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Patrick Timpone - One Radio Network 



Dr. Patrick Flanagan, Ph.D

New Age Author and Inventor

Show Highlights:

-Dr. Flanagan starts the show recounting a recurring dream he had with aliens and explains how with only the immersion into study could he keep the dreams at bay

-A 12 year old child prodigy, Dr. Flanagan shares his first inventions and how he obtained patents for them. Not an easy task

-Attention from the government: What other child do you know is summoned out of the classroom to speak to the Pentagon?

-The neurophone and it's benefits

-Hunza water explained

-What is crystal energy and why is it packaged in plastic bottles?

-We ask Dr. Flanagan how he prefers to get minerals into the body

-Dr. Flanagan loves organic sulfur also. Find out why and how much he takes

-Speaking of taking a lot of something; Dr. Flanagan takes a lot of iodine. Find out why

-Taking a look at AC and DC power. We get a little history lesson on Tesla and Edison

-We ask him if cell phones are dangerous. Of course he says yes, but offers an interesting solution

-Turning bad energy into beneficial energy with feric oxide crystals

-The low down on electromagnetic fields

-His opinion of Rife technology

-Where did we come from? Patrick says were genetically engineered

-Dr. Flanagan offers his theory as to why fluoride has been added to the water

-A solution for Fukishima

-A fascinating look at pyramid energy

-Building a house based on the golden ratio

-Grounding explained

and so much more!


Monday, October 28

Greg Caton

The Great American Medical Holocaust

Greg Caton has worked extensively in "designer foods," as well as alternative medicine and nutrition products since 1981. He graduated from L.A. Valley College, is a U.S. Navy veteran, and the author of three books, Lumen: Food for a New Age, MLM Fraud(1991) on corruption in the multi-level marketing industry and the tools to identify the work of its perpetrators - since banned in the U.S., and the online book, Meditopia�.

 In 1995 he created Alpha Omega Labs, which became a provider of over 300 alternative health products with 14distributors around the world, before its closure by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration in September, 2003. It successfully reopened in Ecuador in June, 2008.



Robert Redfern

Nutritionist, Author, Broadcaster

Topic: Is Serrapeptase the Miracle Enzyme?

Robert has helped 100s of thousands of people in over 24 countries through on-line health web sites, radio interviews and his nutritional discoveries.

Robert's interest in health started when he and his wife Anne decided to take charge of their family's health in the late 80's. Up until 1986, Robert did not take much notice of his health - in spite of Anne's loving persuasion. It took the premature death of his parents, Alfred and Marjorie, who died in their 60's, to shock Robert into evaluating his priorities. They looked at the whole field of health, available treatments and the causes of health problems. They found, from doctors researching the causes of disease, that lifestyle and diet were the most important contributions to Health.

Robert and Anne changed their lifestyle and diet and, together with the use of HealthPoint, the improvement to their health became remarkable. As well as good health, they feel and look younger and more energetic than all those years ago - before they started their plan. Robert is now aged 65 and, together with Anne, is still planning to look younger with continuing care.



Tuesday, October 29

 Professor Alex A. Volinsky, Ph.D.

Ropeworm Parasites

Professor Alex A. Volinsky, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the University of South Florida, Department of Mechanical Engineering. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science in 2000. Dr. Volinsky held an Engineering Materials position at Motorola's Process and Materials Characterization Lab prior to joining USF. There, he conducted principal research employing XRD, SEM, FIB, FA analytical techniques for advanced technologies development. Professor Volinsky's current research interests are: Thin films processing, mechanical properties and characterization; adhesion and fracture of thin films; microelectronics and MEMS reliability, environmental degradation of materials; health and wellness.

In recent years Dr. Volinsky has begun to apply his knowledge in the health and wellness field. He is the lead rope worm genome researcher and coauthored the following papers published in

Human Anaerobic Intestinal "Rope" Parasites

Development Stages of the "Rope" Human Intestinal Parasite

Since January 2013 over 80 people suffering from the rope worms have contacted Professor Volinsky, sharing their amazing stories. Besides people suffering from the rope worms, they include Lyme disease patients and parents of autistic children. Humans that do oxidation therapy, including hyperbaric chamber, hydrogen peroxide and chlorine dioxide pass the rope worms in their stool. While thousands of people passed the rope worms using different methods, at this point there is no scientific proof that the rope worms are parasites. DNA testing can answer the main question of the rope worms origin.

 Send in your questions for this guest now



Wednesday, October 30

Andrew Gause


Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He's written two books, "The Secret World of Money" and "Uncle Sam Cooks the Books". You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you'll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646

 Send in your questions for Andrew now




Thursday, October 31

Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Ask Dr. Massey

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

Send in your health questions for Dr. Massey now



Friday, November 1


Patrick talks with listeners and answers emails on

health, wealth and well being.

Call in and share your ideas and experiences with others.

Send in questions for Patrick by clicking here


 Call in during the LIVE show



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May The Blessings Be,
Patrick Timpone
One Radio Network