President Marcos Jr in Hawaii:

PH-U.S. Security Cooperation

November 17-19, At the invitation of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command in Hawaii, President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. along with Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr., Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff, visited U.S. Indo-Pacific Command at Camp H.M. Smith. The President was briefed by Adm. John C. Aquilino, Commander of USINDOPACOM, with an operational overview, followed by a candid exchange with military officers on regional developments and security cooperation.

Photo: L-R, AFP Gen Romeo Brawner, President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. and USINDOPACOM Commander John C. Aquilino, Honolulu, HI.

While in Hawaii, President Marcos Jr. paid respects to servicemen who perished to protect freedom in a wreath-laying at the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor.

At the Daniel Inouye Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS), President Marcos Jr shared his views on "foreign policy of peace“ that the Philippines continues to be engaged as a responsible neighbor in the region seeking collaboration to bring peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific under a rules-based international order. The President acknowledged challenges faced by "smaller countries like the Philippines that are grappling with the need to enhance the country's security capabilities alongside allies and partners and amidst larger regional players." President Marcos considers the situation "more dire" as China shows interest in atolls and shoals with the nearest feature just about 60 nautical miles to the Philippine coastline.

Earlier on the margins of APEC, President Marcos Jr said that during his brief meeting with China President Xi Jinping, he raised his concern of incidents between Chinese and Philippine vessels in the South China Sea where he hoped to return to a situation when Chinese and Filipino fishermen can fish together. Both leaders discussed mechanisms to lower the tension.

Following his remarks in Hawaii, President Marcos Jr. presented a donation to assist in Maui fire recovery efforts. Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke accepted the gift. She was joined by Rep. Ed Case, Rep. Jill Tokuda, Donovan M. Dela Cruz, and Sen. Henry Aquino. Photo below courtesy of DKI APCSS.

Arriving in Manila on November 20, President Marcos congratulated the U.S. for the successful hosting of APEC 2023. Optimistic about the PH-US alliance, he stating that, "despite the evolving and complex challenges, my message was one of optimism—that together with the U.S., our oldest and only treaty ally, and our growing network of other partners, we will be able to bring peace, stability, and prosperity to the Indo-Pacific region, as long as our partnerships are based on mutual trust and respect for one another as sovereign equals and that our actions are anchored in international law, including the UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Award."

On Nov. 21-23, the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, in coordination with the Armed Forces of the Philippines, will conduct joint maritime and aerial patrols in the West Philippine Sea, an area of the South China Sea that includes the Philippines' exclusive economic zone. The joint patrols aim “to enhance regional security and foster a seamless partnership with the United States in safeguarding our shared interests."

American Investment Pledges in the Philippines

Photo: Trade Secretary Fred Pascual and Commerce Secretary Gina Marie Raimondo.

Agreements with private sector yielded an estimated $670 million in U.S. investment pledges covering internet satellite connectivity, AI-powered weather forecasting, small modular nuclear reactors, healthcare and pharmaceutical ventures. In signing the Supply Chain Agreement under the Indo-Pacific Framework for Prosperity, the U.S., Philippines along with 12 IPEF partners commit to monitor and understand potential vulnerabilities, collaborate in addressing supply chain shortages and bottlenecks through an innovative platform of data sharing and planning, and building resilience in sectors such as critical minerals, semiconductors, and pharmaceuticals.

Looking ahead to March 2024, Commerce Secretary Gina Marie Raimondo will lead a high-level U.S. Presidential Trade and Investment Mission to the Philippines and the Philippines will co-host the 2024 Indo-Pacific Business Forum.

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