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Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club
President's Post March 2017

Welcome to the March edition of The Post and thanks for opening this to read about some updates on activities around your Club.

  • Key Contacts
  • This Edition
  • Glaneuse Bar to open over Labour Day long weekend and Easter
  • 70th Anniversary celebrations - save the date !
  • What's happening at the Club ?
  • Keep up to date and keep informed !
  • Please Support the Sponsors that Support us
  • Our Vision

  • This Edition

    I'm delighted to share that in the last couple of weeks there have been some great developments with regard to 'fundraising efforts' for the new Clubhouse.
    Following the series of summer Clubhouse information sessions, enthusiasm and interest has swelled which has importantly increased interest in helping with fundraising efforts.
    I'm pleased to announce that well known and long term member, Kirsten McLeod has been appointed the new Chair of this important group - now known as the New Clubhouse Capital Campaign Committee and this sub committee are gathering to get this important area progressing. I'm sure there will be more updates in coming months from this sub committee.

    Following some issues this Season, the Executive Committee will adopt a Cadet / Bronze Camp applicant policy:
    The Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club undertakes an Annual Cadet and Annual Bronze Camp. The purpose of the Camp is to train members in core qualifications for volunteer surf lifesavers and for suitable candidates to be assessed for the Surf Life Saving Australia - Surf Rescue Certificate (Cadets) and the Certificate II Public Safety ie. Bronze Medallion (Bronze).
    The primary objective of the Camps is to train members in surf life saving qualifications so that they can assist the Club to undertake it's 'core business' of providing volunteer Surf Rescue Patrols, at the Point Lonsdale Back Beach from late November until Easter (or as prescribed by Life Saving Victoria). All candidates must have a willingness to undertake this role for a minimum of two Season's (ie. the Season of attending the Camp and the Season after).
    During most Season's the number of applicants can be safely and efficiently included in the Camp, however should the number of applicants exceed the number of available places then a ranking system shall be utilised, to ensure that the program can operate safety and efficiently.
    The Club recognises that the following circumstances are strong indicators of past involvement / connection to the Club and indicate future ability and willingness to Patrol and to be actively involved with the Club:
    Past involvement in the Nipper program.
    For Bronze Camp attendees, attendance at the Cadet Camp.
    For Bronze Camp attendees, a positive past patrol attendance record.
    Other members of their immediate family (ie. sibling / parent / guardian / child) being current members.
    Past involvement in Aquatic Sports (Surf Life Saving competition).
    Members of their extended family being current members.
    Residing in the Point Lonsdale / Bellarine area.
    Having permanent accommodation available in the vicinity.

    The Executive will consider special circumstances where an applicant may not be able to demonstrate points listed below but for other reason (s) shall be offered a place.

    The sub committee tasked with drafting our next Strategic Plan now have a preliminary draft and are working on this draft to get it to a point where it can be circulated more widely for comment and input. Keep an ear out for more on this in coming months.

    Finally, thanks to our volunteer active members who are undertaking Patrols at the moment, in and amongst school, study, work and other commitments. This can be a challenging period to patrol, but with warn weather at the moment, people are visiting the beach and our service is required.

    Glaneuse Bar to open over Labour Day long weekend and Easter

    We will be opening up the Glenuse Bar from 5pm, on the Saturday and Sunday evenings of the Labour Day long weekend and Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday.
    There have been no offers to run any special evenings as yet but we could place a BBQ up on the deck if people would like to bring something to BBQ for tea ??

    70th Anniversary celebrations - save the date !

    Don't forget to keep Saturday 4th November AND Sunday 5th November 2017 free for celebrations at Point Lonsdale for our 70th anniversary. An event sub committee has been formed and is working away in the background. Queries to Sue Doman :

    What's happening at the Club ?

    Want to know what's happening now and in the future at the Club ?

    All Club events and selected LSV and SLSA events are published on our central Google Calendar, which can be accessed on the Club's Website Home Page.

    Keep up to date and keep informed !

    Did you know that we are on Facebook ?
    Did you know that we are on Twitter ?
    Did you know that we provide regular updates and information via both social media and have so for several years ? (Over the peak summer period, we often provide several updates a day !)
    Even if you're not into social media, you can view recent posts on our Club Website Home Page.

    On Facebook ? Keep up to date and Like us -

    On Twitter ? Keep informed and Follow us -

    Please Support the Sponsors that Support us

    Our varied and extensive Club services and activities would not be possible without the generous support of many varied Sponsors. Next time you require a service, please consider supporting those who support us and let them know that you value their ongoing support.

    Our Vision

    We will provide lifesaving services for the community of Point Lonsdale and Queenscliff, enable our members to develop their skills, knowledge and experience in lifesaving and sports and to improve the profile and influence of the club through community and member involvement and leadership in development programs and initiatives.

    Key Contacts

    Club Office:
    (03) 5258 1257
    PO Box 120 Point Lonsdale VIC 3225

    Open 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
    Mon, Wed & Sat (Year Round).
    Monday to Saturday (December and January).
    Answering machine when unattended.

    KD Allen Clubrooms / Glaneuse Bar:
    (03) 5258 3300
    HC Windmill Back Beach Base:
    (03) 5258 4123
    Santa Casa Beach Base:
    (03) 5258 3366
    4WD Mobile:
    0427 231 333

    Executive Committee:

    Matthew Ponsford
    Mb - 0419 52 52 58

    Senior Vice President:
    Liam Petrie-Allbutt
    Mb - 0413 714 508

    Club Captain: (Life Saving Services - ie. Patrols & Lifesaving Equipment)
    Jo Burch
    Mb - 0431 781 435

    Vice President Lifesaving: (Training and Assessment - ie. Camps, Courses and Skills Maintenance)
    Justine Cain
    Mb - 0417 182 686

    Vice President Aquatic Sports:
    Drew Robinson
    Mb - 0409 544 182

    Vice President Youth & Leadership Development: (Nippers)
    Bim (Justine) Kiely-Scott
    Mb - 0417 059 105

    Steve Woodfull
    Mb - 0428 566 627

    Ivan St Clair
    Mb - 0411 475 833

    Vice President Property:
    Andrew MacLeod
    Mb - 0417 057 080

    Vice President Marketing:
    Natalie Cann
    Mb - 0418 112 995

    Quick Links...

    Club Website

    Life Saving Victoria Website

    Surf Life Saving Australia Members Portal

    Join our mailing list!