November 8, 2020
Democratic Headquarters
71 South Dixie Highway, Suite 6
St. Augustine, FL 32084

Telephone: 904-825-2336

Monday - Friday
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Harris is First Woman Elected as Vice President
NYTimes Headlines and articles
Link to the interactive Presidential map on the NYTimes website.
SNL Open Live Saturday, November 7
Local Voters Turn out in Record Numbers
As of Tuesday evening, November 3, some Voting statistics of the 210,744 registered voters in St. Johns County:

177,723 Voters or 84.61% overall turnout

Democrats: total of 44,346 or 84.87% Great job Dems!!!
Congratulations to the Democrats on the
St. Johns County Ballot who were elected.
Joan Anthony - Circuit Judge - 7th Circuit - Group 14
Anthony Coleman - St. Johns County School Board - District 2 **
Patrick Canan - St. Johns County School Board - District 5 *
Roxanne Horvath - City of St. Augustine Commission - Seat 1
Barbara Blonder - City of St. Augustine Commission - Seat 2
Gayle Gardner - Anastasia Mosquito Control District - Seat 5
Robert Olson - St. Augustine, St. Johns County Airport Authority - Group 4
Nicole Crosby - St. Johns Soil & Water Conservation District - District 3
Mary Lawrence - St. Johns Soil & Water Conservation District - District 5 *
Jane West - St. Augustine Port, Waterway and Beach District - Group 2
  • Unopposed ** Elected in Primary
And a big Thank You to our candidates
who were willing to run as Democrats in partisan races
in this very heavily Republican county and region.
Donna Deegan for US House District 4
Clint Curtis for US House District 6
Heather Hunter for Florida Senate District 7
Dave Rogers for Florida House District 17
Adam Morley for Florida House District 24
Joe McAnarney for County Commission District 1
And a Thank You to the Democratic candidates who were willing
to run in Non-Partisan races in St. Johns County
Jerome Dion - St. Augustine, St. Johns County Airport Authority - Group 5
Mark Frazier - St. Augustine, St. Johns County Airport Authority - Group 5
Brenda Stratton - St. Johns Soil & Water Conservation - District 14
Jan Cardia - Anastasia Mosquito Control District - Seat 1
Felicia Proia - Anastasia Mosquito Control District - Seat 3
Dr. Mark Vogel says it well in his email to
fellow Democrats in his precinct 505.
Shared with his permission.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for the hard work you put forth during these last few months in our combined effort to win the election. It was disappointing that we did not win Florida. I don't have the numbers available to me at the moment, so I am not sure if we improved the Democratic vote in St. Johns County or in precinct 505. I will forward that information when I get it.

In the bigger picture, it was a successful election with a glorious result. We have in Joe Biden the perfect President to meet this challenging moment. The senate constitution is not clear pending the two runoff races in Georgia. Winning those races would be wonderful as that would give Democrats the majority, making governing easier and more productive.

But it's just as likely that President Elect Biden will be dealing with a Republican senate. Here is where Joe is the perfect person for the moment. He knows the senate like few others in history, serving in that body for 35 years. During that time he forged relationships and friendships with many current members. He has earned their respect. He has a long history of working across the aisle.

While there are many pressing matters at this moment - Covid, climate, the economy, systemic racism, to name a few - there is a fundamental problem that must simultaneously be addressed, that success on all of the issues before us depends; the deep partisan divide in this country. 

The last four years has ripped open a fissure in our country not seen since 1860. The public's witnessing a Democratic President successfully working with a Republican senate to govern, would conceivably set an example for the country to follow, healing, or at least treating our enormous differences. The energy spent on partisan warfare, which effectively cancels out progress, could be at least partially redirected to work in parallel, in synergy. As Joe has said, "Let's turn down the temperature, we are opponents, not enemies, we are all Americans"

Joe has his work cut out for him, but he is uniquely qualified -a backbone of steel wrapped in velvet empathy. The unseen powers of the universe have offered us Joe Biden for this moment. I am hopeful that his tenure will be a significantly positive pivot point for America.
Dr. Mark Vogel,
505 Precinct Committeeman
Florida Democratic Party Statement on Joe Biden’s Election as President of the United States
Florida Democratic Party Chair Terrie Rizzo released the following statement:

  “Congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris. Today we celebrate the start of a new chapter for our country. We saw record breaking vote totals with Joe Biden winning more votes than any President in history. Today’s win was a victory for America and a victory for the millions of volunteers who gave their time, their heart and their soul to secure this outcome, and we thank them for their commitment to elect leadership that will build America back better. 

  “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will work tirelessly to improve the lives of every single American. Their inclusive, clear-eyed leadership is precisely what we need to restore the soul of this nation. The Biden-Harris administration will also make history, as the brilliant Kamala Harris will be both the first woman and the first Black and Southeast Asian Vice President. 

  “We have much work to do, as a nation and as a state, but Joe Biden has never given up when things are difficult, and neither will we. Along with all Florida Democrats, I cannot wait for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be sworn in as the next President and Vice President of the United States."
Northwest United for Progress Democratic Club Gathering

Monday, Nov.9
7:00 PM
1.) Pull up a chair; 2.) turn on your computer: 3.) open your favorite beverage; 4.) nibble your snack, and 5.) join your favorite Democrat friends in this celebration and recognition of our efforts.

Please join us through the following link:  

Meeting ID: 858 0284 8304
Passcode: 633781
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,85802848304#,,,,,,0#,,633781# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,85802848304#,,,,,,0#,,633781# US (New York
Indivisible St. Johns

Click on the link above for information about more action items, including another postcard opportunity.
Democratic Headquarters Merchandise
Democratic Headquarters offers a limited selection of
T-shirts, Hats, Magnets, Bumper Stickers,
Yard Signs, Buttons, and Masks.
And a Cup of Joe mugs.

Please Note: By Florida law, we can only receive cash donations
of $50 per person, per campaign cycle (August 19 - November 3).
For any amount over $50, we request payment by check or credit card.
And for any donation of $100 or more, please provide your occupation.
Or by check payable to SJC DEC and sent to Democratic Headquarters.
Please Note: Contributions to Political Parties are not tax-deductible.

If you have information for the St. Johns Democratic newsletter, please send it to:
For more information contact:
St. Johns County Democratic Party | 904-825-2336

71 South Dixie Highway, Suite 6
St. Augustine, FL 32084

The Office is open Monday to Friday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
and is often closed on Public Holidays.