President's Update
Dear Families,

Welcome to the first President’s Update for the 2022 - 2023 school year! The publication will be distributed on Sunday mornings throughout the school year. It is designed to support your son and/or daughter's education and provide opportunities to participate in the vast experiences at Malden Catholic. Although the school year has not yet begun, we wanted to provide you with updates regarding upcoming events and help prepare your family for the start of the new school year.

Thank you for choosing Malden Catholic, and we look forward to a successful and exciting year ahead!
John K. Thornburg
At a Glance
Monday, August 29

Tuesday, August 30
Meet the Fall Coaches Night - 6:00 PM

Wednesday, August 31
Grade 9 Orientation - 8:00 AM
Grade 12 Parent and Student Night - 6:30 PM

Thursday, September 1
Grade 10 Orientation - 9:00 AM
Grade 11 Orientation - 12:00 PM

Friday, September 2
Offices Closed
COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 Update
Malden Catholic will be following the COVID-19 protocols suggested by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 is required to notify the MC Nurse’s office.

Please refer to the COVID-19 Isolation and Exposure Guidance for detailed information from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
What's New?
Malden Catholic Official Communication Channels
Malden Catholic is committed to growing a healthy community by making sure any information we pass along comes from our Administrative team. Our official social media pages are the most accurate, up-to-date source of information and the President's Update is our weekly news source for the school. We strongly encourage our parents to follow these official Malden Catholic social media platforms:

Throughout the year, if any of our families have questions regarding Malden Catholic, we ask that they call or email one of our MC Administrators for accurate information rather than relying upon unofficial information channels.
MC Parent Book Club - 8.30 at 6:30 PM
The MC Parent Book Club Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 30 at 6:30 PM at the Egizi's home in Beverly. The August MC Book Club will be discussing two back-to-back stories by Jane Deveraux: The Summerhouse and Return to Summerhouse, a story about three best friends celebrating their 40th birthdays at a summerhouse in Maine. But none of them expect the gift that awaits them at the summerhouse: the chance for each of them to turn their “what-might-have-beens” into reality.

Please contact Vange Egizi at [email protected] if you are interested in attending.
Grades 9-11 Orientation - 8.31 to 9.1
Mandatory Grades 9 - 11 student Orientations will be held next week. Boys should enter via Door 11 and girls should enter via Door 1.

All students will need to attend the Orientation for their grade:
Grade 9
Wednesday, August 31 – 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Grade 10
Thursday, September 1 – 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Grade 11
Thursday, September 1 – 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

School ID Photos
School ID photos will be taken at orientation and students are required to be in full MC uniform. Please refer to the MC 2022 - 2023 Parent Student Handbook for dress code requirements. Please note that shorts, slippers, flip flops, crocs, and sandals are not permitted. If students are not in proper dress code, they will not be allowed to take their school photo.

Students in Grade 9 should bring laptops to orientation. Students in Grades 10 and 11 should leave laptops at home.

Please note: students who have not activated their MC accounts will be asked to stay for assistance with activation. Activation information was sent by MC's IT Director, Ray Barry. Be sure to check your spam folder if you have not received an activation email. For assistance, please contact Mr. Barry at [email protected].
Grades 10 - 12 Parent Nights - 8.31, 9.7, and 9.14
Grade 12 Parent and Student Night
Wednesday, August 31 – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Grade 11 Parent Night
Wednesday, September 7 – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Grade 10 Parent Night
Wednesday, September 14 – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
First Day of School - 9.6
The first day of classes for the 2022 - 2023 school year will begin on Tuesday, September 6. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to MC!

Important Transportation Reminder:
Due to the MBTA Orange Line Closure, traffic in the mornings may be busier than usual. We ask that families plan accordingly so students arrive on time. The warning bell is 7:55 AM and the first class begins at 8 AM. Boys will be dropped at door #11 which is in the back near the rotary. Girls are dropped off at door #1 which is the front entrance to the building. Please leave enough time for traffic congestion and potential delays due to the Orange Line closure.
Freshman BBQ - 9.10 at 12 PM
MC will be hosting the annual Grade 9 Barbeque on Saturday, September 10 from 12 - 2 PM. This event will be held outside in/around the tent area which is directly adjacent to MC. Music, drinks and food will be provided for all. We look forward to welcoming our new families into the Malden Catholic community!

Parent Volunteers
Any parent with a student in Grades 10 - 12 who would like to help with the event, please contact Nurse Paquette [email protected].
Lancers of Golf - 9.19 at 12:30 PM
The 36th Annual Malden Catholic Golf Classic – The Lancers of Golf Tournament is SOLD OUT. If you would like to reserve a spot on our waitlist, please contact Sarah P. Hamilton P ’22 at [email protected].
What's Happening Around MC?
Robotics Global Conference
Congratulations to the Malden Catholic Robotics team and Mr. Caristinos for their 1st Double Elimination finish at the Global Conference on Educational Robotics! Mr. Caristinos and the team travelled to Oklahoma to represent MC and then took home the victory award. This is an amazing accomplishment for our school!
MCLI - Malden Catholic Leadership Institute
MC's Leadership Institute (MCLI) was a fantastic experience for Grade 12 students! We would like to thank Mr. Casey '94, P'25 and MC's Campus Ministry team for hosting the action-packed four-day retreat. Check out the video from MCLI on MC's YouTube channel.
Urban Media Arts
Malden River Clean Up
Wentworth Institute of Technology
STEM Bootcamp
Foti Law Business Internship
Summer Internships
This summer, the Malden Catholic Internship Program was a tremendous success, providing competitive opportunities for 113 MC students to participate in real-world leadership experiences in areas of business, STEM and the arts. We are extremely grateful to our alumni and intern hosts for their tremendous generosity in hosting Malden Catholic students.
MIT Moon Project
Harvard Medical School
MEDScience Mini-Course
Fitness Together Internship
Malden Catholic Freshman Experience (MCX)
Grade 9 students had the opportunity to start the year off right with MC's Freshman Experience (MCX) week. They had the opportunity to meet MC Administrators, run through their schedule, meet faculty members and get to know their new classmates. Welcome, Lancers!
Summer Camps
Malden Catholic Summer Camps were a huge hit this year! Over the past three months, campers had a fantastic time pursuing sports, academics and arts programs that were held in and around MC. We hope to see everyone again next year!
Fall Sports
Welcome back! Our 400+ student-athletes and 36 coaches have been hard at work this summer and launched preseason tryouts and practices this week. Games, meets and matches will begin shortly and you can view all the schedules, register to follow a particular team, check scores and view updates on the MC Athletics BigTeams Website.

Meet the Fall Coaches Night - Tuesday, August 30 at 6:00 PM
We will be hosting a Meet the Fall Coaches Night for all fall athlete parents and guardians on Tuesday, August 30 at 6:00 PM in the gymnasium. The MC administration team will begin the event with brief comments and then families will move to breakout rooms for each of our fall sports teams.