President Chandra's Bulletin
Welcome to the new Rotary year! I'm excited to deliver my first President's Message. Hope you and your loved ones had a fantastic 4th of July. Our wonderful sense of community truly shines on such a special occasion for our country. I must admit that I'm still in awe over our city's laser light and drone "fireworks" show. Have never seen anything like that before for a civic event.
We can always count on this city to be very forward thinking with implementing innovative ideas.
We began this new Rotary year with hosting a booth at Crown Valley Park during the 43rd Annual Run in the Parks 5K Race. Myself, along with Past President Eileen Gomez, Foundation Chair John Veytia and President-Elect Mike Gerard setup and manned the booth bright and early in the morning. Its always heartwarming to see members of the community in full patriotic attire as they participate in the 5K run and finish up by stopping by our booth for coffee and donuts. Since this event had not been held since 2019, it was like a big reunion having the chance to see many of longtime members of the community. Mayor Elaine Gennawey, Council Member Fred Minagar, Chamber President Scott Alevy and Dianne Smith, 2022 Citizen of the Year Jim McGinley, Carole Allen, John Ulrich, Gary Capata, Craig Alexander, David Tuma and Debbie Garnreiter all dropped by to visit.
Coming up this month, we have our Club Transition Dinner on Saturday, July 16th at Mark Montgomery's home. This is always a memorable event as we thank President Eileen and her outgoing 2021 - 2022 Board and welcome in the new 2022-23 Board. One can also never forget that any event at Mark's home will always be a top notch occasion so we certainly hope you can join us. Don't forget to send Madame Past President Kim Douglas any stories and or quirky experiences regarding our dear, outgoing President Eileen Gomez for her roasting at the dinner. Later in July, we have a visit from the new District Governor for 2022 - 2023, Dan Ouweleen from the Fullerton Rotary Club.
We also look forward to welcoming Ivy Leeson as a new member this month. She already presented her craft talk and is set to hit the ground running. Her application is currently pending and will be finalized very soon!
Last but certainly not least, I would be remiss without thanking our outgoing President Eileen Gomez. It has been an absolute pleasure serving as her "President Elect". From all the event planning, to the setting up for our weekly meetings, to the collaborations on the newsletter, - no job was ever too small or too big for her to handle. She always conducted herself with a positive, upbeat attitude and exemplified the spirit of "Service Above Self". It is very apparent that Eileen is beloved by this community and will not just be missed by our club, but our Laguna Niguel residents as well. We wish her all the best as she moves on to the next chapter in her life!
I truly look forward to this year serving as Club President. Luckily, I am fortunate to have the guidance of several, remarkable Past Presidents to always keep me on track.
Yours in Service,
Chandra Chell
2022-23 President
Caroline Swift
Wedding Anniversaries
Devi Pillai
Club Anniversaries
James Malone
Cecil Spearman
Guest Speakers
Gregory Taylor, Corporate Audit Partners
Anna Lisa Lukes
Dan Ouweleen, District Governor
Next Board Meeting
July 21st
Our Next Meeting is on Friday, July 8, 2022 at Noon at
Romeo Cucina Restaurant in Laguna Niguel!
Gregory Taylor, Senior Vice President - Corporate Audit Partners
Please join us for "The Anatomy of Two Crimes" presentation on Imposter Fraud, Business Email Crimes and Personal Identity Theft! Come out for a great lunch and to hear all about how to protect your business and employees!
Gregory Taylor is currently the Senior Vice President of Corporate Audit Partners LLC; Owner of Practical Intelligence Advisors LLC, and Owner of Tax Intelligence Advisors. He obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting from Brigham Young University in Hawaii. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner, Member of Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, and a California Registered Tax Preparer.
His wide range of experience includes Business Transaction Assurance, Recovery Auditing, Fraud Prevention, Fraud Investigations, Forensic Accounting, and Big Data Analysis, just to name a few! He has several published articles including "Fraud Basics, The Perils of a Small Business" (Fraud Magazine). Some of his speaking engagement history spans back through August 2009 where he was a Guest Host with Marc Gallo, "Your Family Matters, Financial Planning" on KCBQ AM 1170 in San Diego. In December 2018, he was a featured speaker for the County of Orange Employees where he provided information on Identify Theft; Prevention & Resolution" in Santa Ana.
Please join us at Romeo Cucina Restaurant at Noon on Friday, July 8, 2022, to show your support and to hear this informative presentation!
Next Meeting - Friday, July 8, 2022
Romeo Cucina Restaurant
28241 Crown Valley Parkway
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
(corner of Greenfield Dr. and Rancho Niguel Rd.)
11:45 am - Socialize
12:00pm - Meeting Called to Order and Enjoy Lunch!
12:30pm - Speaker Program Begins
1:00pm - Meeting Adjournment
Rotary "A Night In Tuscany Transition Dinner"
You can now purchase your tickets online for "A Night In Tuscany Transition Dinner" on July 16th at 4:00 p.m. at Mark Montgomery's Villa! Tickets are $50 per person, which includes a delicious Italian dinner, dessert, raffle prizes, wine, and more! Please click on the link below to purchase your tickets! Don't forget to please bring a bottle of wine for the raffle!
If you wish to pay via check, please send payment to:
P.O. Box 6281
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
We hope to see you there for a great night!
Rotary Calendar of Events
July 16, 2022 - 4:00 p.m. Presidents Transition Dinner - Mark Montgomery's Home!
July 19, 2022 - 5:30p.m. - Leadership Forum at Coyote Hills Golf Course, 1440 E. Bastanchury Rd., Fullerton (Zoom option: Meeting ID - 714 921 1881; Passcode - 5320)
July 21, 2022 - 4:30p.m. - Club Board Meeting; Location TBD
July 29, 2022: Club visit from New District Governor Dan Ouweleen
City of Laguna Niguel Events!
The Rotarian's Four-Way Test
of the things we think, say or do!
First - Is it the TRUTH?
Second - is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third - Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth - Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL concerned?