President Eileen's News Flash!
February 17, 2022
To My Esteemed and Amazing Fellow Rotarians,
I would like to dedicate my President's News Flash this week, "In Memory of Our Dear Friend and Fellow Rotarian, Robert Ming."

Robert's kind soul and generous spirit touched so many lives both in Laguna Niguel and beyond. I write this President's News Flash with great heartache and sadness. I also have a sense of joy knowing that our dear friend Robert is now walking with his Lord and Savior, which was his ultimate goal in this life. I ask that you keep Susie and their four children, Jonathan, Katie, Wesley and Grant, in your constant thoughts and prayers.

I first met Robert in 2014 at one of his campaign events when he ran for supervisor. I also had the privilege of meeting his family, many community members, and friends. I was in awe hearing the way they all spoke so highly of him. I had the honor and privilege of accepting the appointment to serve as the Laguna Niguel City Clerk during his leadership on the City Council. I had the pleasure of working with him since that time as the City Clerk, through the Military Support Committee, and more importantly, through Rotary. He was also a friend that I could call any time for his wise and humble advice and he helped me so much over the years in so many ways. I will miss his positive and wise counsel and especially his friendship.
I know many of you have stories you would like to share about Robert so please feel free to come to Fratello's on Friday at noon to share some of them with us. Our own Mark Montgomery will be giving his presentation highlighting his trip to Panama where he and his team performed dental work on underprivileged villagers.
There were many bios about Robert online and this one below I felt described him best.

Robert was born and raised in Orange County and has grown up living, working and going to school in Southern California. Robert was Managing Partner at Quadrant Law Group, a law firm he founded in 2015. Robert was Managing Director and Associate General Counsel at Jefferies, an international brokerage and investment banking firm, and General Counsel of BeXcom Research, an Internet B2B E-Commerce provider. Robert began his legal career at the law firm of Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP in Los Angeles, California.
Robert received his BA in Political Science from Azusa Pacific University where he graduated as the Most Outstanding Political Science Student and was later inducted into the Academic Hall of Fame. He then went to Pepperdine Law School, where he graduated Valedictorian and received American Jurisprudence Awards (the highest single grade in a class) in Corporations, Real Property, Wills & Trusts, Real Estate Finance, Torts and Criminal Procedure. While at Pepperdine, Robert helped to form the first Republican Law Students Association on campus, and became its President.
President Eileen Gomez


Marilyn Crary

Dick Glassock


Tammy Letourneau

Jim McGinley

Wedding Anniversaries

John Veytia

Elaine Gennawey

Club Anniversaries

Rocky Cifone

Vito Ferlauto

Dick Glassock

David Weiss
Next Board Meeting

Thursday, March 24, 2022
5:30 p.m.

In observance of St. Patrick's Day, our next Board meeting was moved
During law school, Robert was fortunate to be able to do an externship for Justice Armand Arabian at the California Supreme Court, where he assisted in evaluating which cases the court would review and co-authored an article with Justice Arabian. Later, Robert also served as a research assistant for then United States Solicitor General Kenneth Starr. Just after law school, Robert also served as a law clerk for Judge Lance Ito during the OJ Simpson trial.

Robert and his wife Susie first met at Southern California Christian High School in Anaheim, California and were married just after graduating from college together. They have been married for 28 years and have four children, Jonathan, Katie, Wesley and Grant.
First elected to the Laguna Niguel City Council in 2006, Robert was re-elected in 2010 and served as its Mayor in 2009 and 2013. For six years, Robert was Co-Chair of the Laguna Niguel Military Support Committee and is the founding President of the Laguna Niguel Military Support Foundation.

Working to find solutions for county-wide problems has long been a passion for Robert. He was Founding President of the Association of California Cities-Orange County and currently serves as Pension Reform Committee Chair for the ACC-OC. Robert has previously chaired ACC’s Legislative Committee and Economic Development and Jobs Creation committee. Previously, Robert served as President of the Orange County Division of the League of California Cities, Chair of the Revenue and Taxation Policy Committee of the League, a Director of the Orange County Vector Control District, and the representative of Laguna Niguel on the Board for the 73 Toll Road.

Robert is currently Chairman of the Board of Stoneybrooke Christian Schools, and on the Board of South County Outreach. Previously, Robert was Chairman of the Government Affairs Committee of the Laguna Niguel Chamber of Commerce, served on its Board of Directors, and received its Volunteer of the Year Award in 2006.
Robert has also served as a member of the Laguna Niguel Planning Commission, the Board of Managers of the South Coast YMCA, Saddleback Community College Foundation and still serves on the Board of Directors of The Bonner Institute for the Advancement of Choral Music, a California non-profit organization he helped form. For four years, he served on the Board of Directors of the Hillcrest Village Homes Community Association. Robert is also a past President of the Laguna Niguel Lion’s Club, and recipient of the Lion of the Year Award in 2005-06. Robert is also a past President of the Laguna Niguel Rotary Club and has served on its Board of Directors. In 2006, Robert helped found Citizens Who Vote, a coalition of concerned voters who sponsored the Voter ID Act, a state ballot initiative that would have required voters to present photo ID at the polls when they vote.

In his free time, Robert has been a Y-Indian Guide and Indian Princess Chief, AYSO Soccer Referee, church music director, and is an instrument rated pilot and avid runner.
Robert was a Fellow Rotarian and dear friend that we will miss so much and will never forget. I received a special note from Susie to thank our Club for the beautiful flower arrangement and gift card she received from us which is a small but sincere and heartfelt gesture. Rest well Robert and fly high with the angels. We will miss you!

We had a great Zoom meeting last week with Kristin giving a presentation on a new group we are supporting in Malawi, Africa. More information will be provided in the next President's News Flash.

This week, we will be meeting in person to hear our own Mark Montgomery's presentation on his trip to Panama!

Serving To Change Lives,
Eileen Gomez
2021-22 President
Rotary Club of Laguna Niguel
Next Meeting: Friday, February 18, 2022 at Noon at Fratello's!
Mark Montgomery
This week's Craft Talk will be provided by our own Past President and current Programs Chairman Mark Montgomery! He will be giving a presentation about his recent service trip to Panama!

Please join us at Fratello's at noon and show your support for Mark!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Fratello's Italian Kitchen
31371 Niguel Rd.
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

12:00pm - Meeting Called to Order
12:30pm - Speaker Program Begins
1:00pm Meeting Adjournment
Message from Laguna Niguel Mayor Elaine Gennawey
Rotary Camp RYLA 2022
This year, our club has paid to sponsor up to three junior high school students for Camp RYLA. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is all about Rotarians working with youth in leadership development. It is an intensive training/experiential program for students in District 5320 who are chosen for their potential leadership abilities. RYLA provides a memorable opportunity to learn, grow, have fun, make new friends, and gain a new and improved focus. Students participate in an all-expense paid event running from April 26 to May 1, 2022:

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings (on ZOOM), All Day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (in person).
Hours: Tues– 6-9PM, Wed – 6-9PM, Thur – 6-9PM, Fri – 8:30AM, Sat – RYLA Camp, Sun – RYLA Camp (returning at 4PM)

If you know a local high school junior that would be a great candidate for Camp RYLA 2022, please contact Chandra Chell for more information. Deadline for student applications in March 1, 2022.
Upcoming City of Laguna Niguel Events!
The Rotarian's Four-Way Test
of the things we think, say or do!
First - Is it the TRUTH?
Second - is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third - Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth - Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL concerned?