July 22, 2022

The Truth About Wall/Fence Setback Reductions and the Mayor's False Statements

By Councilmember and former Vice-Mayor Julie Pace

It has come to a time in the campaign that it is necessary for me as a councilmember and former vice-mayor to provide the following information that establishes that I have been telling the truth and the Mayor has falsely denied having supported the proposal to reduce wall and fence setbacks.  He has even denied that there ever was such a proposal.

Residents have reached out to me to seek clarification of what is the truth about the setback reductions and expressed concern as to why the Mayor has said there never has been a proposal when people know that there was.  

I am always straightforward in my positions and I do not try to confuse residents. Residents know where I stand on issues.

This has been a controversial but important issue. Along with the majority of PV residents, preservationists like me want to keep open space. My opponent tried to fast-track approval of a wall and fence setback reduction change from 20 ft to 10 ft, which would alter the character of our Town forever and cause a tunneling effect on 14 miles of neighborhood roads. 

The Planning Commission voted unanimously 7 to 0 against the setback reduction proposal. But that did not stop the Mayor and he wants to bring it back for a vote after the election.

To get to the truth, here is a video that explains and shows in the Mayor's own recorded words his false statements to residents, along with public documents.

This issue is particularly important because we are at a tipping point with 6 resort projects on the horizon and residents deserve candor and transparency. 

I am the only candidate with a consistent track record to preserve the quality of life in Paradise Valley for residential living and for responsible resort development. Please vote Julie Pace for Mayor by August 2. Get a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and judge for yourself the truth in this video.

Election Temperature Heats Up

By Councilmember Julie Pace

The Town election has heated up the same way the temperature has.  Let's get back to basics in this election.

Opponents are introducing many distractions from the important issues. The election is about results.

Do you like our results? 

Do you like the density at some of our resorts?

Do you like the Scottsdalification of our neighborhoods? 

Do you like more traffic and longer drive times?

Do you like the high-density version of PV that we are becoming?

Let’s be clear. We can’t undo the past but we can make good decisions to grow responsibly.

We are at a tipping point with up to six resort projects on the horizon and attacks on one-house-per-acre zoning. I am the right person to serve as mayor and will fight for quality of life for residential living and responsible resort development. Vote Julie Pace for Mayor by August 2. Learn more at paceforpv.com

Support the preservationists of Julie Pace for Mayor and Ellen Andeen and Christine Labelle for Town Council. They will focus on the issues that matter for residents' interests.

Vote Yes on PV General Plan Proposition 467

Please vote yes on proposition 467 to ratify Paradise Valley’s general plan.

Arizona state law mandates that our Town adopt a “comprehensive, long-range general plan for the development of the municipality,” These plans must be updated and adopted by the voters every 10 years. This is our time to vote on it.

The 2022 General Plan may be viewed at pvtogether2022.com. Thank you.

Opinion: Pace is a Preservationist for Paradise Valley

By Dayna Kully and Colleen Lomax, Paradise Valley residents | Guest Commentary

We have worked with Julie Pace and watched her stand up for residents and our beautiful community. She has genuine passion for preserving our iconic mountains and the unique lifestyle of our community. We appreciate her informative newsletter, Preserving Paradise Valley, which keeps us up to speed on issues in our community.

When we’ve had issues arise in our neighborhood near Echo Canyon and reached out to Julie Pace to address them, we found her to be caring, effective and responsive. She rolled up her sleeves and was both positive and creative in helping us work through the issues. Her legal experience and Paradise Valley residential engagement are invaluable assets for our town.

Photo credit: Dayna Kully and Colleen Lomax

We are confident that Julie Pace can lead our town effectively as mayor, be a unifying force, help preserve our town values, and work with town staff and the chief of police to protect our community.

We need a preservationist to protect this special town. The continuing development and redevelopment of resorts in our community and the commercialization of residences concern us. We don’t want to lose the paradise in Paradise Valley.

We will be voting for Julie Pace for mayor and hope you’ll join us in voting for her as well!


Voting Center Opens at Town Hall

July 22: Voting Center at Town Hall Opens from 8 am to 4 pm

July 26: last day to mail ballot or

Drop off ballot at Town Hall lobby in drop box

Vote by August 2

Information is available at beballotready.vote or call 602.506.1511 (Maricopa County Elections Department)

Do not offer to take a voter's ballot and deposit it in the ballot box for them. Remind everyone to drop off their ballot themselves into the ballot box or mail it. Thanks for participating in the election process.

Please vote for the PV preservationist candidates of Julie Pace, Ellen Andeen and Christine Labelle to Preserve Paradise Valley!

Residents Voting for Pace, Andeen & Labelle
Paradise Valley Town Councilmember Julie Pace proactively engages to preserve the mountains and open space and focuses on substance, action, and doing good work for the best interests of the Town, while building a sense of community.
Facebook  Instagram  
Julie Pace for Paradise Valley Mayor | 5501 E Solano Drive
Paradise Valley AZ 85253 | paceforpv@gmail.com
Paid for by Julie Pace for Paradise Valley Mayor.
Authorized by Julie Pace.