March 23, 2020
Prescott Chamber of Commerce Weekly News & Updates
*Reminder - The Prescott Chamber & Visitor Information Center will remain closed to public for the time being, but the staff is very active. Click Below for to find additional resources for your business.
Member Spotlight
Custom Jeep & Toyota Builds
Summit 4x4 Company
We will remain open as an essential business in the community with normal operating hours; Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we have implemented changes to our daily operation to help keep our employees and our customers safe. Contact Summit 4x4 Team.
Color & Image Consultant
Color Me Beautiful
AVOID STORES! Purchase Skin Care and Make-up from me and pick up at my Prescott home! Contact Kay Humphrey--Color Me Beautiful Color and Image Consultant. 
Chamber Connect
Connecting Your Business With Our Community
Shop Small Start Here

In these times we want to put extra effort into marketing your business and shopping locally. Promote your business by providing your discounts, offering takeout/ delivery, or even inputting your changed hours.

To post your business on our site. You MUST have a valid login. Email for your credentials.
Sign Up Your Company to be Added to Delivery - Take Out Directory

SignalsAZ has paired with Findlay Toyota Prescott & Findlay TV to provide local companies free listings of their home delivery, to-go orders, phone & web orders, and special offerings to help during the coronavirus concerns. Click the link below to sign your business up!
Connecting Your Business With Our Community
Chamber News
Most Recent Information
What you Need to Know about the Coronavirus Covid-19
Get the most recent information about the Coronavirus.
Workshop for you
10 Simple Ways to get the Most Out of your Membership
The Chamber is looking to have this class online ! If you are interested email Hunter by clicking the button below.

We will review the simple ways to utilize your membership and then implement that. Including resources to use right now, added benefits, promotion and your online presence.
Prescott Area Young Professionals
With the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Prescott Area Young Professionals are committed to the health and safety of our members, our team, and our community. We have decided to take several actions to do our part in flattening the curve and preventing the spread of the virus.
Our March Educational event and April After 5 are being canceled.
We will continue to monitor the situation and assess any potential impacts on our June event Party in the Pines. Currently, Party in the Pines 2020 is not being canceled; however, we have halted all event planning.
Sponsor News
Where to Find Information on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

We at YRMC are closely monitoring the emerging Coronavirus situation and are in regular contact with our local and state resources as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

If you are looking for the most reliable, up-to-date information regarding this public health situation, the following resources should be your primary source of information:

How Can We Help?

We want to support our community businesses. Are you offering special services at this time? Delivery? Online options? Altered hours of business? Let us help get the word out! With 10,000+ followers on social media, an LED trailer and local publications and websites we can help you reach the community.

Contact us at  (928) 350-8006  or  and let us know what we can do to help you get through this challenging time.

ROX Media Group

Talk of the Town
Listen to  Talk of the Town with the Prescott Chamber of Commerce on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. Chamber updates and interviews with members. 
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. on
Want to be a Radio Show guest? Please send a
request to
Community News

This campaign aims to increase awareness and dialogue about the more than 2 million living Women Veterans by spotlighting their faces and sharing their portraits.
NARTA Program & CASA for Kids Foundation
Yavapai CASA for Kids Foundation is a 501(c)(3) and an Arizona Qualified Foster Care Organization. Their missions is to serve the unmet needs of abused, neglected, and abandoned children who are in the care of the Yavapai County Juvenile Court in Prescott, as well as youth who are enrolled in the Arizona Department of Child Safety Voluntary Foster Care Program.

Pet of the Week "Spot"
Happy March!! I’d like to introduce myself… My name is Spot and I am a handsome American Pit Bull/ Terrier mix. I need an owner to give me lots of attention and throw me tennis balls. I also need some basic obedience training. My wish for 2020 is to have my very own home... and I want all my friends here at Yavapai Humane Society to find their furever homes too!