By Councilmember Julie Pace
Yes, our town residents should be concerned about future EPCOR rate increases and its plans to push for future consolidation to have our residents subsidize water infrastructure costs for other communities. EPCOR services the largest number of residences in our town.
And yes, residents and stakeholders should be thoughtful about water usage and implement strategies to reduce water including using low-water devices, monitoring and updating irrigation systems, and implementing xeriscape landscaping.
The Desert Botanical Gardens and nurseries have classes that can teach residents about low-water usage landscaping.
We are in a drought and our water supply is dwindling. We all need to be engaged and strategic in addressing water conservation.
Since 2017, our public works department reduced the amount of water used in the town by 14%. Kudos!
Regarding EPCOR, the Arizona Corporation Commission imposed a 7% rate increase on EPCOR rate payers in Paradise Valley. They were considering imposing an approximately 45% rate increase. I call this a tax of approximately $11 million on PV residents to subsidize others.