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President's Update

Dear Families: A Lenten Story,

“I feel sorry for the whole human race,” she said, a woman who had started up some small talk in our doctor’s waiting room on Ash Wednesday. “Yeah,” I replied not so eloquently, “there’s sure a lot of bad things going on.” She had heard me check in as “Brother,” and that must have piqued her curiosity. “Malden Catholic?” she said, noting my MC jacket. I explained I was a Xaverian Brother teaching at MC, and she said, “Oh, I went to a Catholic boarding school in Pennsylvania. Blue nuns ran it.” She was Iranian. Her father had sent her to the United States for an education, and she had shuffled among boarding schools for much of her youth. The brief reference to “sorrow for the whole human race” struck me as a particularly “Lenten” theme, though probably made with no thought of Lent at all in mind.

Earlier in the day I had discussed Lent and Ash Wednesday with my Theology classes. We know Lent as a penitential season, inviting us to assess our relationship with God, deepening our prayer life, helping those in need (almsgiving), and demonstrating less involvement with self – mortifying ourselves – through practices like fasting or “giving something up.” In class we discussed the symbolic richness in wearing ashes: that it has Biblical roots among ancient Hebrews and other cultures; that people would sit in dust or ashes, or sprinkle ashes over themselves as ways of expressing grief, repentance and humiliation.

In class we also viewed a short Father Mike Schmidt video about Ash Wednesday. He put an interesting spin on “repentance.” Sometimes, unless we are outrageously great sinners, we may not feel that we have much to be sorry about! “What do I have to repent of?!” What we might consider, though, is that – made in God’s image – we are meant to be “incredible”! Sometimes we forget how great we can be, ought to be. Some of you may have been in the Doherty Gymnasium a few weeks ago when Boys Basketball took down #1-ranked Catholic Memorial in a super-exciting game before a packed house. The Lancerdome was rocking! One could tell from the post-game celebration on the floor that the players felt absolutely incredible. I imagine the next time the team drags through a practice or sleeps through a game, coaches will – maybe not so gently! – remind players of their promise, of how great they could be. And players could reference that incredible feeling they once generated in themselves to know the truth of the matter.

Ashes, and the “repentance” they call for, remind us to close the gap between how incredible we could be as children of God and how we sometimes find ourselves. A world-view that inspires the thought of a general malaise, the idea that “I feel sorry for the whole human race,” suggests that on a grand scale, something’s not right. We’re not the way we can be and ought to be, and we know it. The same may apply personally. We are not without direction, though. Ashes point us toward how we should be. In the shape of a cross, branding our foreheads as “claimed for God,” ashes direct us to Jesus, whose love might inspire us to be our best selves. May each of us in our Malden Catholic family be granted Lenten inspiration!


Br. Thomas Puccio C.F.X., Ed.D., H'18

At a Glance

Monday, February 26

Day E

Tuesday, February 27

Day D

Midpoint Q3 (Seniors)

Grade 11 Boys Retreat - 8 AM

MC Parent Book Club - 6:30 PM

Wednesday, February 28

Day C

Praying of the Rosary - 7:25 AM

STEM Fair - 4 PM

Thursday, February 29

Day B

Dress Down Day - $5

Drama Club Performance - 6 PM

Friday, March 1

Day A

Mass - 7:25 AM

Buy-a-Bed Drive Ends

Drama Club Performance - 6 PM

MC Weekly Dining Menu

We are providing the MC weekly dining menu in the President's Update to make it easier for students to plan lunch throughout the week. The menu is also available through the Malden Catholic Mobile App along with easy access to the online portal for adding money to student lunch accounts.

School and College Counseling - College Acceptances

MC’s School and College Counseling department would like to remind Grade 12 students to contact their school counselor, as well as update their Naviance account with all college decisions (acceptances, deferred, wait listed and denied). Please reach out to Mrs. DelGenio with any questions at delgenios@maldencatholic.org.

What's New?

Grade 9 & Grade 10 Semi-Formal Ticket Sale - 2.26 to 3.1

The Grade 9 & Grade 10 Semi-Formal will be held on Saturday, March 2 from 7 - 10 PM. There will be a DJ, photobooth, pizza and refreshments, and a candy bar for the students. Tickets are priced at $25/per person and will be sold during lunches from Monday, February 26 - Friday, March 1. Please bring cash or a check made payable to Malden Catholic High School.

Information regarding the Semi-Formal attire policies can be found in the MC Parent/Student Handbook. Please note that only students in Grades 9 and 10 are allowed to attend the dance and any outside guests must sign a permission slip available at the front office. MC students attending must complete and pass in a Code of Conduct form, signed by their parent or guardian.

Grade 11 Boys Retreat - 2.27 at 8 AM

The Grade 11 Boys Retreat that was scheduled on Tuesday, February 13 will now be held on Tuesday, February 27.

Grade 11 Boys will not attend classes on these days. The retreat will provide students with a day of reflection, prayer, games and community interactions. Students will participate in a set of forums designed to help them understand the Xaverian Brothers Mission and the school, while getting to know each other better as they strengthen their relationship with God.

MC Parent Book Club - 2.27 at 6:30 PM

MC's Parent Book Club will meet on Tuesday, February 27 at 6:30 PM in MC's Campus Ministry Center to discuss Foster by Claire Keegan, a story about a small girl who is sent to live with foster parents on a farm in rural Ireland, without knowing when she will return home. Please reach out to Vange Egizi at vangiemassagain@yahoo.com if you would like to attend.

Dress Down Day - 2.29

MC's Campus Ministry will be sponsoring a Dress Down Day to support the Mystic Valley Elder Services (MVES) Emergency Closet on Thursday, February 29. Please bring a $5 donation if you would like to participate. All Dress Down Days must follow Dress Down Day protocol which can be found through this link.

"Tracks" Drama Club Production - 2.29 & 3.1 at 6 PM

MC's Drama Club will host two performances of "Tracks" by Peter Tarsi at 6 PM on Thursday, February 29 and Friday, March 1 in the Thomas '66 and Olivia McDonough Performing Arts Center. Tickets are limited, so be sure to purchase them through this link for the February 29 show and through this link for the March 1 show.

Buy-a-Bed Drive - through 3.1

Campus Ministry’s annual Buy-a-Bed drive to support Mission of Deeds in Reading will run through Friday, March 1. The drive provides beds for homeless children in the area. Donations of any denomination can be made during Theology classes. Please see Mrs. Connolly or your Theology teacher with any questions.

Easter Basket Drive - 3.4 to 3.22

Starting on March 3, Campus Ministry will be putting together Easter Baskets for families in need at parishes and shelters throughout East Boston and Revere. Items that are needed for the Easter Baskets include all kinds of candy, easter grass, easter baskets and small toys. All donations can be brought to the Campus Ministry Center. Please see Mrs. Connolly or Br. Puccio with any questions.

MC's Make-a-Wish & Parent Club St. Patrick's Celebration - 3.8 at 7 PM

MC's Make-A-Wish Club & Parent Club are teaming up once again to host a St. Patrick's Celebration at the Irish American Club in Malden on Friday, March 8 from 7 - 11 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM). This 18+ event will include live music by local musicians, The Emersons, Irish Step Dancer’s, DJ Scott Elias in addition to a photobooth, light snacks, raffles, and a cash bar. All proceeds benefit Make-A-Wish® Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Kids for Wish Kids Program. Tickets can be purchased through the following Eventbrite link for $30 each. We hope to see you there!

What's Happening Around MC?

Class of 2028 Celebration Rally was a Huge Success!

This year, the Malden Catholic Class of 2028 Celebration Rally truly exemplified the tremendous spirit and zeal of the MC community! Over 300 student, staff, and parent volunteers joined together in the gymnasium to welcome in the Class of 2028 which included a speech from Principal Smith and President Thornburg, several presentations from the cheerleading squad, gifts and confetti cannons! Thank you to everyone who participated in this amazing event!


Please be sure to check out the Class of 2028 Celebration Rally video and SmugMug photos (password - maldencatholic99).

National Honor Society Induction Ceremony

Congratulations to the 176 newly inducted members of the Brother Gilbert Chapter of the National Honor Society! Individual student photos from the ceremony can be viewed on MC's public SmugMug channel through the following link (password - maldencatholic99).

Quiz Bowl


Boys Varsity Basketball Game Alumni Get-Together

We would like to thank everyone who joined us for the Malden Catholic Alumni Get-Together at the Boys Varsity basketball game and dinner that followed! A fantastic time was had by all!

Spring Sports Registration - 3.18

Registration for Malden Catholic spring sports is now open. All parents/guardians must register students through Arbiter Sports using this link. Students must be registered before tryouts start on March 18.


In order to participate in spring sports, all students must have a current physical on file in their FamilyID account or must have completed one in the last 13 months. All physicals must include the date of exam, an indication of clearing for activity/sports, and a doctor's signature. Physicals may be given to the Nurse’s Office or Athletic Trainer. Please do not give copies of physicals to any athletic coaches.

Winter Sports

Stay updated on the athletics schedule and events by visiting the MC website or subscribing to text alerts through this link.


Livestreaming for MC athletic home games held in the Doherty Gymnasium and on the Donovan Field, accessible on MC's YouTube channel through this link or through Hudl TV.

MIAA Tournaments

All information regarding the MIAA Tournament including brackets and format may be found at: Tournament Central – MIAA. Please note that all MIAA Tournaments will require online tickets at GoFan.

Winter Sports Awards Night - March 13 at 6 PM

The Winter Sports Awards Night will be held on Wednesday, March 13 at 6 PM in the Doherty Gymnasium. Students must be in Mass attire for the event.

Girls Basketball Senior Night

Boys Hockey Senior Night