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President's Update

Dear Families,

Someone once shared a story with me about a judge who was known to be very strict. Any person entering his courtroom could expect the stiffest penalty allowed by the law. He held those who broke the law fully accountable and was unwavering in his administration of the law.


A young man who lived in a nearby town was caught speeding. He had been traveling well over the posted speed limit. Imagine his surprise when due to his extreme speed he was ordered to appear in court rather than simply pay a fine. The very strict judge was scheduled to preside in court that same day.


The young man was found guilty of speeding and the fine was set at the maximum amount. The young man stated that the fine was much more than he could afford. The judge refused to waver and insisted that the man pay the penalty despite his lack of resources. The young man was beside himself and those in attendance in the courtroom wondered what the judge would do.


It was at this moment that the judge stepped down and took off his robe. He produced a checkbook from his pocket and proceeded to pay the young man's fine. After the initial shock of seeing the strict judge step down from the bench and pay for another person’s fine, someone asked him why he had acted this way.


The judge stated, "He is my son, and I love him."


This story helps me understand what our heavenly Father has done through His Son, Jesus Christ. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).


As we celebrate this Easter season, we remember our Savior's sacrifice for us. The Thursday before Easter is known as Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday. The word "command" comes from the Latin mandatum, which in French is mandé and is where we get Maundy Thursday. The command that we all remember is the one based on the example Jesus set when He washed the disciples' feet – one of His last acts before being crucified.


At that time period, a household servant would typically carry out that practice. In a powerful last lesson, Jesus acted in the role of a servant and after washing their feet, asked His disciples, "Do you know what I have done to you?"


He explained, "you should also do what I did to you" as a lesson in humility and forgiveness. Jesus knew He would be betrayed and crucified and wanted to challenge His disciples' resolve and belief in what He had taught them. Above all, he wanted them to remember that walking in His love is demonstrated through humility and forgiveness.


To this, you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps (1 Peter 2:21).

Thank you for your support,

John K. Thornburg

At a Glance

Monday, April 3

Day D

Easter Basket Food Drive Ends

Tuesday, April 4

Day C

MC College Fair - 6 PM

Wednesday, April 5

Day B

Q3 Report Cards Emailed

Praying of the Rosary - 7:25 AM

Thursday, April 6

Day A

Holy Thursday Prayer Service - 1:15 PM (Mass attire required)

Confession available from 10 - 1 in the Chapel and Learning Commons Conference Room

Friday, April 7

Good Friday - No Classes/Offices Closed

Please note:

Monday, April 9

No Classes/Offices Closed - Easter Monday

MC Weekly Dining Menu

We are providing the MC weekly dining menu in the President's Update to make it easier for students to plan lunch throughout the week. The menu is also available through the Malden Catholic Mobile App along with easy access to the online portal for adding money to student lunch accounts. Search for "Malden Catholic" in the app store on your phone.

School and College Counseling - Naviance Reminder

MC’s School and College Counseling department would like to remind Grade 12 students to contact their school counselor and update their Naviance account with all college decisions (acceptances, deferred, wait listed and denied). Please reach out to Mrs. DelGenio with any questions at delgenios@maldencatholic.org.


Scholarship opportunities are posted outside of School and College Counseling, as well is in Naviance.

School Safety

Thank you for being so supportive during last week’s lockdown. Although it was a challenging set of circumstances, our students, faculty and staff did an incredible job navigating the situation. The Malden Police has been very complimentary regarding our safety protocols and the manner in which everyone at MC conducted themselves. This event also provided an opportunity for the school to review and identify protocol improvement areas going forward. We will be working directly with our faculty, staff and students to do so. We plan to continue our close partnership with the Malden Police Department as we move forward into the spring for safety drills.


If you have any questions or have feedback that would help us improve, please do not hesitate to contact Principal Jeff Smith.

John K. Thornburg

What's New?

Easter Basket Drive - 4.3

Monday, April 3 will be the last day to bring in items for Campus Ministry's Easter Basket Drive for families in need at parishes and shelters throughout East Boston and Lynn. Items that are needed for the Easter Baskets include chocolate bunnies, candy, Easter grass and small toys. Donations can be dropped off in homerooms, the front lobby or in the Campus Ministry Center. The Easter Basket Drive will end with a basket filling party on April 3. Please see Mrs. Connolly or Brother Puccio with any questions.

Club Photos for the 2022 - 2023 MC Yearbook - 4.3 and 4.5 at 2:30 PM

Club photos for the 2022 - 2023 yearbook will be taken on Monday, April 3 and Wednesday, April 5 immediately after school in the gym. All students who have participated in clubs throughout the year should report to the gym on the assigned day. Please see attached list.

Senior Prom Ticket Sale - 4.4 and 4.5 at 2:30 PM

The Senior Prom will be held at Danversport in Danvers on Saturday, May 13 from 6 - 11 PM with the promenade starting at 6 PM. Tickets are priced at $90/per person and will be sold on Tuesday, April 4 and Wednesday, April 5 after school in the cafeteria. Please bring cash or a check made payable to Malden Catholic High School. Students who are unable to purchase a ticket on Tuesday or Wednesday may reach out to Ms. Sheila Foley at sfoley@maldencatholic.org or Mr. Jacobsen at tjacobsen@maldencatholic.org.

Class of 2027 Orientation - 4.3 and 4.5 at 6 PM

The Grade 9 Girls Orientation will take place on Monday, April 3 from 6 - 8 PM and the Grade 9 Boys Orientation will take place on Wednesday, April 5 from 6 - 8 PM.

Any current parents who are interested in assisting these exciting events are asked to send their name, email and telephone number to Mrs. Jeannine Reardon at reardonj@maldencatholic.org.

College Fair - 4.4 at 6 PM

Malden Catholic School and College Counseling will host the MC College Fair on Tuesday, April 4 from 6 - 7:30 PM in the gymnasium. Representatives from over 110 colleges and universities will attend the event. All students and their parents are encouraged to attend.

This event provides an opportunity for students to make direct connections with college representatives and gather information for the college planning process. Please see Mrs. Parker or Mrs. DelGenio with any questions.

2023 - 2024 Course Selections - Due 4.11

The course selection process for students will begin this week. School Counseling will be meeting with students to present important information. During these meetings, students will be handed their course selection sheets and will be asked to indicate elective course choices. All selection sheets must be handed back to school counseling by Tuesday, April 11 at the latest.

Meeting Times:

  • Monday, April 3 - Grade 11 Girls at 11:44 AM and Grade 9 Girls at 12:14 PM
  • Tuesday, April 4 - Grade 10 Boys at 11:10 AM and Grade 10 Girls at 12:14 PM
  • Wednesday April 5 - Grade 11 Boys at 10:40 AM and Grade 9 Boys at 11:10 AM

The 2023-2024 Course Guide can be found through this link for course and elective descriptions.

MC Parent Book Club - 4.24 at 6:30 PM

The MC Parent Book Club will be held on Monday, April 24 at 6:30 PM at MC in the Campus Ministry Center. The April MC Book Club will be discussing Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah, a gorgeously stunning debut about a mysterious child teaching two strangers how to love and trust again.

Please R.S.V.P. to Vange Egizi at vangiemassagain@yahoo.com if you can attend.

MC's 91st Gala Celebration - 5.4 at 6 PM

Tickets for Malden Catholic's 17th annual Gala celebration are now on sale. General admission Gala tickets are $175/person. Malden Catholic family member tickets are $100/person, which is a $75 discount. Please use the attached link to purchase tickets and/or become a sponsor.

The Leading Beyond Gala will be held on Thursday, May 4 at 6 PM in the Doherty Gymnasium and includes a Plus Ultra Award presentation, dinner and dancing. We are delighted to celebrate this Gala's Plus Ultra Honorees who personify the Malden Catholic pillars of character, leadership and success - Dick ’64 and Lolli Sumberg.

Gala Raffle with $10,000 Cash Prize

Malden Catholic will launch the 2023 MC Gala Raffle starting next week that features a $10,000 grand prize. Letters with raffle tickets enclosed have been mailed to MC families and everyone is encouraged to participate. Individual raffle tickets are $50, 3 for $125 and 6 for $200. You do not need to be present to win. You may also purchase MC Gala Raffle tickets online through this link. The winning raffle tickets will be selected live at the MC Gala.

Three cash prizes will be awarded:

First Prize: $10,000 cash

Second Prize: $1,000 cash

Third Prize: $500 cash

Three top-selling student prizes will be awarded:

Fourth Prize: AirPods for the top-selling student

Fifth Prize: AirPods for the top-selling student

Homeroom Prize: Pizza party for top-selling MC homeroom

Gala Online Auction Donations

Starting on April 20, Malden Catholic will begin auctioning off a number of fun and unique items to raise money in support of MC students and school programs. If you are interested in donating items, services or experiences valued at $500 or more to the Gala online auction, please contact Sarah Hamilton at hamiltons@maldencatholic.org. We greatly appreciate your support!

Senior Event Updates

To celebrate our Senior Class of 2023, MC is planning an active schedule of events:

Monday, April 3 - Wednesday, April 5

  • Senior Lawn Signs - In honor of their last full week of school, MC Seniors will receive a personalized lawn sign and an optional photo with MC Administrators during lunch periods.

Thursday, April 6

  • Senior Dress Down Day - Seniors will have a dress down day and are invited to wear college sweatshirts to school on Thursday, April 6.

Tuesday, April 11 - Friday, April 14

  • Senior Finals - Senior final exams will take place Tuesday, April 11 through Friday, April 14. Finals are taken in core courses only and students with an 85% average or better are exempt. There are no final exams in Advancement Placement (AP) courses. Students taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses must take the corresponding AP exam.

Monday, April 24 - Friday, May 12

  • Senior Christian Service - Seniors who are not enrolled in AP courses must complete their 90 hours of service at a dedicated service site between the weeks of April 24 - May 12.

Saturday, April 29

  • Senior Baskets - Basket deliveries will take on Saturday, April 29 to MC Seniors' homes. Families delivering baskets may join together at the back of the school at 10 AM for a blessing prior to heading out for the delivery.

Friday, May 13

  • Senior Prom - The Senior Prom will be held at Danversport in Danvers on Saturday, May 13 from 6 - 11 PM with the promenade starting at 6 PM. The Senior Prom dress code policy can be found in the 2022 - 2023 Parent/Student Handbook through the attached link.

Monday, May 15

  • Girls Division Awards Ceremony - The Girls Division Awards Ceremony will be held on Monday, May 15 at 6 PM in the Doherty Gymnasium. The event is free for Seniors, and they are able to invite two guests at a cost of $25/per person. Ticket sales will begin on Monday, April 3 through the attached Eventbrite link.

Tuesday, May 16

  • Boys Division Awards Ceremony - The Boys Division Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 16 at 6 PM in the Doherty Gymnasium. The event is free for Seniors, and they are able to invite two guests at a cost of $25/per person. Ticket sales will begin on Monday, April 3 through the attached Eventbrite link.

Wednesday, May 17

  • Senior Prayer Service/Breakfast/Commencement Rehearsal - Seniors will gather in the cafeteria at 8 AM, followed by a prayer service in the Thomas '66 and Olivia McDonough Performing Arts Center and breakfast in the cafeteria. The day will conclude with a mandatory Commencement rehearsal.

Friday, May 19

  • Baccalaureate Mass - The Baccalaureate Mass will begin at 4 PM and will be held on the Brother Gilbert Stadium field. The event is free and Seniors are able to invite up to six guests. Ticket reservations will begin on Monday, April 3 through the attached Eventbrite link.

Saturday, May 20

  • Commencement Ceremony - The Commencement Ceremony will begin at 10 AM on the Brother Gilbert Stadium field. The event is free and Seniors are able to invite up to six guests. Ticket reservations will begin on Monday, April 3 through the attached Eventbrite link.

Additional Resources

Additional resources regarding Senior Events can be found on the MC website through the following links:

Please contact Mrs. Jeannine Reardon Esq. GC'89 P'23 with any questions at reardonj@maldencatholic.org.

What's Happening Around MC?

Culture Week

St. Andrew's Dinner

Catholic Schools Foundation Visit

MC's First Annual International Culture Night

MC's first annual International Culture Night was a huge success! Students created presentations featuring over 15 nationalities and showcased unique samples of foods from various cultures. Thank you to all who attended and participated in this fun and educational event.

STEM Panel Discussion

Malden Catholic's STEM department held an information session for students considering taking PLTW engineering as an elective next year. Students from grades 9-11 attended the session that included information regarding our PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Digital Electronics and the new Biomedical science courses. Current engineering students were in the panel to discuss their experience of the course and how the engineering courses are different from the school's other core/elective courses. The STEM certificate program and its requirement were also discussed during the session.

Girls Division SFX Scholars Visit to Google Headquarters in Boston

Last week, MC's Girls Division SFX Scholars visited Google Headquarters in Boston for a tour and presentation.

Junior Prom

Students had a fantastic time at MC's Junior Prom last weekend! Photos from the prom can be viewed on MC's SmugMug through the attached link (password - maldencatholic99).

Women's Day of Recollection

Thank you to everyone who attended MC's Women's Day of Recollection event which featured a Mass, luncheon and speaker, the Honorable Regina Quinlan Doherty. We would like to give special thanks to Kathleen McGourthy, Regina Lawless and the entire committee who worked so hard to organize this lovely experience for the women of MC.

Plus Ultra Awards

The Plus Ultra Awards program is MC's monthly initiative to recognize students and faculty members who have gone Plus Ultra, "more beyond," and exemplify the Xaverian charism. This month, Malden Catholic is proud to recognize the following individuals who have demonstrated one of the following five spiritual values - Humility, Simplicity, Compassion, Trust and Zeal. Congratulations to all!

Sofia Davis '26, Samantha Bell '26, Hayden Winter '26 and Madison Twomey-McLaughlin '26 - Humility, Simplicity, Compassion and Trust

Malden Catholic Administration stated, "Sofia, Samantha, Hayden, and Madison have demonstrated genuine compassion for Mrs. DeGregorio's daughter, Eileen DeGregorio as she continues her long battle with cancer. Each week, they check in with Mrs. DeGregorio to see how Eileen is doing, and have given her three crystal worry angels that are displayed in her living room to remind the family to leave their worries in God's hands, and that so many people care for them. Last month, Sofia, Sam, and Maddie filled a basket for Eileen that was full of comforting items and a lovely bracelet that represents spiritual protection during difficult times."

Mrs. Saman Abbas - Zeal

According to Malden Catholic Administration, "Mrs. Abbas is the chairperson of our amazing Science and Engineering program at MC. Last month, Mrs. Abbas organized the largest STEM Fair MC has ever hosted, featuring 65 student projects. In addition, Mrs. Abbas coordinates an after-school STEM program for local middle school students, moderates the Girls’ SFX Scholars, and plays an instrumental role in MC's Summer Internship Program. Mrs. Abbas is a valued and respected member of the MC community."


Winter Sports Awards

Congratulations to the Malden Catholic student-athletes who were recognized at last week's Winter Sports Awards Night! Photos from the Sports Awards are available on MC's SmugMug through the attached link (password - maldencatholic99).

NLI Signing

Congratulations to Ryan Sweeney '23 who signed a National Letter of Intent to participate on the track and field team at Regis College. Way to go, Ryan!

MIAA Student Workshop - 4.4 at 9 AM

The MIAA (Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association) Student Advisory Committee is hosting a free, in-person, workshop for student-athletes focusing on life after sports, community service and mental health on Tuesday, April 4 from 9 AM - 1 PM at the MIAA Headquarters - 33 Forge Pkwy, Franklin, MA. Students interested in participating should register in MC's Athletic Office as there are limited spaces available.

Malden Catholic Boys Basketball Championship Apparel

Orders for MC's Boys Basketball Championship apparel can be placed through the following link through April 3.

Senior Banners

Senior Banners may be purchased from Dracut Threads through this link. Banners will require a two-week turnaround. The banners will be hung for the spring season and then hung outside with the senior banners from all the seasons. Seniors will be able to take their banners home following graduation.

Any questions about Senior Banners may be directed to Athletics Director, Bill Raycraft at raycraftb@maldencatholic.org.

Monday, April 3

4:00 PM Boys Varsity Rugby joint practice at St. John’s Prep

Tuesday, April 4

4:00 PM Boys Varsity Tennis Home vs North Quincy High School

4:00 PM Girls Varsity Tennis @ North Quincy HS

4:00 PM Boys JV Lacrosse @ St. John's HS

4:00 PM Boys Varsity Lacrosse @ St. John's HS

Wednesday, April 5

3:30 PM Boys Varsity Outdoor Track @ St. John's High School

3:45 PM Boys Varsity Rugby @ Weymouth HS

4:00 PM Boys Varsity Baseball Home vs Saint Paul High School

4:00 PM Boys Freshman Baseball @ Saint Paul High School

4:00 PM Girls JV Lacrosse Home vs Ursuline Academy

4:00 PM Boys JV Baseball Home vs Saint Paul HS

5:30 PM Girls Varsity Lacrosse Home vs Ursuline Academy


Thursday, April 6

4:00 PM Girls Varsity Softball @ Notre Dame Academy—Hingham Varsity Only

4:00 PM Girls Varsity Tennis Home vs Ursuline Academy