President's Message | August 31, 2020 | View as Webpage
University Hall Summer
Dear members of the Acadia community,

Today, August 31, 2020, Nova Scotia Public Health has advised the University that a member of the Acadia community has received an "indeterminate" test result for COVID-19. That means the test result was neither negative nor positive. Based on Public Health's assessment, the case is being treated as though it is a lab-confirmed positive to ensure all precautions are taken. The individual will be tested again before their 14-day self-isolation period is finished, as part of the testing strategy for post-secondary students. The person lives off-campus.

We can confirm they were following the new testing and travel protocols for post-secondary students entering Nova Scotia from outside the Atlantic Bubble, and this case was identified early. We wish them good health and appreciate the steps they are taking to self-isolate and follow health and safety measures.
The University will continue to follow the directives and procedures set by Public Health and assist with information for contact tracing as requested. No additional information will be made public to respect confidentiality.
While news like this can be concerning, it is important to recognize the extraordinary measures that the Province has put in place to help us re-open our universities and colleges safely.
Acadia has approximately 500 students arriving from outside the Atlantic Bubble who are required to check-in with the Province, self-isolate for 14 days, and have three COVID-19 tests. Many more students are coming into the Province to attend other institutions. Let's all do our part to support them and take care of each other.
By working together and following proper health and safety protocols, we will be ready for Fall 2020.


Dr. Peter Ricketts
President and Vice-Chancellor
Acadia University
PS: For the latest COVID-19 alerts, news, and data updates from the Province, visit
Learn More
If you have questions regarding the COVID-19 testing process, please email

More information will be communicated directly to students, faculty, and staff, and will be updated on the Student Life and COVID-19 websites.

The province's post-secondary information website and fact sheet have useful information.

If you need a mask exemption, please email

Students with questions related to Student Life, Academics, and Supports are asked to email for assistance.

Faculty and Staff should contact their direct supervisor for specific assistance.