dedicated preschool space at their first co-developed affordable housing site in NE Portland!

This new space will allow IRCO to provide 40 new free, culturally inclusive preschool seats, addressing the unique needs of immigrant and refugee families in our community.

Read the full story!

"I have been in business for 18 years. Sometimes it has been a challenge, especially because before, we didn't have the support and resources we have now. PFA helps me offer better benefits to my staff and a good salary, and families are blessed to have free preschool for their child."

- Karen Messner, Pequeñitos Child Care

Important Dates & Upcoming Events

November 12, 2024: Advisory Committee Meeting, 6:30pm. Learn more.

Thanks to everyone who applied or spread the word about the openings on the Preschool for All Advisory Committee! We received almost 50 applications this round and hope to have new members on board in early 2025.

PFA in the News

PFA Growth Outpaces Projections: The Skanner News

"The program has outpaced the number of planned preschool openings since it launched in the 2022-2023 school year." Read more.

PFA Facilities Fund Benefits CAIRO: SVP Portland

"The PFA Facilities Fund not only enables providers to overcome financial barriers but also assists them through the technical complexities of property development, construction, and real estate. CAIRO's Early Learning Center is a testament to the transformative effect of PFA’s investments." Read more.

Business Success of PFA Providers: Aspen Institute

"[Preschool owners] didn’t describe their improved business performance in financial terms... Instead, they described how job quality improvements resulted in less stressful working conditions and happier employees... Many noted that having happier staff leads to better care for the kids, which leads to happier families and a more stable business." Read more.

“We're never going to charge for our services, and it's going to cost a lot more to run a preschool classroom than it does some other programs. The expenses and the overhead are high. But there’s also a lot of need there, and the return is enormous. This is a really wise investment.”

- Jenny Bremner, IRCO

Get Involved!

Are you a PFA family who would like to share your story?

We know that Preschool for All is making a difference in the lives of so many families across the county, and we'd love to lift up your stories!

If you're a PFA family who would be interested in sharing about your experience for future newsletters, social media, or other publications, please email

A Resource to Help You Speak Confidently about PFA

We've developed a short Fast Facts resource that addresses common questions about Preschool for All. Share this info with your friends and neighbors!

Tag us in your social media posts!

Are you active on social media? If you're posting about preschool or early childhood in Multnomah County, or if you see one of our PFA supporter signs around the community, please tag us on Instagram or Facebook so we can share!

PFA Basics - Growing the ECE Workforce

The early childhood education workforce has historically been undervalued, and is still recovering from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. But we know we can’t meet our goals and expand access to preschool without enough skilled and fairly compensated teachers

Paying teachers a living wage is one key to ensuring that ECE is a viable field, and we’re making sure to do that. Assistants in PFA programs make at least $4.46 more per hour than the median wage for a child care worker in Oregon, and the goal salary for a teacher with a BA is equivalent to a kindergarten teacher. 

PFA’s other workforce development strategies aim to address staffing shortages in early learning by focusing on both recruitment of new educators and retention of teachers once they enter the field.

To bring in new educators, we’re focused on culturally relevant outreach strategies to engage diverse communities, and are partnering with high schools and community colleges to strengthen career pathways into early childhood education. We’re also providing financial support, such as scholarships, cohort training, and paid internships, to reduce the cost of education and training for those who are interested in pursuing this career path.

To retain current educators, we offer coaching, training, and business support to preschool providers, and PFA pilot sites have access to a substitute pool to provide additional support to classrooms. These efforts are aimed at improving working conditions and increasing staff retention in PFA programs.

By investing in the early childhood education workforce, PFA is helping to build a strong foundation for our children's future. We believe that all children deserve access to high-quality preschool, and we are committed to making that a reality!

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