January 11th, 2020
Prescott Chamber of Commerce Weekly News & Updates
Governor Doug Ducey will deliver the 2021 State of the State address on Monday, January 11 in a live broadcast.
To adhere to COVID-19 health and safety precautions, the Governor will deliver the annual address remotely, instead of from the dias in the chamber of the Arizona House of Representatives.
Media interested in receiving a live feed of the address: please see the information below. The address will also be live streamed on the governor’s social media.
WHO: Governor Doug Ducey
WHAT: State of the State Address
WHEN: Monday, January 11 at 2:00 p.m.
SBA Reopening Paycheck Protection Program
SBA is reopening the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for First Draw Loans the week of January 11, 2021. First Draw PPP Loans can be used to help fund payroll costs, including benefits. Funds can also be used to pay for mortgage interest, rent, utilities, worker protection costs related to COVID-19, uninsured property damage costs caused by looting or vandalism during 2020, and certain supplier costs and expenses for operations.
Electricians - Contractors
Allied Electric
About Allied Electric
With over 30 years of commercial and residential experience, our vetted electricians get the job done right for you, guaranteed. Allied Electric is owned and operated by an expert electrician with skills gained in New York City among the best. So, you can rest easy knowing that we will treat your home and electrical projects with the utmost care, accuracy, and professionalism.
Also, we don’t close! Which means if your power goes out on Saturday night or on Thanksgiving, we will be there for you as your emergency electrician.
We look forward to serving you as the expert electrician you can trust!
The Executive Committee Board of Directors is made up of the Chairman, Chair Elect, Past Board Chair, Treasurer, Secretary & At-Large seats. It is the duty of the Executive Committee to be communicate and supervise the current Prescott Chamber CEO.
Join the Friends of Jersey Lilly Saloon on Thursday for their drawing in support of the Annual Courthouse Lighting. The Lights will be taken down this Sunday. Enjoy them while you can and shop downtown to support our local businesses!
The Yavapai County Health Department has handed out Masks and Hand Sanitizer for the Prescott Chamber of Commerce to hand out.
Supplies will be handed out based on number of business employees. Contact the Prescott Chamber ahead of time for an appointment. (928) 445-2000 or email hunter@prescott.org
Post a Job, Now
Job Board
Looking for great local employees? Develop your workforce with us! We invite you to see how easy it is to post online jobs today. (Need ID)
Gift Certificate
Sign up is FREE with your Chamber Membership. Certificates are purchased through the Chamber and used at your business. Your retain 97.5% per certificate face value.
On behalf of Teri Drew and Tourism Chairman Tony Alba, please join us for a Tourism Committee Lunch & Learn with Arizona Office of Tourism Executive Director, Debbie Johnson, on Tuesday, January 19, 2020 from 11 AM to 12:30 PM. The link to register for the event is on the flyer, and is also available here:
Yavapai Humane Society
This gorgeous German Shepherd is looking for the right partner/best friend. She wants someone who will appreciate her stunning good looks and breed characteristics. A shelter environment is not what Lady needs right now, so one of our amazing behaviorists, Corey, is fostering her and helping with some extra training and enrichment for her. This stunning girl is 5 years old and has been with us since September. She’s looking for a strong pack leader, with past breed experience, who is willing to take the time to get to know her and work with her.
She is a lovebug and wants to please you and spend time with you. If all her amazing qualities and beauty aren’t enough to win you over, she has also been going through some extremely focused training with her foster dad to show everyone how amazing she is and how much more amazing she can be once she is home sweet home with you! Oh, and yes, she wants to be your one and only. (But she is spending time with another dog right now, so we could certainly try a meet and greet to see if it could work! Never say never, right?) Please call (928)445-2666 and ask for Corey. He will help you connect with Lady, possibly the best friend you will ever have.
Prescott Area Young Professionals
PAYP Excited for 2021
PAYP is excited to announce that events & mixers will begin again in 2021!
If you are a young professional looking to get involved and network with your community. We would strongly recommend you join with PAYP!
YRMC to Pause All Inpatient and Outpatient Elective Procedures at Both Hospital Locations
In response to rising COVID-19 hospitalization rates, Dignity Health, Yavapai Regional Medical Center has paused all inpatient and outpatient elective procedures at both hospital locations beginning Monday, December 21. Emergent and urgent procedures will continue at both locations. “This was a difficult decision but one that is necessary due to high COVID-19 admission rates at our hospitals,” states Keith Nichols, Chief Operating Officer, YRMC. “
By pausing outpatient and inpatient hospital procedures, we manage bed capacity and staffing levels to care for the high patient volumes we are experiencing.”
Prescott Living Magazine
It's New Year, New You month at Prescott Healthy Living magazine. The start of a new year offers us all a clean slate. A time for new beginnings that will lead to happier, more fulfilling lives. Get inspired to take small steps every day to better your health and way of living starting with tips, recipes and articles found in the January issue.
Find the January edition online and at one of over 500 locations in the Greater Prescott area this week! Sign up for your FREE subscription and see the latest edition at prescotthealthyliving.com/copies
For information about advertising opportunities, please email us at info@roxco.com.
Live Well & Happy Reading!
Prescott Healthy Living Magazine
Listen to Talk of the Town with the Prescott Chamber of Commerce on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. Chamber updates and interviews with members.