President Eileen's News Flash!
To My Esteemed and Fellow Rotarians:
This is a reminder that there is no meeting tomorrow, May 27th so please enjoy the Memorial Day weekend with your family and friends!
Can you believe that next week will be the beginning of June! This year is just flying by so please be sure to stop and smell the roses and reflect on all the wonderful times in your lives! There is so much going on right now in this world and I wish it was all good all the time. Please keep the families of the children that lost their lives in the tragic Uvalde Elementary School shooting massacre in your thoughts and prayers. I can't even imagine what the parents must be going through right now. I hope someday they will all find comfort in all the fond memories they have of their children.
Please also continue to keep the Biggar family in your thoughts and prayers during this time. Bruce Birkeland was kind enough to share the obituary that was published which is included in this news flash. I would also like to quote Bruce as he expressed such a heartfelt sentiment about his dear friend Jack. "Jack Biggar was a fellow Rotarian for many years and a great friend who was always prepared to volunteer to lead or help with any charitable project to help others. He will always be remembered as one of the finest gentlemen I have had the opportunity to know. He will be greatly missed by many. We have lost another Lion of Rotary and one of our finest friends."
We had a great meeting on Friday and it was so wonderful to have so many Rotarians present, including Dale Stinchfield! After his warm welcome, Dale graciously lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance! President Eileen reminded Rotarians to read the last news flash that included a tribute to Jack Biggar. Bruce shared the obituary that Jack's family published in Jack's memory that is included in this news flash. President Eileen read the tribute to Jack as her inspiration and asked that Rotarians lease continue to keep Karol and the Biggar family in your thoughts and prayers.
President Eileen asked Rotarians to give a warm welcome to our special visitor, Ludwig "LJ" Cibelli, the 2022-2023 Club President for the Rotary Club of Monarch Beach Sunrise! Of course, our in-house comedian John Veytia just had to bring some humor to the meeting that filled the room with laughter! Bob McCormick assisted John with collecting Happy Bucks and it was great to hear about everything Rotarians are happy about and grateful for! Rotarians enjoyed an excellent Craft Talk by Stephanie Palmer, Program Manager for HomeShare OC, a non-profit organization that provides Homeless Intervention Services throughout Orange County. HomeShare OC connects people with spare room and college students who are struggling financially and on the verge of dropping out. Great job Stephanie and special thanks for all your do for students in our community!
Jack Biggar
Devi Pillai
Wedding Anniversaries
Dick Glassock
Bob McCormick
Club Anniversaries
Bruce Birkeland
Chris Doherty
James Fitzpatrick
Guest Speakers
Alexander Rosenstein,
Scientific Writer
Fireside Chat
Steve Bender, President, Newport Beach Rotary Club
Scholarship Recipient Lunch with Parents
Next Board Meeting
June 16, 2022
5:30 p.m.
We will be hosting a Silent Auction Fundraiser in conjunction with the Presidents Transition Dinner on July 16th at 4:00 p.m. at Mark Montgomery's House! The cost is $65 per person or $100 per couple! We will start with a virtual auction the week prior and all items will be available for pick-up after payment is received on that night. Here is a list to give you some ideas of what would make great auction items! The Rotary Fundraising Committee thanks you in advance!
We are always looking for great speakers in our community! Please be sure to forward names and email addresses to me for any individuals in our community that you would like to have come out and speak to our Rotary Club! We have lots of great programs scheduled and we look forward to many more with your help! We are planning some great programs so please be sure to join us for lunch on Friday's at noon so you don't miss out!
Serving To Change Lives,
Eileen Gomez
2021-22 President
Rotary Club of Laguna Niguel
Special Announcement! There is no meeting on Friday, May 27th. Our Next Meeting is on Friday, June 3, 2022 at Noon at Romeo Cucina Restaurant in Laguna Niguel!
Alexander Rosenstein,
Scientific Writer
Please join us to welcome our featured Guest Speaker Alexander Rosenstein, a well-published scientific writer and passionate historian! Alexander is the son of Soviet dissidents and came to the United States from Odessa, Ukraine on a refugee visa without knowing any English. Rosenstein was able to overcome the language barrier and received his undergraduate and doctorate degrees in the United States. Subsequently, he completed his postdoctoral work at Oxford University.
Alexander is passionate about history. He traveled to 6 out of 7 continents and lectured in 9 countries. Alexander is a well-published scientific writer, but a relatively new fiction writer. He has two action/adventure novels, based on real historical events, published by two different independence publishers. Recently, Alexander completed his third novel, which is ready for publication, and currently is working on his 4th novel! Since immigrating to the United States, Alexander returned back to Ukraine and Russia three times! His second visit coincided with the events immediately presiding the fall of the Soviet Empire.
Please join us at Romeo Cucina Restaurant at Noon on Friday, June 3rd to show your support for Alexander Rosenstein!
Next Meeting - Friday, June 3, 2022
Romeo Cucina Restaurant
28241 Crown Valley Parkway
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
(corner of Greenfield Dr. and Rancho Niguel Rd.)
11:45 am - Socialize
12:00pm - Meeting Called to Order
12:30pm - Speaker Program Begins
1:00pm - Meeting Adjournment
Rotary Calendar of Events
June 4-8, 2022: Rotary International Convention in Houston, Texas
June 24, 2022: Scholarship Recipient Lunch Meeting with Parents
June 25, 2022: District 5320 Denim & Diamonds End of the Year Celebration & Transition Dinner, Tanaka Farms, Irvine
July 1, 2022: Dark due to 4th of July weekend so no meeting!
July 4, 2022: 43rd Annual Laguna Niguel Family YMCA Run in the Park
July 16, 2022 - 4:00 p.m.: Presidents Transition Dinner - Mark Montgomery's Home!
July 22, 2022: Club visit from New District Governor Dan Ouweleen
City of Laguna Niguel Events!
The Rotarian's Four-Way Test
of the things we think, say or do!
First - Is it the TRUTH?
Second - is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third - Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth - Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL concerned?