Dear Parents & Guardians-

It's almost time to kick-off our Summer Program for Nursery & KG students! This programs runs June 6 through July 29, with core hours 8:30 am - 12:30 pm, and Extended Care offered as early as 7:30 am and as late as 5:30 pm. More info on our website.
What should my child bring to school with them?
  • Water bottle labeled with your child’s name
  • Lunch (please label all containers with your child's name). Remember that we are a peanut-free campus, and encourage a balanced lunch with limited packaged foods and limited added sugar (no desserts or juice boxes). There is no refrigerator for student lunches, so pack lunch in an insulated bag with a cold pack if necessary.
  • Full set of extra clothes (labeled)
  • Small towel (labeled)
  • Lightweight “inside” shoes or slippers (labeled), with backs so they stay on little feet.
  • Hat (if your child will wear one)
  • Rain boots (if your child can walk in them)
  • Water shoes or back-up outdoor shoes
  • Light rain jacket (labeled)
  • Diapers (no pull-ups unless they have removable tabs on sides)
  • Wipes

If staying until 3:00 pm:
  • Crib sheet*
  • Blanket
  • Small pillow (if needed)
  • Small stuffed animal (if needed)
  • Pacifier (if needed)
*Teachers prefer crib sheets and blankets to “nap mats”

If staying till 5:30 pm:
  • Snack labeled "PM"

Each day as part of the meaningful work, teachers will prepare the morning snack, while children observe and occasionally help. Each family is assigned a week to provide 5 days worth of fresh fruits, vegetables, and/or cheese for the class. The school provides a grain for our snack, and snacks will always be vegetarian. We are happy to answer any questions in advance of your week, and discuss accommodations for allergies, etc. Sample shopping lists and a snack calendar rotation will be distributed soon.

Each child has a shelf for their inside shoes and rain boots, a hook for their rain jacket, and a cubbie to store their extra clothes and towel inside the classroom. 


  • Tennis shoes are best for the playground, and closed-toed shoes are required. Please do not send your child to school without socks! Also, no cowboy-type boots allowed. Shoes must be comfortable and easy to run in.

  • Please remember to spray your child with bug spray and put sunscreen on BEFORE they come to school. If they stay until 5:30 pm, please provide extra for teachers to reapply.

  • If necessary, please send your child with extra hair bands or clips to help us keep their hair secure and out of their eyes throughout the day.
How do I change the days my child is registered?
Please email Enrollment or Finance to make changes to your registration before the Thursday preceding the week of the scheduling change. Please note that any changes to your summer contract may incur a $25 contract change fee. Registrations are due by Thursday 12:30 pm the week prior to the week enrolled.

Is Extended Care offered?
Yes! This is included as part of the summer registration form, which can be found here.

Why am I getting billed twice during the summer?
Summer program is billed separately in TADS from regular school-year tuition. If you have signed up for the 12-month tuition billing schedule, you will receive one bill for summer program, and another for regular school-year tuition. Questions about this may be addressed to Finance, or call 205-592-0541.

What types of activities will the children be doing?
Nursery follows the Waldorf Early Childhood Curriculum throughout the year. Kindergarten summer program includes teacher-guided activities such as painting, coloring, sewing, water play, gardening, puppet plays, storytelling, and lots of free play.

What are summer office hours? What if I need to reach someone in office?
Summer administrative office hours are 8:30 am - 12:30 pm. The office phone number is 205-592-0541. If you need to reach someone immediately after those hours, especially regarding pick-up, please refer to staffing list below for teachers' contact info. Please report all absences to [email protected]

Are there any summer holidays when school is closed?
Yes, AWS will be closed on Monday, June 20 in honor of Juneteenth, and Monday, July 4 in honor of American Independence Day.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be no childcare available August 1 – 16. The 2022-23 school session begins on Wednesday, August 17. Preschool meet-the-teacher orientation will be on Tuesday, August 16.

Early care: Ms. Erin

Core day: Ms. Erin & Ms. Suze

Extended care:
Ms. Suze ( until 3:15 pm)
Mr. Brad (3:00 - 5:30 pm)

Please contact after-care teachers directly if you have immediate needs regarding pick-up:

Ms. Suze (205) 218-7482
Mr. Brad (205) 540-3373


Early care: Ms. Andrea

Core day: Ms. Andrea & Ms. Sadhna

Extended care:
Ms. Sadhna ( until 3:15 pm)
Mr. Elliot (1 - 5:30 pm)

July will vary slightly by week. Early care drop-off will be in Nursery with Ms. Erin.

Core day:
Ms. Carole
Ms. Kristin N.
Ms. Olivia
Ms. Lisa

Extended care:
Mr. Elliot

Please contact after-care teachers directly if you have immediate needs regarding pick-up:

Ms. Sadhna: (205) 821-4878
Mr. Elliot: (205) 837-0017

Summer tours will begin on June 14, on campus!
Please email Admissions or call 205-592-0541 to schedule a tour.

Telephone is answered after morning drop-off.

Luke Lucas, Administrative Director: [email protected]
Kristin Nunnelley, Enrollment: [email protected]
Cassia Kesler, Marketing: [email protected]
Annie Damsky, Advancement: [email protected]
Terri Reece, Finance: [email protected]
Attendance: [email protected]