January 16, 2019
President & CEO of ALIA and President & CEO of ALIEX Announcement
On behalf of the Boards of the Law Society of Alberta and the Alberta Lawyers Insurance Exchange (ALIEX), we are pleased to announce that David T. Weyant, QC, (pictured right) has accepted the roles of President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Alberta Lawyers Insurance Association (ALIA) and President and CEO of ALIEX, each effective January 1, 2019.

Mr. Weyant is the first person to jointly hold both roles in Alberta’s mandatory indemnity program. The role of President and CEO of ALIA was previously held by Steve Raby, QC, and the role of CEO of ALIEX by Don Thompson, QC.  

“Given Mr. Weyant’s strong leadership of the indemnity program since he joined ALIA as evidenced by the many initiatives that have been instituted or are currently in process, and given that these appointments are consistent with the principles of good governance, it was the unanimous decision of both Boards to approve these appointments,” said Steve Raby.

Mr. Weyant joined ALIA as the Director of Insurance and Chief Operating Officer in August 2016, also acting as ALIEX’s Principal Attorney. 

Prior to joining ALIA, Mr. Weyant was in private practice with international, national, and local law firms and was formerly the Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Alberta Health Services, where he was responsible for legal services, corporate policy, information & privacy, ethics, compliance, and insurance. He also served on the board of a regulated insurance reciprocal.

Mr. Weyant was raised in Calgary and holds a B.A. (University of Calgary), a J.D. (University of Saskatchewan), an ICD.D certified director designation (Institute of Corporate Directors in conjunction with the University of Toronto, Simon Fraser University, University of Calgary and University of British Columbia), as well as two MBAs (Queen’s University and Cornell University). In 2004, Mr. Weyant was awarded the Queen’s Counsel designation.

Mr. Weyant currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.

We are very grateful for the leadership of Mr. Raby and Mr. Thompson, each of whom will continue in their roles on ALIEX’s Board, as Chair and Director, respectively.
New Mentoring Program Launches Today
Our new Mentor Express program kicked off this morning, with 50 mentors and nearly 500 mentoring sessions for mentees to choose from.

There are a few spots remaining to sign up as a mentee. Once mentor and mentee registration is full, you will be placed on a wait list for the next quarterly release of new mentorship sessions.

What is Mentor Express?

Mentor Express is like online shopping for mentors. Mentees browse an online listing of mentors and choose sessions with whichever mentors they are interested in meeting. The self-match system allows mentees to seek guidance and insight relevant to their own career development with a variety of mentors in different practice areas and settings.

In Mentor Express, traditional long-term mentoring relationships are replaced with a series of monthly one-hour meetings with different mentors and mentees. Mentees meet a mentor only once and multiple mentors over the course of the program.

This provides mentors and mentees alike with exposure to a broader range of ideas and experiences while requiring mentors to commit a set amount of their valuable time to the program. 

Interested in applying? Want to find out more? Visit our FAQ or website.
Indigenous Education Series: Indigenous Laws and Legal Issues Intensive Conference
We are committed to responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action. We are providing lawyers with free education opportunities on Indigenous issues.

As part of this commitment we are pleased to offer a free one-day Indigenous Laws and Legal Issues Intensive Conference in Edmonton (Tuesday, February 19, 2019) and Calgary (Wednesday, February 20, 2019). 

Registration is limited. View more details and register here.
ALSA Seeking Feedback on Real Property Reports
The Alberta Land Surveyors Association (ALSA) is seeking feedback from real estate lawyers about what information should be shown on Real Property Reports and if there should be different residential/commercial standards. Surveyors are finding that municipalities are continually asking for more information to be shown than what was originally intended for real estate conveyance. ALSA invites you to take this short survey (approximately five minutes) by January 31, 2019.