By Councilmember and former Vice-Mayor Julie Pace
It has come to a time in the campaign that it is necessary for me as a councilmember and former vice-mayor to provide the following information that establishes that I have been telling the truth and the Mayor has falsely denied having supported the proposal to reduce wall and fence setbacks. He has even denied that there ever was such a proposal.
Residents have reached out to me to seek clarification of what is the truth about the setback reductions and expressed concern as to why the Mayor has said there never has been a proposal when people know that there was.
I am always straightforward in my positions and I do not try to confuse residents. Residents know where I stand on issues.
This has been a controversial but important issue. Along with the majority of PV residents, preservationists like me want to keep open space. My opponent tried to fast-track approval of a wall and fence setback reduction change from 20 ft to 10 ft, which would alter the character of our Town forever and cause a tunneling effect on 14 miles of neighborhood roads.
The Planning Commission voted unanimously 7 to 0 against the setback reduction proposal. But that did not stop the Mayor and he wants to bring it back for a vote after the election.
To get to the truth, here is a video that explains and shows in the Mayor's own recorded words his false statements to residents, along with public documents.
This issue is particularly important because we are at a tipping point with 6 resort projects on the horizon and residents deserve candor and transparency.
I am the only candidate with a consistent track record to preserve the quality of life in Paradise Valley for residential living and for responsible resort development. Please vote Julie Pace for Mayor by August 2. Get a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and judge for yourself the truth in this video.