President Chandra's Bulletin

September 28, 2022

Fellow Rotarians!

This past week at our club meeting, we got to hear from Anabella Bonfa, the District 5320 Membership Chair. She came prepared with her own evaluation of our club’s website and social media.  She identified a course correction  to  items giving the wrong impression of our club's endeavors - the changes will show how effective we are!

Anabella also pointed out that prospective members are more interested in seeing photos of what we’re doing, particularly with service projects, rather than attend mealtime meetings. If they can see that we’re conducting different projects around the community, they’re more likely to want to participate with us and will eventually join as members. This was truly an eye opener for our members in attendance. 

As our club begins to hold two lunchtime meetings a month, this opens up the opportunity to do one or two evening projects a month on the weeks that we don’t meet for lunch. We are currently reaching out to several of our non-profit partners to determine what sort of projects we might be able to coordinate on a regular basis.

President Chandra Chell

New Meeting Location Beginning October 4th!

This past Sunday, we met at the home of Dictionary Project Chair, Dr. Bill Nguyen, for the “sticker party”. We prepared the dictionaries to be distributed to the Laguna Niguel third graders with our Rotary Club stickers. The 800+ dictionaries were prepared in record time thanks to all the members that volunteered. A big shout out to Bill for always opening up his home for such worthwhile projects and also feeding the volunteers afterward. We truly appreciate his dedication to “service above self”.

Up coming on October 4th at 12p.m., we will begin meeting at the new Crown Valley Community Center on the first and third Tuesday of each month. In this location, we will provide a simple lunch for $15 - $20. To ensure that enough food is provided, we will need to have an approximate head count. We will send out a separate email asking if you plan to attend the next meeting and if you wish to purchase lunch. Please also be patient and bear with us as we adapt to a new meeting location. There will likely be some details that have to be ironed out along the way.

Last but not least, thank you to the 70% of our members that have PAID DUES. We're finally starting to replenish our coffers. Reminder that as of October 1st, add $20, the penalty charge for the late dues. Members that have not paid by October 1st, will receive a notification of the late fee and that their membership will soon be terminated if not paid in full.

As always, we have lots of projects and events to look forward to throughout the rest of year. Please mark your calendars! We are here to serve and appreciate the time and effort our members contribute toward our community.

Yours in Service,

Chandra Chell

2022-23 President

Next Club Meeting on Friday September 30, 2022 - Bis Kids Founder Victoria Morgan

Victoria Morgan

Like many passionate and dedicated individuals who have made an impact in the world and changed the lives of many, Victoria Morgan’s life mission came from a deeply personal and emotional experience. That experience resulted in BIS KIDS; a program and movement that has helped and encouraged more than 2,000 children and families from Orange County and Los Angeles to lead better and more productive lives.


BIS KIDS is a proactive prevention program against drug and alcohol use. The BIS Foundation was founded in 2006 and is designed for children 7-12 years of age. The program uses age-appropriate language; games; music; artwork; role playing; videos and prizes to educate children about substance abuse and the disease of addiction. The children have great fun and they leave with knowledge and a tool-set that can help them stay safe. BIS KIDS teaches children if they stay away from drugs and alcohol they can accomplish anything they choose to do in life!

Friday, September 30, 2022


Romeo Cucina Restaurant

28241 Crown Valley Parkway

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

(corner of Greenfield Dr. and Rancho Niguel Rd.)

Laguna Hills First Annual Heritage Day - Sunday October 2, 2022

For the first time ever, the City of Laguna Hills will be holding their Heritage Day event. Our club has received a District sponsorship to have a booth at this event and man it along with our neighboring Mission Viejo Rotarians. This promises to be a fantastic first time event so we encourage you to come check it out.

New Meeting Location Beginning October 4th - Crown Valley Community Center Featuring Jennifer Trubenbach from Operation of Hope

Jennifer Trubenbach

Jennifer is the CEO and Mission Director of Operation of Hope. She also manages all of the grant-writing, fundraising efforts, surgical supply inventories, donations, travel logistics, volunteer staff, as well as the day-today operations on each surgical mission. She works closely with the Embassies of each country, as well as, the respective governments and private citizens. Jennifer was named People magazine’s “Hero Among Us” on CNN’s All Star Hero Tribute, 2008, after bringing to the United States, a young boy, Beloved, needing complex surgery after a land mine blew off the lower portion of his face.

She received a “Well Done Award” by Kingdom Assignment and was named by Metro magazine as “OC Top 25 Business People”, in 2009.

Jennifer’s previous career spanned more than 20 years in the corporate field; She holds a Masters in Educational Technology from Pepperdine University and was honored as Pepperdine University’s 2009 “Distinguished Alumna” as well as, “Distinguished Alumna of the Year 2009″ from Azusa Pacific University. She is the recipient of the Paul Harris Fellow Rotary Award and an Honorary Rotarian.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


Crown Valley Community Center

Think Tank Conference Room

29751 Crown Valley Parkway

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

(located in Crown Valley Park)

A boxed lunch from Corner Bakery Cafe will be available for purchase onsite.

Rotary Oktoberfest Event

Rotary Calendar of Events

September 30, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club Meeting Featuring Victoria Morgan from BIS Kids charity at Romeo Cucina

October 2, 2022 12:00p.m.- 6:00p.m. - First Annual Laguna Hills Heritage Day at the Laguna Hills Community Center & Sports Complex

October 4, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club Meeting Featuring Jennifer Trubenbach from Operation of Hope at Crown Valley Community Center

October 14, 2022 6:00p.m. - District 5320 Gala, Old Ranch Country Club, Seal Beach

October 18, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club Meeting featuring District 5320 Marketing Chair and GIVSUM CEO Shawn Wehan at Crown Valley Community Center

October 20, 2022 6:00p.m. - Laguna Niguel Military Support Committee's Taste for the Troops at Crown Valley Community Center

October 22, 2022 5:00p.m. - Annual Oktoberfest Fundraiser at Mark Montgomery's Home

November 1, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club Meeting featuring Carl Schulkin on the History of the Chet Holifield Federal Building (the Ziggurat) at Crown Valley Community Center

November 15, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club Meeting at Crown Valley Community Center

December 3, 2022 10:00a.m. - Christmas Party for the Glennwood Home residents in Laguna Beach

December 10, 2022 - Laguna Niguel Holiday Parade

September Milestones


Kim Douglas - 9/19

Bob McCormick - 9/27

Wedding Anniversaries

Caroline Swift  - 9/15

Tammy Letourneau -  9/24

Club Anniversaries

Pat Bates - 9/8/87

Kristin Epperson - 9/25/20

Mara James - 9/25/20

Rischi Paul Sharma - 9/25/20

2022 - 2023 Board of Directors

President - Chandra Chell

President Elect - Mike Gerard

Vice President - Stewart Mims

Secretary - Ivy Leeson

Treasurer - RoseAnne Ruccello

Immediate Past President - Eileen Gomez

Sergeant at Arms - Rischi Paul Sharma

Scholarship Committee - Stewart Mims, Taje Gill, Bill Nguyen

Membership Chair - David Weiss
Programs Chair - Mark Montgomery
Community Services Chair - Marilyn Crary
Board Members at Large - Kim Douglas, Jim McGinley
Foundation Chair - John Veytia
International Co-Chairs - Bruce Birkeland, Kristin Epperson
Youth Chair - Taje Gill
The Rotarian's Four-Way Test
of the things we think, say or do!
First - Is it the TRUTH?
Second - is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third - Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth - Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL concerned?
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