February 11, 2022
Open Space & Code Changes in PV

Pace: Update on Proposal to Reduce Setbacks Is Tabled For Now; 20 New Code Changes on Horizon
Photo by Arianna Grainey/Independent Newsmedia

By Councilmember Julie Pace

Thanks to residents for voicing your opposition to the Mayor and Councilmember Dembow's aggressive campaign to reduce the setback requirement for view and combination fence locations from 20 feet to 10 feet in front yards along 15 miles of streets in Paradise Valley.

Our Town's Planning Commission unanimously (7 to 0) opposed the setback reduction proposal. Councilmember Ellen Andeen and I also strongly opposed the setback reduction.

Many residents legitimately asked what was the reason that drove this proposal, out of 500 pages of comments and information, there was only one new resident from Arcadia who advocated for the reduction in setback from 20 ft to 10 ft in the front yard for view and combination setbacks.

This issue is worth standing up for as the proposed change will forever change the character of many neighborhoods by creating a tunnel effect with less open space, thereby reducing the quality of life in our Town.

It is critical to have resident input. Pay attention to the actual details and not the misinformation or bureaucratic gobbledygook used to confuse residents. The issue was straightforward. This proposal had nothing to do with oleanders planted on a property line adjacent to a street. And, it would not increase safety by moving fence lines ten feet closer to the street.

The issue was last addressed in November 2021. It kept getting delayed. It then was placed on the Town agenda at last night's Council meeting. After discussion, the Community Development Director Lisa Collins said the proposed reduction is tabled for now, but is on the list to address later. It has not yet been removed despite all the resident comments who do not want setbacks to be reduced.

Staff was seeking guidance from Town Council as to whether to prioritize setbacks for code changes, along with whether to make approximately 20 additional code changes involving flagpoles, landscaping in the right-of-way, paving and use of the ground for parking, BBQs, and more. There is not a lot of detail yet as to what direction is being proposed by staff for all these items. Stay tuned to evaluate and provide community input and so we work together to preserve Paradise Valley.
Write to Legislators to STOP HB 2674
By Councilmember Julie Pace

HB 2674 seeks to attack quality of life in Paradise Valley and many communities by reducing side yard setbacks to 5 ft, allowing the construction of 8 single family dwelling units or 12 two-family dwelling units per acre and cities must allow it.

The bill overrides city zoning to build homes. it removes local control and would undermine single-family zoning and citizen input through planning commission, board of adjustment and hillside committees.

Communicate with your legislators. This bill started with bi-partisan support so your voice matters, regardless of which political party you are associated.

Prepare your message then contact legislators by phone or email, include the bill number, and be polite, but direct.
Epcor: 7% Rate Increase
By Councilmember Julie Pace

The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) imposed a 7% rate increase on Epcor rate payers in Paradise Valley.

Epcor and the Arizona Corporation Commission were considering imposing an approximately 45% rate increase to subside Anthem and other areas through consolidation. This would have been what I call a "tax" of an additional approximately $11 million on PV residents.

This issue of consolidation will return. The Town needs to be organized and ready for the next consolidation proposal. Sun City was very organized and had many people write and call in to try and prevent the consolidation and kept their community out of the consolidation. Whereas, we were in a more precarious position despite the great technical consultant and lawyer we had to advocate for our Town's position. We are grateful in the end, the ACC members took a fairer approach and looked deeper at the unique circumstances in our community and agreed to exclude PV from consolidation.

Numbers count when it comes to elected officials making decisions. We thank those in our Town who participated. We encourage Epcor rate payers to continue to make comments in Epcor surveys and to ACC members to not consolidate our community to subsidize others. Keep building relationships now to help educate ACC members about our large lots, tourist area, and green space. Let's not turn our community brown or impose "hidden taxes" on our community. Also, look to conserve water as this issue will be back.
New Volunteer Appointments
Serving Others to Build Community
By Councilmember Julie Pace

Paradise Valley is very proud of our volunteers and just finished interviewing for several vacant positions.

Please congratulate and thank the following residents on their appointments:

Board of Adjustment: Eric Liebsohn

Municipal Property Corporation: Martin Galbut and Jon Wainwright

Paradise Valley Mountain Preserve Trust (PVMPT): Steve Evans and George Getz
The following individuals were re-appointed:

Hillside Committee: Scott Tonn

Planning Commission: Charles Covington

PSPRS: James Van Houten

PV Arts Board: Laura Paquelet-Carpinelli

PVMPT: Joan Levinson

Personnel Appeals Board: Ron Clarke and Deborah Corso

ACOPS: Tim Dickman, Jim Hawthorne, and Mark Winograd.
Support Those Who Fight for Quality of Life in Our Town
Please go to the electronic E-Qual website and sign online for the following individuals who both strongly support our mountains, quality of life, and preserving PV so we can get them on the ballot for the August 2, 2022 election:
Put your name, drivers license or voter registration number and follow instructions to sign electronically. Make sure to confirm it TWICE for your signature to be valid.

Julie Pace enjoying the Pyramids in Egypt with many cameras. Safe travels to everyone as you plan future trips.

Paradise Valley Town Councilmember Julie Pace proactively engages to preserve the mountains and open space and focuses on substance, action, and doing good work for the best interests of the Town, while building a sense of community.
Julie Pace for Paradise Valley Mayor | 5501 E Solano Drive
Paradise Valley AZ 85253 | [email protected]
Paid for by Julie Pace for Paradise Valley Mayor.
Authorized by Julie Pace.