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President's Update

Dear Families,

My mother purchased a bow and arrow set for me when I was twelve. I believe it was her effort to get me outside more during the summer. Other mothers must have had the same idea because several of my friends suddenly had them. We did spend more time outside shooting at targets and honing our archery skills. After a couple of summers, we lost interest, and my bow was stored in the garage. 


Somehow, that bow has followed me all these years and is in my storage shed. I came across it while looking for my rake this fall. Deciding it was time to brush it off and test my skills, I set one of our pumpkins from Halloween in the backyard as a target, stood about twenty yards away and aimed. The arrow was released and missed the pumpkin. Instead, it hit a rock and ricocheted off the right. I heard a loud bang and turned to see my arrow sticking into my neighbor’s grill. It had lodged itself in the vinyl cover. 


Embarrassed, I removed the arrow, put away my archery set, walked into the house and hoped no one saw what I did. 


Someone once explained to me that the word “sin” is an ancient archery term: the distance an arrow missed the bullseye (center of the target) was called the “sin.” It was another way to describe missing the mark or how far away you were from your intended target. My “sin” was quite significant: not only had I missed the target, but I had also damaged my neighbor’s property and not confessed or been honest about it. 


I felt guilty, and the next time I saw my neighbor, I felt awkward. I could only think about not being honest about it. Sin works the same way in our relationship with God. Though He still loves us, it creates a distance that makes our faith challenging. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive and purify us from all unrighteousness.”  


Like in my relationship with God, I needed to be honest with my neighbor about my sin. So, I purchased a new grill cover and went over to his house.  “I should have had something earlier,” I said,” but I accidentally shot a hole in your grill cover an arrow, and here is a new cover.” 


My neighbor stared at me for a moment, trying to comprehend what he had just heard. Laughing, he replied, “A piece of duct tape would have worked just fine… but thank you for the new cover and for being so honest.” Things have been much better with my neighbor, and he even used his snowblower this past weekend to clear my sidewalk. 


This all had been a great reminder not to let any of my actions, thoughts, or words that “miss the mark” create distance between God and others. Also, I need to purchase a real archery target big enough that can accommodate a “sinner” like me. 


John K. Thornburg

At a Glance

Monday, January 15

No Classes/Offices Closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday, January 16

Day E

Third Quarter/Second Semester Begins

Second Semester Lunch Rotation Begins

Wednesday, January 17

Day D

Praying of the Rosary - 7:25 AM

Thursday, January 18

Day C

Junior College Planning Night/Admissions Panel - 6 PM

Friday, January 19

Day B

Weekly Mass - 7:25 AM

MC Weekly Dining Menu

We are providing the MC weekly dining menu in the President's Update to make it easier for students to plan lunch throughout the week. The menu is also available through the Malden Catholic Mobile App along with easy access to the online portal for adding money to student lunch accounts.

School and College Counseling

2024 - 2025 FAFSA Information

The 2024 - 2025 FAFSA application is now available on studentaid.gov. Due to the form enhancements, the application is available for limited periods as the Department of Education monitors the site. An email was sent out by School and College Counseling with additional information. Please reach out to College Affordable with any questions at [email protected].

Junior Class College Planning Kick-off and College Admissions Panel - January 18 at 6 PM 

The Junior Class Parent/Guardian College Admissions Panel and Kick-Off event will be held on Thursday, January 18 at 6 PM in the MC cafeteria. This event will include a question-and-answer session with a college admissions panel, provide the framework of the admissions landscape, an overview of the entire college application process, as well as other information that will make applying to college easier.

What's New?

Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Event - 1.15 at 2 PM

The MC community is invited to attend the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Event at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Malden on Monday, January 15, from 2 - 4 PM, where Ortello Hamilton '24 will be sharing his reflection on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We would like to thank MC's Dean of Community, Culture and Equity, Ms. Erga Pierrette P'21, '23, '27 for the invitation to this great event and for sharing the following message:

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is widely known for being a compelling spokesperson for nonviolent activism during the Civil Rights Movement. He peacefully brought people together and protested against racial discrimination. Let us reflect on one of my favorite quotes from Dr. King: "Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in." He also said, "Love is the most durable power in the world. This creative force, so beautifully exemplified in the life of our Christ, is the most potent instrument available in mankind's quest for peace and security."

This year holds a unique significance as the MLK holiday coincides with Dr. King's actual birthday. Let us take this day to learn about the profound legacy he left behind.

Winter Essentials Drive - through 1.22

Malden Catholic's Campus Ministry department has teamed up with the Malden Warming Center for the annual Winter Essentials Drive. Students are encouraged to bring in winter items for each grade listed from January 8 - 22. All items should be dropped off in homeroom.

  • Grade 9 - Lip Balm and Deodorant
  • Grade 10 - Hand Sanitizer and Nail Clippers
  • Grade 11 - Hand/Foot Warmers and Combs/Hairbrushes
  • Grade 12 - Toothbrushes/Toothpaste and Mouthwash

MC Leadership Series Featured Speaker: Ndaba Mandela - 1.24 at 1 PM

Ndaba Mandela, grandson of Nelson Mandela, Co-Founder & Chairman of Africa Rising Foundation, and author of Going to the Mountain: Life Lessons from My Grandfather, Nelson Mandela, will be visiting MC to speak live to MC students as part of the MC Leadership Speaker Series on Wednesday, January 24. Please note, this event is private and exclusively for students.

Following in the footsteps of his beloved and iconic grandfather, Ndaba Mandela continues to keep the beacon of hope bright, fueling its fiery message that one person can make a difference. Through his actions and orations, Nelson Mandela's voice and message of freedom still resonate – spoken by a child who matured under the warm embrace and expert tutelage of one of history's greatest teachers. Currently, Ndaba is organizing the 95th celebration of Nelson Mandela Day and was also instrumental in creating the International Day of Happiness at the United Nations.

MC Parent Book Club - 1.30 at 6 PM

MC's Parent Book Club will meet on Tuesday, January 30 at 6:30 PM in MC's Campus Ministry Center to discuss The Candy House by Jennifer Egan. Please reach out to Vange Egizi at [email protected] if you would like to attend.

MC’s 18th Annual Gala Celebration Tickets on Sale - Price Increases to $250/ticket on 2.1

Join us for Malden Catholic's 18th annual Gala celebration on Saturday, April 6 at Encore Boston Harbor!

General admission Gala tickets are $200/person through January 31. Tickets are expected to sell out quickly and the ticket price will increase to $250/ticket on February 1, so be sure to purchase your ticket soon through this link.

For more details on purchasing tickets, exploring sponsorship opportunities and being featured in our Gala program book, please contact Sarah Hamilton at 781.475.5331 or [email protected].

What's Happening Around MC?


MC had over 60 students compete in the DECA competition this year, along with students from over 15 other schools in the district. Fourteen MC students earned top medals, and they will compete in the state championship in February. Way to go, MC DECA!

American Mathematics Competition

Congratulations to Johnny Jia '26 and Ethan Shan '24 for achieving outstanding scores in the American Mathematics Competition (AMC). Johnny secured the top score in the AMC 10 (Grades 9 & 10), while Ethan Shan '24 earned the top score in the AMC 12 (Grades 11 & 12). Way to go!

Dance Class Final Projects

This week, students in MC's Dance 1 class presented their second-quarter final projects, incorporating a combination of writing, design, and exceptional solo dance pieces. Outstanding work!

Combating Hate and Prejudice Presentation: Janet Singer Applefield

MC was honored to host Holocaust survivor Janet Singer Applefield, who shared her courageous story on “Combating Hate and Prejudice.” She recounted her World War II experiences, highlighting the profound acts of kindness that ultimately saved her. We would like to thank Janet for delivering such an inspiring message to our community!

Lancers in College Day

Malden Catholic hosted its second annual Lancers in College Day last week, where alumni from the Classes of 2020 - 2023 were able to reunite with fellow classmates, teachers and administrators. It was great to have so many alumni back at MC!

In Memory of Joe O'Donnell '62

It is with great sadness that we share the passing of Joe O'Donnell '62, a long-time friend, advocate, benefactor, and unwavering supporter of MC.

Joe played a pivotal role as co-chairman of the successful $25 million Essential Campaign and was set to co-chair the upcoming Our Essential Future Campaign. His impact on Malden Catholic has been immeasurable, influencing significant decisions such as the implementation of the codivisional model in 2018 and the impending redevelopment of 50 Crystal Street.

As a 1962 graduate of Malden Catholic, Joe O'Donnell continued his education at Harvard College and Harvard Business School, achieving remarkable success in business. He is the founder of Boston Culinary Group, serves as Chairman of Centerplate (a nationally recognized foodservice company), and is the owner of Allied Advertising Agency.

Joe's impact extends far beyond Malden Catholic, also serving as chairman of the National Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's $250 million Milestones Campaign. In 1986, Joe and his wife, Kathy, founded the Joey Fund in memory of their beloved son, who succumbed to the disease that year. Joe attributes his success to the foundation laid at Malden Catholic, stating, “In so many ways, Malden Catholic helped me to move forward – Exeter, Harvard, Harvard Business School — and to where I am today. Giving back is the right thing to do.”

Joe O'Donnell's legacy is engraved in the success he achieved and in the countless lives he touched through his generosity and support for education. His dedication to Malden Catholic and his belief in its potential for greatness will continue to inspire generations to come.

Malden Catholic Announces the Passing of Joe O'Donnell ’62

News Post - Malden Catholic

Read More


Alumni Hockey Game - 1.20 at 2 PM

The MC Alumni Hockey Game will take place on Saturday, January 20 at 2 PM at Malden Valley Forum. You can register to play at maldencatholic.info/alumnihockey24. Please reach out to Ryan Layton '02 at [email protected] with any questions.

Winter Sports

Stay updated on the athletics schedule and events by visiting the MC website or subscribing to text alerts through this link.

Spirit Store

The MC Spirit Store is now open until Sunday, January 14 through this link and items will be shipped in late February. Many items are customizable with name, number or sport. There are also many green items for St. Patrick's Day.

Monday, January 15

12 PM Girls Varsity Ice Hockey vs Winchester HS

2:40 PM Boys Varsity Ice Hockey vs Winchester HS

4:50 PM Girls JV Ice Hockey vs Andover HS

Tuesday, January 16

3 PM Boys Varsity Swim vs Waltham HS

3:30 PM Boys Freshman Basketball vs Xaverian Brothers HS

4 PM Girls Varsity Indoor Track vs Arlington Catholic/Ursuline (@ Reggie Lewis Center)

5 PM Boys JV Basketball vs Xaverian Brothers HS

6:30 PM Boys Varsity Basketball vs Xaverian Brothers HS

Wednesday, January 17

5 PM Girls Varsity Ice Hockey @ Burlington HS

6 PM Boys Varsity Wrestling vs St. John's HS

Thursday, January 18

3:15 PM Boys Varsity Swim vs Catholic Memorial

5:30 PM Boys JV Ice Hockey @ Pope Francis

6:40 PM Boys Varsity Boys Varsity Ice Hockey @ Pope Francis

Friday, January 19

3:20 PM Boys Varsity Swim @ Northeast Metro Regional Vocational

3:30 PM Boys Freshman Basketball @ St. John's HS

5 PM Boys JV Basketball @ St. John's HS

5 PM Girls JV Varsity Basketball vs Ursuline Academy

6:30 PM Boys Varsity Basketball @ St. John's HS

6:30 PM Girls Varsity Basketball vs Ursuline Academy

Saturday, January 20

2:10 PM Boys Freshman Ice Hockey @ St. John's HS

2:10 PM Boys JV Ice Hockey @ St. John's HS

3:50 PM Boys Varsity Ice Hockey @ St. John's HS

4:20 PM Girls Varsity Ice Hockey vs Archbishop Williams

Sunday, January 21

TBA Boys Varsity Indoor Track @ JV/Frosh Meet