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Hello May
And Jesus increased in wisdom, and in stature,
and in favor with God and man.  
- Luke 2:52

You have shared your children with us for eight months and in that short time we have seen them become a little wiser, grow a little stronger, learn to open their little hearts to Jesus, and then learn how to forge lots of little friendships! We truly couldn’t be more proud of the growth they have made. 

With just a few short weeks of school left this year, we’re going to enjoy the 109 spunky, curious, shy, creative, funny, adventurous, brave, considerate, faithful, loving personalities. They all have unique gifts and talents and we will strive to help them see just how amazing they are! Again, thank you so much for sharing your children with us this year.  

With thanksgiving for each of you,
Miss Patty
Important May dates:

  • Monday, May 9:
  • Closing Program (4-5's GOLD, GREEN, RED, and TEAL PM classes), 6:30pm. Enter through Door #1.
  • Wednesday, May 11:
  • Closing Program (Young 3's PURPLE, 3-4's ORANGE, PINK, and YELLOW classes), 6:30pm. Enter through Door #1.
  • Scholastic Book Orders due ... order online (when ordering online, please enter child's first AND last name)
  • Gift Card Orders due ... download order form
  • Thursday, May 26:
  • Last Day of Extended Day Programming
  • Fun Fair: Young 3's PURPLE, 3-4's PINK, and 4-5's RED classes
  • Young 3's PURPLE and 3-4's PINK classes
  • Last Day of School
  • Spirit Wear Day
  • Friday, May 27:
  • Fun Fair: 3-4's ORANGE and YELLOW, 4-5's GOLD, GREEN, and TEAL classes
  • Spirit Wear Day
  • Last Day of School
  • NO Extended Day Programming
Our May Bible verse is:
Pray at all time.
- Romans 12:12, Good News Bible
Thank YOU!
THANK YOU! We were able to raise over $210 for World Central Kitchen! World Central Kitchen,, is first to the frontlines, providing meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises. They have served over one million meals to families across Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Moldova and Hungary.

Thank you, everyone, for your generous donations to
World Central Kitchen!
Staff Update
Endings are never easy. We celebrate the 12 years Miss Rhonda, Lead Teacher of the RED class, has shared with the children of Good Shepherd. Rhonda is looking forward to spending more time with her parents, being able to travel at the drop of a hat, and perhaps make it out to a few more Hawkeye games next year! It is Rhonda’s wish to not have any celebration but I’m sure she would love a note or card from any current or former students or parents.

Our two newest staff members will be experiencing both an ending and a new beginning. Bonnie Rogers and Diane Snyder will be saying goodbye to Wheatland Academy as they close their doors at the end of this school year. While we are sad that they are losing the place they have called ‘home’ for many years, we know they will be warmly welcomed into the Good Shepherd family. Bonnie will be teaching Young 3’s and Diane will be teaching in our 3-4's program.

We also have a few changes in our current staff as Miss Leigh and Miss Courtney will be moving to 4-5's next year. Their experience as former kindergarten teachers will suit them well and they are looking forward to the new challenge!
Fun Fair: Parent Help NEEDED!
End-of-Year Fun Fair
Fun Fair 2021
The Fun Fair is our last day of school celebration filled with game stations in the big gym. We are looking for a TEAM of parent helpers to help set-up, oversee game activities and/or take down.

  • Thursday, May 27 (Young 3's PURPLE, 3-4's PINK, and 4-5's RED classes)
  • Friday, May 28 (3-4's ORANGE and YELLOW classes, 4-5's GOLD, GREEN, and TEAL PM classes)

Check Bloomz for "Fun Fair" sign-up
the week of May 16.
Good Shepherd Church Happenings
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School 2022 is
Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22,
9:00am - 12:00pm.
VBS is for kids ages 4-years-old through 5th grade
(by 09/01/2022 or entering the 2022-2023 school year).

Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool: Parents Group
Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool: Facebook Page
1310 Shepherd Drive, Naperville, IL 60565