What We Do (BBB)
Better Business Bureau
(BBB) would like to remind the community of their vision to provide an ethical marketplace where consumers and businesses can trust each other. BBB also encourages its communities to utilize the resources provided, at no cost, to become better informed consumers.
“For more than 100 years, BBB has been helping people find businesses, brands and charities they can trust. In 2018 alone, people turned to BBB more than 173 million times for BBB Business Profiles on nearly 5.4 million businesses all available at bbb.org,” said Michael Sedio, General Counsel and Chief Operating Officer for BBB serving Pacific Southwest.
How does BBB empower the community?
• By offering more than 170,000 business profiles on BBB Accredited and non-accredited businesses, headquartered in the Pacific Southwest. Consumers are able to check ratings, customer reviews and complaints to make informed purchase decisions.
• By posting reviews that are verified and vetted.
• By helping to resolve issues between consumers and businesses.
• By offering advertising review and fostering ethical advertising standards and principles. • By providing its consumers in-person services and finding people seeking guidance the appropriate organizations.
• By calling out unscrupulous business and advertising practices.
• By providing BBB Scam Tracker, a real-time interactive map on scams and fraudulent trends.
• By offering key information on charitable organizations. BBB evaluates the practices of thousands of charities so donors can know where their money is going.
• By disseminating consumer information through newspapers, radio, television, and printed literature.
• By coaching businesses on ethical behavior, guidance on creating and maintaining effective, trustworthy employees and education to develop stronger, more trusting relationships with their customers.
BBB takes great pride in supporting the communities most affected by scams, offering educational programs to seniors, military families and Hispanic communities. BBB also continues its crucial engagement with younger generations by honoring local, ethical, high school students through scholarship programs such as the Torch Essay, BBB Ethical Cadets and Ethical Athletes, along with educational outreach.