President Chandra's Bulletin

September 1, 2022

Fellow Rotarians!

The past week was a busy time for our club. We started out with our meeting featuring Charlie Barr from the Newport Balboa Club who spoke about his 50+ year tenure as a Rotarian. For the first 46 of those years, he served in the Upland Rotary Club and was District Governor from  2007-2008. During that time, he was an active member of the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee. 

He discussed how all the Southern California Rotary Districts share the cost of the float. Volunteers are always needed the month leading up to the parade to decorate the float. In addition, for a $5000 donation, any Rotarian can be a "walker" with the Rotary float. Rotarians can help with the Rotary Float by visiting the Rotary Rose Parade Committee website. Charlie also discussed the youth projects including Camp RYLA and his newest leadership program designed for eighth graders.

Over the weekend, the city celebrated its 2022 Sea Country Festival coordinated by the City's Parks and Recreation Department. I must say that Ron Rivera's team thought of everything and no detail was left to chance. Who would've ever thought the street separating the Laguna Design Center and the Federal Building parking lot would serve as a prime location for a festival that featured carnival rides and games, two stages of entertainment, a wine and beer garden, community booths, and  food vendors? Somehow it all worked very well. Our club hosted a booth that was busy non-stop as we talked to members of our community about Rotary.

President Chandra Chell

No Meeting on September 2nd

We generated lots of interest and met people that wanted to come speak to our club, attend a club meeting, help out with our Rotary projects or had received a Rotary scholarship. We will be reaching out to all of these prospective members over the next few days. I would like to thank our members that worked in the booth including Bob Brown, Taje Gill, Marilyn Crary, Ivy Leeson, Jim McGinley, John Veytia, Bill Nguyen, RoseAnne Ruccello, Devi Pillai, Mike Gerard, David Weiss, Mark Montgomery and Bruce Birkeland. I realize that several of our members were doing double duty working in other booths so we really appreciate the time they took to  assist with our club booth.

We also have the results of our survey conducted two weeks ago. I appreciate the members that took the time to complete the entire survey. Please review the results below as well as our plan going forward.  As always, we have lots of projects and events to look forward to throughout the rest of year. Please mark your calendars! We are here to serve and appreciate the time and effort our members contribute toward our community.

Yours in Service,

Chandra Chell

2022-23 President

Survey Results - Club Meeting Day & Time

Two weeks ago, a survey was sent out to the current members. After three years of meeting weekly on Fridays for lunch, and a substantial change in our membership lineup, it was time to revisit when would be the best time for us to meet, as well as get some feedback with a few other burning issues. About 15 members completed most or all of the survey.

First choice for which day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) to meet? 

Tuesday – 46%

Friday – 23%

Wednesday – 15%


First choice for meeting time (Lunch, Evening)

Lunch – 84%

Evening – 16%


Second choice for which day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) to meet. 

Thursday – 42%

Wednesday – 33%


Second choice for meeting time (Lunch, Evening)

Lunch – 75%

Evening – 25%


How often should the club meet (Weekly, Twice a Month)?

Twice a Month – 60%

Weekly – 40%


Should dues be collected via automatic credit card payment in GIVSUM?

Yes – 70%

No – 30%


How should dues and meal invoicing be handled (Monthly, Quarterly, Annually)

Annually – 58%

Monthly – 33%

Quarterly – 16%


So what do these results mean for our club? It looks like we’re going back to meeting on Tuesdays during lunchtime. However, instead of weekly, we’ll meet twice a month. After some discussion at a recent meeting, the preference was to meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month. In addition, it was suggested that we try meeting at the new Crown Valley Community Center and have lunch catered from a local restaurant. This is a beautiful, modern facility has a variety of different sized rooms available. Beginning on Tuesday October 4th, we will hold our first meeting at this new location. More details will follow as we approach the beginning of October.

Rotary Calendar of Events

September 1, 2022 - San Juan Capistrano Rotary Club's "Rotary Del Mar Races" Event.

September 2, 2022 - Labor Day Weekend; No meeting

September 9, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club meeting featuring Wen Chen on China's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic at Romeo Cucina

September 9 - 11, 2022 - Rotary "Source to the Sea" Summit, Hosted by the Newport Beach Global Rotary Club in the Newport Beach Back Bay Area

September 16, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club Meeting Featuring Honor Flight Recap presented by Jim McGinley & Mark Montgomery at Romeo Cucina

September 22, 2022 - Mayor's Breakfast of Compassion at Crown Valley Community Center in Laguna Niguel

September 23, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club Meeting Featuring District 5320 Membership Chair Anabella Bonfa at Romeo Cucina

September 30, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club Meeting Featuring Victoria Morgan from Bis Kids charity at Romeo Cucina

October 4, 2022 12:00p.m.- Club Meeting Featuring Jennifer Trubenbach from Operation of Hope at Crown Valley Community Center

October 14, 2022 - District 5320 Gala, Old Ranch Country Club, Seal Beach

October 18, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club Meeting featuring District 5320 Marketing Chair and GIVSUM CEO Shawn Wehan at Crown Valley Community Center

October 22, 2022 - Annual Oktoberfest Event at Mark Montgomery's Home

November 1, 2022 12:00p.m. - Club Meeting featuring Carl Schulkin on the History of the Chet Holifield Federal Building (the Ziggurat) at Crown Valley Community Center

December 10, 2022 - Christmas Party for Glennwood Home in Laguna Beach

Friday September 9, 2022 - Wen Chen on China's Censorship during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Wen Chen

Wen Chen was born in China at the end of the Great Cultural Revolution. Being the victim of this horrific atrocity that killed two million intellectuals and destroyed traditional Chinese culture, Wen's parents had mixed feelings about her education. Despite their discouragement, Wen eventually won a national prize at a science competition when she was 16. Hence, she went to a top university for undergraduate study and then came to the U.S. in 1994 for graduate school. Wen received a Ph.D. in Biology at the California Institute of Technology in 2000. Because of her personal experience of being brainwashed in China, she decided to voice for the voiceless. Since 2012, she has given hundreds of presentations to community organizations about Chinese culture, history, and society. Wen will give a presentation on COVID-19, the origin of the virus, and China's censorship.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Romeo Cucina Restaurant

28241 Crown Valley Parkway

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

(corner of Greenfield Dr. and Rancho Niguel Rd.)

11:45 am - Socialize

12:00pm - Meeting Called to Order and Enjoy Lunch!

12:30pm - Speaker Program Begins

1:00pm - Meeting Adjournment

Newport Beach Rotary "Source to the Sea" Summit Wine Tasting Event
2022 - 2023 Board of Directors
President - Chandra Chell
Immediate Past President - Eileen Gomez
President Elect - Mike Gerard
Vice President - Stewart Mims
Secretary - Ivy Leeson
Treasurer - RoseAnne Ruccello
Sergeant at Arms - Rischi Paul Sharma
Scholarship Committee - Stewart Mims, Taje Gill, Bill Nguyen
Membership Chair - David Weiss
Programs Chair - Mark Montgomery
Community Services Chair - Marilyn Crary
Board Members at Large - Kim Douglas, Jim McGinley
Foundation Chair - John Veytia
International Co-Chairs - Bruce Birkeland, Kristin Epperson
Youth Chair - Taje Gill
The Rotarian's Four-Way Test
of the things we think, say or do!
First - Is it the TRUTH?
Second - is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third - Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth - Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL concerned?
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