By Julie A. Pace, Town Councilmember and former Vice-Mayor
The beginning of the New Year is the time for both reflection and goal-setting. In Paradise Valley, we are so fortunate to live in a unique community that preserves our special quality of life, committed to public safety, operates in a fiscally responsible manner and has gorgeous iconic mountains to protect and enjoy.
There are challenges ahead because of the pressure of development and commercial businesses encroaching in neighborhoods, but together we continue fostering the benefits of achieving improvements in responsiveness to residents, transparency and accountability in Town governance. Stormwater management, preserving open space and mountain views, safeguarding our low density, one-house-per-acre residential character continue to be high priorities.
I am optimistic about the new year. I am very sorry to not be in person for the January 12 celebration and installation of new Councilmember Christine Labelle, whom PV overwhelming elected last year. Our Council welcomes Christine.