President Eileen's News Flash!
To My Esteemed and Fellow Rotarians!
This is the last week of April and the weather just keeps getting better! Everywhere you go in Laguna Niguel and our surrounding communities, you can see the gorgeous green terrains and rolling hills filled with the most spectacular colors! Flowers are everywhere in full bloom for all to enjoy! Rotarians had a great time on Saturday at the Niguel Botanical Preserve working with community volunteers to help celebrate Earth Day! We all did our best to represent our Club by planting, shoveling mulch and having fun working at the Preserve! It was a beautiful day and we all enjoyed working together! We even had a young man that visited our Club previously for lunch come out to join in on the fun! Rotarians are always at hard at work serving our communities!
We had a full house on Friday which was a great way to show our support for our Assistant Governor, Dr. Sheila Steinberg! President Eileen led Rotarians in the Pledge of Allegiance and Stewart Mims provided inspiration for the day! He told a story about a man that lived by a circus and noticed that the elephants were held down by tiny little stakes in the ground. He asked the ringmaster how he was able to keep the elephants in the same place for so long with just the little stakes. He explained that ever since they were young, they were conditioned to stay in place with just a stake. The moral of the story was, "What little stakes are holding you back?"
And of course, our own "Good Humor Man," John Veytia! He told a funny tale about a young lady looking for a pet for her mom that lived by herself. After going through many choices of pets including a dog, a cat, and a snake, the owner presented a parrot that was previously owned by a nun. He asked the young lady if her mother was religious since the bird recited familiar prayers! Mike Gerard graciously handled the Sergeant-At-Arms duties for the day and many Rotarians had much to be happy about and grateful for!
Our fabulous Assistant Governor Dr. Sheila Steinberg provided a great presentation on all things Rotary! Her lovely mother Rosalie, also joined us to support her amazing daughter! Dr. Sheila made us all feel great when she enthusiastically commented on how well our Club is doing especially during the pandemic and how she loves visiting us! Her presentation was interactive as she passed the mic around for Rotarians to talk about their favorite projects hosted by our Club!
As our Covid restrictions are minimized and we are finally meeting in person on a regular basis, it is time to celebrate and call for a Rotary Social Event! Our fabulous Membership/Social Committee Chair Caroline Swift, along with her committee members, would like to invite Rotarians to our first social, "Spring is in the Air" event on Thursday, May 12th at 5:00 p.m. at the new OC Local Taproom, located at 30100 Town Center Drive in Laguna Niguel! This social event will take the place of our regular meeting on Friday, May 13th.
Please feel free to invite friends and guests to be introduced to Rotary and to hear all about the great things our club has to offer! We are hoping this will be a great post-Covid social event to mingle, socialize and to get to know each other again so we hope to see you all there! Caroline also announced that the Membership/Social Committee is working on our next "New Year, New Board Social" event to be held at the end of July so stay tuned!
We are always looking for great speakers in our community so please be sure to email any individuals in our community that you would like to have come out and speak to our club! We have lots of great programs scheduled so don't miss out!
Serving To Change Lives,
Eileen Gomez
2021-22 President
Rotary Club of Laguna Niguel
Bob Brown
Chandra Chell
Ellen Fine
Jim Malone
Janet Park
Wedding Anniversaries
Jim & Carole Malone
Club Anniversaries
Chandra Chell
Elaine Gennawey
Jim McGinley
Dr. Harry White, Orthodontist
Next Board Meeting
May 19, 2022
5:30 p.m.
This is a gentle reminder that we need everyone that has not done so already to be sure to pay their membership dues! Our Club has already paid for each member's Rotary District 5320 and Rotary International dues that cover the period of January 2022 - July 2022. Let's do our best to make sure our Club does not lose valuable funds! If you have recently received an invoice from our Treasurer RoseAnne Ruccello, please be sure to respond and submit a check to the following address if you are not able to pay through Givsum:
Rotary Club of Laguna Niguel, P.O. Box 6281, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Rotary Spotlight - Jim McGinley & Mark Montgomery!
We have many long-time members that have been part of our Rotary Club for many years. We also have newer members that have made our Club that much stronger!
I would like to recognize Past President/Rotaract Chair and Past President/Program Chair Mark Montgomery, as exceptional members of our Club, and for going above and beyond their call of duty! This past weekend, both Jim and Mark participated in The Honor Flight. Both Jim and Mark escorted veterans to Washington, D.C. who served from World War II to the Korean War and through to Vietnam, to visit our nation's memorials. They also visited The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier where there was a "mail call" announcement. This is when notes from our members thanking the veterans for their service, along with a Rotary challenge coin and 4-way test pen, were presented to thank these amazing veterans for their service to our country.
Laguna Niguel Earth Day Celebration at the Niguel Botanical Preserve
Thursday, May 12, 2022: Rotary Social at OC Local Taproom, Laguna Niguel
Saturday May 14, 2022: "We Are Fearless" District 5320 Conference, Lakeview Senior Center, Irvine
June 4-8, 2022: Rotary International Convention in Houston, Texas
June 25, 2022: District 5320 Denim & Diamonds End of the Year Celebration & Transition Dinner, Tanaka Farms, Irvine
Our Next Meeting is on Friday, April 29, 2022 at Noon at Romeo Cucina Restaurant in Laguna Niguel!
Please join us to welcome a local celebrity, Dr. Harry L. White! Dr. White has a very impressive and extensive bio! Below is an excerpt and a small glimpse into his amazing life!
In July of 2009, Harry nearly lost his life when he was hospitalized for 44 days and experienced Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, losing complete function of all vital organs. When his heart had stopped beating and he could not take.a breath on his own, when his kidneys and liver and all other systems had shut down, the doctors gave him virtually no chance of survival and asked Cathy and Harrison to tell him their final goodbyes.
Without a pulse for 45 minutes, Harry credits his recovery to the steadfast and unwavering support of his wife, Cathy, and his son, Harrison. Harry also recognizes that the brilliant orchestration of medical care by his brother, Dr. Bill (who is an Emergency Room physician), and the love of his family and friends, returned him from the brink of death, allowing him to enjoy the precious days he is now able to spend on this earth more than ever before. As he clung to life at the hospital, and then slowly started to show signs of improvement, the physicians, nurses and hospital staff caring for him began referring to Harry as "The Miracle Man."
A few of Dr. White's career highlights include President of the University of Oregon Dental School; University of Southern California Post Doctoral Specialty Degree in Orthodontics; Dental Office on an Indian Reservation in North Dakota; Assistant Clinical Professor/Lecturer at USC and UCLA Dental Schools; Boy Scouts of American Men of Character Humanitarian Award; American Board & American Association of Orthodontics Executive Committee; and Award of Merit from Stanford University, just to name a few! He recently had a private practice of Orthodontics in Laguna Niguel and is now consulting.
Please join us at Romeo Cucina Restaurant at Noon on Friday, April 29th to show your support for Dr. Harry White! We look forward to hearing all about the great work at the District level and her plans for the next year!
Next Meeting - Friday, April 29, 2022
Romeo Cucina Restaurant
28241 Crown Valley Parkway
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
(corner of Greenfield Dr. and Rancho Niguel Rd.)
11:45 am - Socialize
12:00pm - Meeting Called to Order
12:30pm - Speaker Program Begins
1:00pm - Meeting Adjournment
City of Laguna Niguel Events!
In a continued response to the deepening refugee crisis, the Rotary Foundation Trustees have decided to prioritize contributions made to the Disaster Response Fund until April 30, 2022, to support disaster response grants for districts affected by these events. These expedited disaster response grants can be used to supply water, food, medicine, shelter, and clothing. This is primarily an appeal for individual donations so please feel free to give any amount possible. Please follow the link below if you would like to make a person donation for this worthy cause.
The Rotarian's Four-Way Test
of the things we think, say or do!
First - Is it the TRUTH?
Second - is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third - Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth - Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL concerned?