Special Newsletter
Dear Member.
President's Message
As we continue to support the sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that keeps arising is what is RFABC’s position and role? That is certainly a relevant question and our commitment to you is as follows:
Our role as an education, technical, and safety provider is to support and deliver information and resources to our Members that allow them to make informed decisions. We recognize that our municipal, not for profit, and private recreation entities have to make those decisions based on their own unique circumstances when dealing with the pandemic.
With respect to the COVID-19 pandemic we cannot mandate direction, nor can we claim to speak on behalf of the organizations who are members of RFABC. However, we wish to assure you that we will not abdicate our responsibility to provide up to date information and guidance on all issues relevant to the sector, including the pandemic. As stated earlier, we do support the PHO's orders and the various “Return to Sport Plans” and would encourage that all Members work to respect both the PHO orders and the return plans.
RFABC has and will continue to work in a collaborative fashion with viaSport and BCRPA, as we navigate the ongoing issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Please see the most recent joint communique below from viaSport, BCRPA, and RFABC on the Return to Sport Guidelines and the collaborative process we have been engaged in.
Take Care and Stay Safe
Terry Welsh
A Joint Communique from viaSport, RFABC, and BCRPA
"During the return to sport process, viaSport’s role is to focus on the safe return of participants to sport activities in BC. This continues to be our number-one priority. The current Public Health Order: Gathering and Events allows for spectators in facilities. Although the Order allows for up to 50 patrons (spectators) at events, spectators may still be limited because of the challenges in accommodating them in facilities. viaSport supports each municipality’s decision on spectator access as they navigate these challenges. For updates on facility access for spectators, please contact your municipality, BC Recreation and Parks Association or Recreation Facilities Association of BC. "
RFABC fully supports the joint communique from via Sport, BCRPA, & RFABC. We recommend that when recreation providers are considering spectator presence in facilities, that all requirements of the most recent Public Health Order are met.

RFABC recognizes that the operational situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic is fluid and the Sector will have to be ready to adapt to changing circumstances, as we gradually resume our recreation activities.

RFABC will continue to support the Sector and will provide relevant and timely information to assist Members in delivering safe recreation services to communities.

Looking for COVID 19 Resources to help with your Reopening Plans? Click Here