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Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club
President's Post December 2017

Welcome to the December edition of The Post and thanks for opening this to read about some updates on activities around your Club.

  • Key Contacts
  • This Edition
  • What's happening at the Club ?
  • Keep up to date and keep informed !
  • Please Support the Sponsors that Support us
  • Our Vision (updated post recent AGM resolution)

  • This Edition

    What a great night we had and what a fabulous start to the Season:
    It seems hard to believe that a bit over 4 weeks ago we celebrated our 70th birthday and had such a great time gathering to recognize this milestone. Huge thanks again to Sue Doman and Mandy Grbac who headed up this amazing effort.
    Eric McGee kindly shared this (better quality) pic so I thought that I would add this one and say a big thanks again for all that assisted and all who attended !

    Patrols have recommenced - From the Lifesaving Services Team:
    Patrols are underway and the season is in full swing! Despite the poor weather over the weekend, we managed a full patrol. In the quieter parts of the season (before Christmas and after January) we will be trying to run training courses on patrols. If you are interested in this, please contact Charlie.

    Requalification (Skills Maintenance) As advised, due to last weekend's extreme weather event, the Point Lonsdale district requal was postponed. The date has been changed to 9am on Friday 29 December 2017. If you wish to register, you must do so by logging into LSV Member Training from Anywhere and completing the online theory paper before booking a practical. Please note: all awards will expire on 31/12/2017. After this date, unqualified members will be inneligible to patrol and may be at risk of losing their Bronze Medalion qualifications.

    Patrol Roster The patrol roster is now available through the members section of the club website. Please contact Charlie if you are having trouble loging in. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND YOUR ROSTERED PATROLS OR ADVISE YOUR PATROL CAPTAIN IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO PATROL.

    New Bronze and Cadets Patrol The newly qualified Bronzies and Cadets are invited to attend their first patrol together on Sunday 7 January 2018. We will provide a BBQ and some fun activities to welcome you into the Surf Club. All new Bronzies and Cadets will be allocated to patrols at the conclusion of the camps.

    PINK ZINC PATROL The Annual Pink Zinc Patrol held in conjunction with Ocean Grove SLSC will be held on Saturday 20 January 2018 at Point Lonsdale Back Beach. Please contact Joanne Burch if you are interested in being involved.

    Ripview Swim Classic The 30th Ripview Swim Classic will be held on Saturday 30 December 2017. All members are expected to patrol on this day. Please contact your patrol captain if you are unavailible. Please also feel free to contact Charlie if you are interested in taking on any roles on the day.

    With a new Lifesaving Services team, we are keen to make this season fun, efficient and exciting. We are all volunteers who rely on one another to ensure that the club can perform at its best. In saying this, we are always open to new ideas and initiatives that you come up which provide for better operations, structure or culture etc. (for example Pink Zink Patrol which was started 2 seasons ago to promote female leadership around the club). As always, we are willing to assist with any references or University/Job applications in return for your hard work!
    Please do not hesitate to contact us throughout the season if you have any issues. We are all open and friendly!
    See you on the beach this season,
    The Lifesaving Services Teams
    Charlie, Jim, Tom, Huw, Sheona

    Online entries for the RVSC have opened:
    Our largest annual fundraising event, the Rip View Swim Classic is being held on Saturday 30 December and you can help in 2 ways - Firstly to promote the event to friends, family and colleagues and secondly we need a huge army of volunteers and will call for help in coming weeks.

    The NCCCC and our donors are doing an amazing effort:
    So far, over $ 500 000 in pledges have been received toward the new Clubhouse project - what a sensational start and effort ! Well done and thank you.
    A number of events related to this will be happening especially around Point Lonsdale over coming weeks, including an evening for our Nipper parents, friends and supporters, at the Club on Thur 4 January, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Details on our Facebook Page.
    We are also accepting direct EFT donations and more information on how to do this can be found here -
    Alternatively or for more information, please chat with a member of the NCCCC - Kirsten McLeod (Chair), Paul Conroy, Narelle Curtis, Jeanine Froomes, Rachel Gourlay, Karin Heinz, John Hudson, Giles Hunt, Barb Hurley, Simon Martin or Cathie Vicker-Willis.

    Life Member nomination to Steering Committee update:
    I'm pleased to advise that we have received interest for this position and will finalise the appointment in coming days.

    Have you seen that we've announced this summer's Pop Up traders on Facebook ?:
    Thanks to Bec McHenry who again teed up this great summer addition.
    We recently announced that Taco Truck will be popping up on the lawn of the Surf Club this Summer from Wednesday the 27th of December until Sunday the 14th of January as part of our annual Pop-Up Summer Series.
    Now in it's third year running, the Pop-Up Summer Series has become a popular tradition that sees the Club partner with a F&B operator to transform the lawn of the clubhouse into a pop-up restaurant and Lawn Bar.
    The purpose of the Pop-Up Summer Series is to help us raise money and awareness for our surf club, and feed our hungry nippers and members of course! We also see it as a great way to connect with the community over the summer season and all are welcome to visit!
    Taco Truck will be open every night (excluding New Years Eve) from 5pm - 9pm, with the ground floor Lawn Bar staying open until 10pm, serving a limited menu of beer and cider - kindly sponsored by Flying Brick Cider.
    Keep an eye on our Facebook / Twitter for more info before the launch and during it's operation.

    Aquatic Sport's Survey:
    Aquatic Sports is seeking feedback from members to better understand member's expectations and requirements with regard to Aquatic Sports. The following link is to a short survey (8 questions) which we invite members to complete.

    What's happening at the Club ?

    Want to know what's happening now and in the future at the Club ?

    Most of the coming season Club events have now been added. Now that the LSV Calendar is finalised these will be added shortly.

    Keep up to date and keep informed !

    Did you know that we are on Facebook ?
    Did you know that we are on Twitter ?
    Did you know that we provide regular updates and information via both social media and have so for several years ? (Over the peak summer period, we often provide several updates a day !)
    Even if you're not into social media, you can view recent posts on our Club Website Home Page.

    On Facebook ? Keep up to date and Like us -

    On Twitter ? Keep informed and Follow us -

    Please Support the Sponsors that Support us

    Our varied and extensive Club services and activities would not be possible without the generous support of many varied Sponsors. Next time you require a service, please consider supporting those who support us and let them know that you value their ongoing support. Want to sponsor us or have a contact ? If so, please email Nat -

    Our Vision (updated post recent AGM resolution)

    We will provide lifesaving services for the community of Point Lonsdale and Queenscliff, enable our members to develop their skills, knowledge and experience in lifesaving and sports and to improve the profile and influence of the club through community and member involvement and leadership in development programs and initiatives. We will be an open and inclusive organization and integral part of the community that we serve.

    Key Contacts

    Club Office:
    (03) 5258 1257
    PO Box 120 Point Lonsdale VIC 3225

    Current : Open 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
    Mon, Tue & Wed.
    Answering machine when unattended.

    KD Allen Clubrooms / Glaneuse Bar:
    (03) 5258 3300
    HC Windmill Back Beach Base:
    (03) 5258 4123
    Santa Casa Beach Base:
    (03) 5258 3366
    4WD Mobile:
    0427 231 333

    Executive Committee:

    Matthew Ponsford
    Mb - 0419 52 52 58

    Senior Vice President:
    James Coutie
    Mb - 0438 377 947

    Club Captain: (Life Saving Services - ie. Patrols & Lifesaving Equipment)
    Charlie Pitney
    Mb - 0430 355 353

    Vice President Lifesaving: (Training and Assessment - ie. Camps, Courses and Skills Maintenance)
    Justine Cain
    Mb - 0417 182 686

    Vice President Aquatic Sports:
    Drew Robinson
    Mb - 0409 544 182

    Vice President Youth & Leadership Development: (Nippers)
    Richard Howden
    Mb - 0448 568 158

    Steve Woodfull
    Mb - 0428 566 627

    Catherine (Bunny) Carrigan
    Mb - 0414 823 039

    Vice President Property:
    Andrew MacLeod
    Mb - 0417 057 080

    Vice President Marketing:
    Natalie Cann
    Mb - 0418 112 995

    Quick Links...

    Club Website

    Life Saving Victoria Website

    Surf Life Saving Australia Members Portal

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