May 11, 2020
Prescott Chamber of Commerce Weekly News & Updates
Chamber Connect
U.S. Small Business Financial Relief
We at the Chamber are working to provide our local businesses with the up to date grants, loans and acts created to help during this time.
Explore the many different loans, tax credits, lenders and programs to help your business. 
Access small business grants and resources to help keep your workers employed.
Find grant opportunities for Non-Profits from Arizona Foundation & United Way of Yavapai County
Discover a grant for Arizona Artists & Professionals from the Arizona Commission on the Arts.
Identify loans for Rural Families & Businesses provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Rural Development.
Examine Employment and Labor Acts, including Unemployment Laws from the U.S. Department of Labor.
Stay connected with fellow Community Business Leaders by attending our Weekly Virtual Connections Networking Event. Everyone is welcome! Click below and register this Thursday.
Click the above picture or button below to find useful webinars that are free and available to you!
Member Spotlight
Health Care
NewLife CPR
CPR sounds boring! We promise you will have FUN in our classes! We feel if you enjoy your class, you will retain the information easier. We offer a LIFE SKILL that applies to EVERYONE.  In Yavapai County, we had over 100 cardiac arrests last year. Over 90 were IN THE HOME. We need to realize WHO you can provide CPR to. It is normally, NOT A STRANGER.... it is a LOVED ONE. Learn how to perform CPR --  YOU  can make a difference!

We offer Basic CPR and First Aid training to all individuals/or businesses with licensures in the State of Arizona. We offer the American Heart Association BLS class for the Medical Level and we have the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Pediatric Life Support (PALS) for the Medical Teams.

We also support our community in assistance with AEDs (Defibrillators) by purchasing the equipment or supporting by purchasing expired Pads or Batteries. WE are a full service Business.
AEDs save lives! CPR keeps the Brain alive!
Customized Greeting Cards
SendOutCards is an innovative marketing and customer appreciation system that can help any business to create more repeat and referral business and build long term customer loyalty with our custom greeting cards and gifts.

A business can upload their database into the SendOutCards website and set up targeted card campaigns to go on specific dates to prospects, current customers and past clients to promote their business, thank customers, celebrate birthdays, holidays and more. All cards are printed and mailed for you within 24 hours of online order.

SendOut Cards makes staying connected as easy as sending an email, but with the personal touch of a handwritten note. Stand out, be remembered and creat amazing customer loyalty!
Chamber News
Workshop for you
Prescott Chamber Marketing Series

May 12, 2020 | 12:30 PM 
Join the Prescott Chamber in kicking off the first of its marketing series. This week's theme will be on Facebook Live and Facebook Ads.
Workshop for you
Maximize Your Online Membership
Monday, May 18, 2020 | 10:30AM
We hope to see you this following Monday to "Maximize Your Online Membership". Key takeaways to update your Businesses Profile in our Online Directory and how to effectively navigate the Chamber Website.
Most Recent Information
What you Need to Know about the Coronavirus Covid-19
Get the most recent information about the Coronavirus.
Findlay Automotive Group - Helping To Give Back
The Prescott Chamber has been visiting businesses weekly to promote and update our community. Want us to visit you? Follow up with the email below!
Prescott Area Young Professionals
With the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Prescott Area Young Professionals are committed to the health and safety of our members, our team, and our community. We have decided to take several actions to do our part in flattening the curve and preventing the spread of the virus.
Our April Events are canceled.
Sponsor News
COVID-19 News from YRMC

Responding to a recent update from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Yavapai Regional Medical Center (YRMC) will now accept cloth mask donations for use in non-patient contact areas. 

YRMC has posted information on its website to include preferred instructions for sewing the masks. YRMC needs “sewn cloth face coverings,” which may be found on YRMC’s website at .

About the Cares Act and PPP Primer Course

For This course is a comprehensive guide for small business owners to navigate the CARES Act. The lessons feature expertise from industry leaders at Desert Financial Credit Union and Coastal Payroll. While not to be used as a substitute for legal or financial , the course freatures an interactive checklist to ensure that necessary financial information has ben gathered prior to applying.

Users can navigate freely through each of the five lessons of the self-paced online platform, which is offered at no cost to the public. The primer takes approximately one hour to complete and includes videos, downloadable guides, and additional financial resources in light of COVID-19.
Talk of the Town
Listen to  Talk of the Town with the Prescott Chamber of Commerce on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. Chamber updates and interviews with members. 
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. on
Want to be a Radio Show guest? Please send a
request to
Prescott Daily Courier -
Celebrating our Graduates
For every ad sold,
Courier Cares will donate $25
to Yavapai County Foodbank
to serve our most vulnerable
population during this time.

Community News
360 Business Products - Where to find Masks
Click below to visit our website and purchase high end medical masks
"It's Giveaway Time"

We are giving away to healthcare workers and first responders.

To show appreciation for all of their hard work, Joe’s furniture is giving one FREE power heat and massage recliner, at a $1,249.99 retail value, to a nominated healthcare worker or first responder. Do you know a local hero who has been working relentlessly to keep us safe and healthy? Nominate them today! The link to enter is posted below.

Gato Community Gives
Through social media requests we have received donations to provide close to 8,000 meals at no cost to individuals, families and non profits. We have also been assured access to additional funds to carry the program even further.

To date we have served over 800 meals at no cost, and anticipate serving over 1,000 meals per week in the coming weeks.

Yavapai Humane Society Covid-19 Statement
On April 29th, Governor Doug Ducey announced an extension of physical distancing measures in an executive order extending Arizona’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected Order until May 15, 2020. 

Due to these new developments and for the health & safety of our staff, our animals and the community, Yavapai Humane Society will continue to operate our Adoption and Lost & Found Departments on an “appointment only” basis.