President Chandra's Bulletin
Hope you're enjoying the summer time here in Laguna Niguel. Growing up as a desert dweller, my family used to come here to South Orange County for a short summer vacation. It was like another world for us, - the beaches, the art festivals, the water activities. I could only hope to one day live in such a wonderful locale. Its hard to believe I've now been a twenty four year resident of this remarkable community.
This past week, our meeting got off to a great start with our own John Veytia providing us with some humor and Jim McGinley providing an inspirational baseball story. Devi Pillai was back in town and wished us all well. Our speaker, Gregory Taylor gave an informative presentation about "imposter fraud". This goes much further than just the usual phishing emails that attempt to impersonate our banks, shipping services, Amazon, Paypal, Netflix and other services that we regularly use.
He provided several examples of how companies can be infiltrated by a hacker impersonating a long time company supplier when it comes time to pay a supplier invoice. The hackers usually setup another bank account to have the company wire their invoice payment funds to. It was definitely a cautionary tale to always verify email addresses, bank account numbers, etc. before allowing funds to exchange hands. If you were unable to attend, you can view his presentation by clicking on the "Anatomy of Two Crimes" photo.
Coming up this week, we have our Club Transition Dinner on Saturday, July 16th at Mark Montgomery's home. This is always a memorable event as we thank President Eileen and her outgoing 2021 - 2022 Board and welcome in my 2022-23 Board. If you are a member of the incoming or outgoing board, please do attend. Awards for recognition of service as well as new pins and badges, are presented and given out. We wouldn't want any of our Rotarians to miss out on hearing the presentation comments about themselves with their award to let everyone know they are very much appreciated.
Don't forget to send Madame Past President Kim Douglas any stories and or quirky experiences regarding our dear, outgoing President Eileen Gomez for her roasting at the dinner.
Later in July, our new District Governor, Dan Ouweleen, will be visiting our club to give his presentation on the District level plans for this 2022 - 2023 term.
Caroline Swift
Wedding Anniversaries
Devi Pillai
Club Anniversaries
Cecil Spearman
Next Board Meeting
July 21st
We'll soon welcome Ivy Leeson as a new member this month. She already presented her craft talk and is set to hit the ground running. Her application is currently pending and will be finalized very soon!
I truly look forward to this year serving as Club President. We hope to see you at our upcoming meeting and Transition Dinner this week.
Yours in Service,
Chandra Chell
2022-23 President
Our Next Meeting is on Friday, July 15, 2022 at Noon at
Romeo Cucina Restaurant in Laguna Niguel!
2022 - 2023 President Chandra Chell
Please join us for a special meeting as we outline our plans for the 2022 - 2023 year. Now that activities are ramping up in full force, its time to reevaluate our Club's direction, goals and perhaps consider some new projects and operations going forward. Our Assistant District Governor, Dr. Sheila Steinberg, will be joining us as well.
This meeting will be interactive so please come prepared with your best ideas as we forge a path forward for our club.
Assistant District Governor Dr. Sheila Steinberg
Next Meeting - Friday, July 15, 2022
Romeo Cucina Restaurant
28241 Crown Valley Parkway
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
(corner of Greenfield Dr. and Rancho Niguel Rd.)
11:45 am - Socialize
12:00pm - Meeting Called to Order and Enjoy Lunch!
12:30pm - Speaker Program Begins
1:00pm - Meeting Adjournment
Rotary "A Night In Tuscany Transition Dinner"
Fellow Rotarians, no one should miss the their accolades and appreciation that will be bestowed upon them as they receive their awards for "Service Above Self". Its not too late to join us for a night of fellowship and celebration of Immediate Past President Eileen Gomez's year of service. If you haven't done so already, don't wait to purchase your tickets. All Club Officers, both incoming and outgoing, are strongly encouraged to attend.
If you wish to pay at the door, please bring your check or cash payment with you.
Rotary Calendar of Events
July 15, 2022 - 12:00pm Club Meeting with President Chandra Chell and Special Guest Assistant District Governor Dr. Sheila Steinberg at Romeo Cucina
July 16, 2022 - 4:00 p.m. Presidents Transition Dinner - Mark Montgomery's Home
July 19, 2022 - 5:30p.m. - Leadership Forum at Coyote Hills Golf Course, 1440 E. Bastanchury Rd., Fullerton (Zoom option: Meeting ID - 714 921 1881; Passcode - 5320)
July 21, 2022 - 4:30p.m. - Club Board Meeting; Location TBD
July 22, 2022 - 12:00pm - Club Meeting Featuring Anna Lisa Lukes from The Lukes Network at Romeo Cucina
July 29, 2022 - 12:00 p.m. - Club visit from New District Governor Dan Ouweleen at Romeo Cucina
August 20, 2022 - District 5320 Membership Training at District Office in Orange
City of Laguna Niguel Events!
The Rotarian's Four-Way Test
of the things we think, say or do!
First - Is it the TRUTH?
Second - is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third - Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth - Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL concerned?