April 15, 2022
Good Friday, Happy Passover, and Happy Easter!

May your weekend be filled with lots of love, joy, chocolate and matzah.

Wishing a happy Passover to our Jewish communities.

Wishing a happy Easter and blessings to residents celebrating this weekend. Enjoy Easter egg hunts and decorating colorful eggs to share one another.

Invasive: Remove This Plant
By Councilmember Julie Pace

Spring is here to enjoy flowers, but its also the time to clean out weeds or plants that can cause harm to the mountains and our community.

This is a photo of the green fountain grass that was once planted as an ornamental, but it is now added to the Arizona State noxious weed list. It is called Pennisetum setaceum.

These are also rattlesnake magnets. There are grasses you can plant, such as bull grass and California Fescue that look similar so accomplish your goals of grasses in your landscape. So, choose wisely and please avoid allowing invasive species that are harmful to our community.
Could Our Residents Lose The Right to Vote
On Our General Plan?
By Councilmember Julie Pace

Did you know that if the total number of Town residents dips below 10,000 we could lose our right to develop and vote on our Town’s General Plan?

Sedona has experienced a population decrease because of the increase in vacation rentals and timeshares. Sedona has less people residing in their community, but a large increase in visitors.

Because Sedona is below 10,000 in population, according to ARS section 9–461.06 there is no authority for voter ratification for a General Plan. They lost the right to vote and have public participation on their General Plan.

In the last census, our Town has seen a small decrease in population to approximate 12,200 because of the increases in short-term rentals and visitors. We need to pay attention to this issue and learn from Sedona, which was a special gem that many cannot live in anymore.
Update on Timeshares and Pacaso
By Councilmember Julie Pace

Pacaso is a business enterprise that wants to sell timeshares and fractional ownership properties in Paradise Valley. Our town code prohibits timeshares, but that does not stop outside corporate interests from trying to profit off our special community.

Pacaso representatives came to Town officials last week and are taking the position that they are not a timeshare or fractional ownership even though their business model takes a home and breaks it into at least 8 owners and divides up usage. Pacaso basically said our lawyers will respond and they contend that our Town code against timeshares does not apply. See section 1026 of our Town Code.

Pacaso then started to troll realtors’ listings. This is a serious threat to our community. 

I asked our Town manager to add this topic to a council agenda and she has agreed to do so at the next council meeting. We need to be proactive on this issue, not reactive.

Thanks to residents Jack and Kathy Clifford for speaking about a timeshare in their PV neighborhood at last night’s council meeting. They explained that the home in their neighborhood is already being used as a timeshare. 

Thanks to council candidate Christine Labelle for alerting our community and contacting the Stop Pacaso Now group in Napa Valley to learn about the business model and the adverse impact on neighborhoods, as well as strategies to use to keep them out of neighborhoods.
Paradise Valley Town Councilmember Julie Pace proactively engages to preserve the mountains and open space and focuses on substance, action, and doing good work for the best interests of the Town, while building a sense of community.
Julie Pace for Paradise Valley Mayor | 5501 E Solano Drive
Paradise Valley AZ 85253 | paceforpv@gmail.com
Paid for by Julie Pace for Paradise Valley Mayor.
Authorized by Julie Pace.