Dear Jardineros Members,
Happy New Year and welcome to 2025, the 60th Anniversary Year of Jardineros de Placitas! I hope all had a joyous holiday season and are now ready to charge into the new year refreshed and ready to go. We have so many exciting activities planned for our Diamond Jubilee this year. Hold on to your hats as here we go!
We will start the new year on January 8th at 9:00 a.m. at the Las Placitas Presbyterian Church with gathering and socializing and proceed to our meeting at 9:30. We will begin our meeting with the Installation of Officers for 2025. After some announcements, we will hear our speaker, Marylyn Kirk, RN speak to us about the Five Wishes program. This is a living will that provides ways to express your desires – medical, legal, personal, emotional and spiritual – you want your loved ones to know the most. We will then break before our business meeting for more visiting and delicious treats prepared by our Refreshment committee.
At the Board Meeting in July, 2024, the Board decided it was time for a review of the Bylaws as this had not been done for some time. A committee was selected, chaired by Cheryl Betterly, to review the current Bylaws and suggest possible changes. This committee has completed their review and the Board has approved the proposed changes. The proposed Bylaws are attached to this letter for your review. During the business meeting, Cheryl and her committee will go over the proposed changes and answer any questions. The proposed Bylaws will then be submitted to the membership for an electronic vote in January.
During our meeting on January 8th you will be able to pick up your 2025 Yearbook. As you look over the scheduled activities for 2025, don’t miss the back cover. This is a list of the monthly activities celebrating our Diamond Jubilee and sponsored by various Interest Groups. At our meeting you will hear more about the upcoming New Members Social scheduled for January 13th at the Placitas Community Library. We will also learn more about the upcoming Book Club High Tea scheduled for February and the Road Clean-Up happening in March.
Before our January 8th meeting, please review the December 4th Jardineros Meeting Minutes. Minutes are posted in our annual binder on the Jardineros website (right sidebar, click on 2024 meeting minutes link; December minutes are at the top).
Our first Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Thursday January 23 at 10:00 AM at the Placitas Community Library. Board meetings are open to all members. As a reminder, the Board Meeting minutes are also posted on the Jardineros website.
If you haven’t had a chance to look at the Jardineros website recently, please take an opportunity to check it out. You can find all kinds of information from membership information, a calendar of events, to interest groups and more. Our most recent addition is a page dedicated to our 60th Anniversary Celebration Events. This can be accessed from the Interest Group page and has information about our exciting plans for our Diamond Jubilee Year!
Hope to see you this coming Wednesday!