President Eileen's News Flash!
June 9, 2022
To My Esteemed and Amazing Fellow Rotarians!
I hope you are all doing well and have been able to enjoy this extraordinary weather! During your travels while driving around Laguna Niguel recently, did you see the new cool trolleys shuttling residents and visitors around town? This is free public transportation in Laguna Niguel that will connect you to the beach trolleys in surrounding cities so be sure to take a ride and relax!

This week's program will be a Fireside Chat so Rotarians please be prepared to talk about everything Rotary and invite friends that are interested in joining! We will talk about our Red to Blue Badge Program, becoming a Paul Harris Fellow, and more!

For those of you that missed it, here is the information regarding the services for our dear friend Jack Biggar:

Memorial Services for Jack Biggar
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - 11:00 a.m.
Laguna Niguel Presbyterian Church
30071 Ivy Glen Drive, Laguna Niguel

In lieu of flowers, the Biggar family is requesting donations in Jack's honor be made to the Pasadena Tournament of Roses or the Laguna Niguel Presbyterian Church. Please continue to keep the Biggar family in your thoughts and prayers during this time.
Rotarians had a great lunch meeting that began with Chris Doherty leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance! Stewart Mims talked about a conversation that came up at a recent dinner engagement with friends about the concept of gratitude. He quoted Mark Twain and stated, "If you pick up a starving dog and bring it back to health, you'll have a friend for life." And that's the principle difference between man and dog. Stewart ended his inspirational message by encouraging everyone to picture themselves as a dog to help us get by.
And of course, our own comedian John Veytia shared his "dog philosophy" with Rotarians and said he is trying to become the person his dog thinks he is! He then told a funny story about a parrot that told visitors (in his parrot voice), "Rah, Jesus is watching you!" Finally, the visitor told the parrot, "I'm not worried, you're just a parrot!" Then the parrot said, "Rah, Jesus is a Rottweiler!"
Our remarkable Sergeant-At-Arms started his rounds off by saying he loves catchy business names and told Rotarians about the one he saw on his way to the meeting. He told Rotarians about a black and white truck he saw that he thought was a police vehicle but then noticed it was a pool service that was called the "Poolice" which made us all laugh!
Alex Rosenstein provided an excellent presentation on a "400 year history of Ukrainian-Russian conflict in 30 minutes". Rotarians were intrigued by this presentation and Dr. Rosenstein's overview of his experience as an immigrant, overcoming the language barrier and how he received his undergraduate and doctorate degrees in the United States. We all look forward to purchasing his 4th novel as soon as it publishes!
Before the meeting ended, Rotarians were asked by Dr. Bill Nguyen's staff to create a "Happy Birthday Dr. Bill" video so we all did our best version of the song! We all wish those with June birthdays a "Happy Birthday" and the best year ever! Cheers!


We are collecting items for our big fundraiser in October! Please bring your items to a Friday lunch meeting for our Silent Auction Fundraiser! Here is a list to give you some ideas of what would make great auction items! The Rotary Fundraising Committee thanks you in advance!
President Eileen Gomez


Chris Doherty

Elaine Gennawey

Bill Nguyen

Dale Stinchfield

Wedding Anniversaries

Bruce Birkeland

Kristin Epperson

Ellen Fine

Stewart Mims

Ron Waters

Club Anniversaries

Miles Sterling

Dale Stinchfield
Guest Speakers

Fireside Chat

Steve Bender, President, Newport Beach Rotary Club

Scholarship Recipient Lunch with Parents

Next Board Meeting

June 16, 2022
5:30 p.m.
Please be sure to RSVP to this email for "The Presidents Night in Tuscany Transition Dinner" on July 16th at 4:00 p.m. at Mark Montgomery's House! The cost is $50 per person which includes a delicious Italian dinner and more!
We are always looking for great speakers in our community! Please be sure to forward names and email addresses to me for any individuals in our community that you would like to have come out and speak to our Rotary Club! We have lots of great programs scheduled and we look forward to many more with your help! We are planning some great programs so please be sure to join us for lunch on Friday's at noon so you don't miss out!

Serving To Change Lives,

Eileen Gomez
2021-22 President
Rotary Club of Laguna Niguel
Our First Annual Fireside Chat Lunch Meeting is
on Friday, June 10, 2022 at Noon at
Romeo Cucina Restaurant in Laguna Niguel!
Rotary Logo for 2022-2023
Please join us for our first Fireside Chat of the year! I would like to ask Rotarians to be prepared to provide a few minutes of their experience as a Rotarian and encourage guests to become members! We will have a few guests in attendance so let's show our support for Rotary and invite anyone interested in becoming a member!
Please join us at Romeo Cucina Restaurant at Noon on Friday, June 10, 2022 for our Annual Fireside Chat!

Annual Fireside Chat - Friday, June 10, 2022

Romeo Cucina Restaurant
28241 Crown Valley Parkway
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
(corner of Greenfield Dr. and Rancho Niguel Rd.)

11:45 am - Socialize
12:00pm - Meeting Called to Order and Enjoy Lunch!
12:30pm - Members Talk Rotary!
1:00pm - Meeting Adjournment
Rotary Calendar of Events
June 24, 2022: Scholarship Recipient Lunch Meeting with Parents
June 25, 2022: District 5320 Denim & Diamonds End of the Year Celebration & Transition Dinner, Tanaka Farms, Irvine
July 1, 2022: Dark due to 4th of July weekend so no meeting!
July 4, 2022: 43rd Annual Laguna Niguel Family YMCA Run in the Park
July 16, 2022 - 4:00 p.m.: Presidents Transition Dinner - Mark Montgomery's Home!
July 22, 2022: Club visit from New District Governor Dan Ouweleen
City of Laguna Niguel Events!
The Rotarian's Four-Way Test
of the things we think, say or do!
First - Is it the TRUTH?
Second - is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third - Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth - Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL concerned?