June 22, 2020
Prescott Chamber of Commerce Weekly News & Updates
Whiskey Row Alley, between Goodwin and Gurley, will have limited access on Tuesday, June 23 from approximately 6 a.m. until approximately 12 noon. A city contractor will be installing the Whiskey Row Alley archway improvements, located near the Goodwin Street and the Gurley Street alley entrances.
The alley will be closed to vehicular traffic from Goodwin to Gurley Street during this time period.
Please advise your customers, employees, vendors and delivery operators if this will impact your business operations. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, contact the Communications Office at 928-777-1220.
Sparklight Advertising
Sparklight Advertising believes that small businesses are the lifeblood of the American economy and way of life. The impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on those businesses has been significant.
To help our communities rebuild, Sparklight Advertising is offering up to $7,000,000 in matching advertising credit to help our businesses recover. As a unified team, we can overcome this setback.
In order to qualify for matching cable airtime*, new and existing clients must meet the following criteria:
• Advertisers must be direct (no agency representation)
• Minimum of $500 cash investment
• Matching airtime must run prior to August 30, 2020
• Production services will be offered at 50% off
• Must agree to credit terms, or pay cash in advance
Moonlight Movie Nights
Grab your blankets, your lawn chairs, your kids and your best friends and head over to Ken Lindley Field at 702 E Gurley St every FRIDAY NIGHT in June and July!
Starting at 7:30pm, don't miss out!
Yavapai Safe Program for Businesses
Businesses may self-certify by viewing the guidelines on the YCHS webpage (
) , then by requesting a decal through either the Prescott Valley, Prescott or Cottonwood Chambers of Commerce. Businesses who elect to participate in the #YavapaiSafe program should post the sticker/decal in a prominent, visible location.
Shop Prescott. Start Here. "Open for Business" Campaign
We've been visiting businesses in our community with intention to check in and update their business hours to our community.
If you are interested in us visiting you, please reach out by emailing below!
Prescott Chamber & Visitor Information Center
117 W. Goodwin St. Prescott, AZ 86303
Monday - Friday 10am-2pm
Horse Boarding Stable
Granite Mountain Stables
Just 15 minutes from Downtown Prescott. Granite Mountain Stables is located in Williamson Valley Prescott, AZ, in the shadow of Granite Mountain. Our stables are located on ten acres of land which include four turnout areas, a 120 x 126 arena and round pen. No need to worry about trailering! There is direct riding access to 10,000 acres of national forest and 20,000 acres of ranch land. All breeds and riding disciplines are welcome. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced rider, our objective is to provide our clients with a friendly and relaxed boarding experience, We look forward to meeting you!
Don't Miss Out
The Prescott Bluegrass Festival is Coming!
The Bluegrass Festival will be June 27th & 28th.
We are so thrilled to be putting the Bluegrass Festival on this year. With the many guidelines and mandates that are being passed, we want our members to know what to expect for the festival.
- We ask people to stay home if you or someone in your household is sick.
- Don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a face covering.
- If possible, use touch-less payment.
- Stay at least 6 feet away from others in lines (unless a part of your party).
- Wash your hands regularly and hand sanitize often.
Asking Businesses For Additional Facemasks
If you are interested in handing out face masks for the Bluegrass Festival, we will be providing 15 second recognition time for your business during opening ceremonies, as well as a banner ad on the chamber website.
Any and all help is welcomed! We thank you for your overwhelming support! Email Shannon Keefer if interested!
The 39th Annual Bluegrass Festival will be live-streamed on Channel 64 and on the Prescott Chamber of Commerce's FB page, as well as Prescott Media Center's FB page. Listen LIVE at
or 103.1FM Prescott from 10 am - 1 pm with Gregory Scott, as KDDL 94.3 FM is one of our Proud Chamber Sponsors! We encourage our vulnerable population and anyone at high risk to view or listen to the Festival from home. Please visit
for further details.
Here For The Summer
Meet the Prescott Chamber's New Interns
We are so happy to have Lucas Forray and Robin Hood working with us. Thank you for all the hard work that you two do!
Workshop For You
Maximize Your Membership
Monday, June 29, 2020
| 10:30AM
Join us for key takeaways to update your Businesses Profile in our Online Directory and how to effectively navigate the Chamber Website.
Most Recent Information
What you Need to Know about the Coronavirus
Get the most recent information about the Coronavirus.
Watters Garden Center
Giving Back
The Prescott Chamber has been visiting businesses weekly to promote and update our community. Want us to visit you? Follow up with the email below!
Prescott Area Young Professionals
Our next After 5 event will be at Lazy G Brewhouse. If you are interested in our organization please join us! Only 20 spots available, register today!
When: Thursday, July 9th, 7:30PM
Where: 220 W. Leroux St. Prescott
Yavapai Regional Medical Center (YRMC) and Dignity Health are currently involved in discussions to evaluate a potential collaboration between the two organizations. YRMC, with acute care hospitals in Prescott and Prescott Valley, primary and specialty care clinics, and extensive outpatient services, has been serving western Yavapai County since 1943.
“This opportunity has tremendous potential to help YRMC advance healthcare in our region,” adds Amos. “Being part of a system that includes a Level-One Trauma Center, Barrow Neurological Institute, Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center, and the Cancer Center at St. Joseph’s would add great value to the high-quality healthcare we already provide to those in our region.”
Discussions are ongoing between both organizations and a decision regarding collaboration is expected this summer.
The Early Summer edition of
Prescott LIVING Magazine
is here!
This is our annual photography and tourism edition, showcasing the winners of our annual photo contest!
For more information or to find out about advertising opportunities, please email us at
Happy Reading!
Prescott LIVING Magazine
Listen to Talk of the Town with the Prescott Chamber of Commerce on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. Chamber updates and interviews with members.
Want to be a Radio Show guest? Please send a
APS Energy Saving Tips by Industry
When it comes to managing how your business uses energy, one of the best things you can do is to discover what others are doing in your business secotr to save on their energy bills. Develop your energy-savings plan using advice that's specific to your industry and equipment.
Free Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Now Available
The Residence Inn by Marriott, located at 3599 Lee Circle, just off Highway 69 has just opened three new electric vehicle charging stations with a total of five ports. The
stations offer free charging for anyone to use, not just hotel guests but local residents, non-guests and day visitors.
Learn to grow your own food during a 6-session Seed-to-Supper course offered by SNAP-ED. The program highlights practical, low-cost gardening techniques for building, planning, planting, maintaining, and harvesting a successful vegetable garden. It doesn't matter if you live in an apartment or on acreage, everyone can learn something from this course. Please plan to attend all 6 classes. Participants get a free gardening book.
For more information on these FREE classes, click learn more!