President's Update
Dear MC Family,
On behalf of Malden Catholic, I want to wish all of our families a Happy Thanksgiving! We are very thankful for our partnership with you and all the blessings we enjoy because of your dedication to MC. The first Thanksgiving Proclamation referenced thankfulness for an abundant harvest, protection and freedom to worship God "according to the dictates of our own conscience." The Pilgrims were to respond by rendering "thanksgiving to ye Almighty God for all His blessings."
May we all take time to thank our Lord for his rich blessings this school year. We are able to enjoy the end of the pandemic and hold in-person classes without disruption. Our school is full, with the largest enrollment in decades. Our codivisional model is tremendously successful, and our students are well-prepared for the future through our Xaverian education. We are truly blessed for what we have been given at Malden Catholic!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:4-7).
Happy Thanksgiving!

John Thornburg
At a Glance
Monday, November 21
Day G
Thanksgiving Food Drive Ends

Tuesday, November 22
Day F
La Colaborativa Dress Down Day - $5
Thanksgiving Prayer Service - 1 PM
Pep Rally - 2 PM
Powder Puff Game - 3 PM

Wednesday, November 23 - Monday, November 28
No School/Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Break
November Lunch Menu
We will be providing the MC dining menu weekly in the President's Update to make it easier for students to plan lunch throughout the week. The menu is also available through the Malden Catholic Mobile App along with easy access to the online portal for adding money to student lunch accounts. Search for "Malden Catholic" in the app store on your phone.
What's New?
Thanksgiving Food Drive - 11.21
Monday, November 21 is the last day for the Thanksgiving Food Drive. If you have not already done so, please drop off the food items for for the Peabody charity, Gina’s Giving Back as listed for each grade. Donations should be dropped off during homeroom.

Items Needed by Grade
  • Freshmen – Boxed Mashed Potatoes and Boxed Stuffing
  • Sophomores – Cranberry Sauce and Canned Vegetables
  • Juniors – Large Bottles of Juice and Jars of Gravy
  • Seniors – Gallon-sized Ziplock Bags and Brownie or Cornbread Mix

Interested in doing more? You can also donate money for the purchase of gift cards for turkeys in the boxes located in the main lobby or Campus Ministry. If you have any questions, please see to Mrs. Connolly or Brother Puccio.
Hugh O'Brien Leadership Seminar Essay - 11.21
The 2023 MA HOBY (Massachusetts Hugh O’Brien Leadership Seminar) will be held in person at Bentley University on June 9-11, 2023. Four seats for students in Grade 10 are currently available (2 for boys and 2 for girls) to represent Malden Catholic at the event.
To apply, please write a 500-word essay on the following topic: Describe the most rewarding and challenging aspects of being a leader at Malden Catholic and the community." Essays are due to the School Counseling office by Monday, November 21. They can be brought to Mrs. DelGenio’s office or emailed to [email protected] .
The winners will be selected by the School Counseling Office and Administration. Students will be notified on November 29. Please apply only if you can commit to attending on the June 9-11 dates. For more information about HOBY, please visit:

Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Jeannine Reardon at [email protected].
March for Life Payment and Forms - 11.22
The annual March for Life will be held in Washington D.C. from January 19 - 21. Forms and payment for any student interested in attending are due by Tuesday, November 22 through this link. Please see Mr. Stanton if you have any questions regarding the March.
Alumni Fun Run - 11.26 at 11 AM
The 36th Alumni Fun Run will take place on the Brother Myles track on November 26 at 11 AM. All alumni, family and friends are invited to participate this 2-mile race and/or to come to cheer on the runners! Refreshments will follow.
Delayed Start of School - 11.29 at 9 AM
Please note that there will be a delayed opening for a Faculty Meeting on Tuesday November 29. School will begin at 9 AM, and LBK transportation will run on its normal schedule.
Giving Tuesday - 11.29
Giving Tuesday is celebrated this year on Tuesday, November 29. Please consider giving generously to the Malden Catholic Fund on 11.29 through this link.

Tuition alone does not cover the cost of a Malden Catholic education. Like all independent schools, Malden Catholic relies upon the generosity of our alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends to help close the gap between operating income and expenses. Support for the Malden Catholic Fund this Giving Tuesday and provide MC with these essential unrestricted funds.
Lancer Santa Toy Drive - 11.29 to 12.16
Housing Families, Inc. is an organization that works in the Greater Boston area to provide housing and shelter for families and individuals experiencing homelessness, including emergency shelter and permanent, stable housing. We look forward to continuing our annual Santa Toy Drive, supporting this great cause. The 2022 Lancer Santa Toy Drive will run from Tuesday, November 29 to Friday, December 16.

Please drop off new, unwrapped toys at the MC Christmas tree in the foyer. The toys will be picked up by Housing Families, Inc. following the Christmas Prayer Service in December.
St. Andrew Dinner - 11.29 at 6 PM
All MC Boys Division Students are invited for a night of prayer, dinner, discussion, and testimony with Cardinal Sean, the seminarians of the Boston Archdiocese, and other local Catholic school high school students at St. John's Seminary in Brighton on Tuesday, November 29 from 6 - 8 PM. Students will depart from MC at 4 PM and return at 9 PM. Please fill out the attached permission slip if you would like to attend. Contact Mr. Stanton at [email protected] with any questions.
MC Parent Club: Wreath Decorating and Bow Making Get-Together - 12.7 at 6:30 PM
Come join the Christmas festivities on Wednesday, December 7 at 6 PM for a fun Wreath Decorating and Bow Making Get-Together hosted by Nurse Paquette. The group will decorate live evergreen wreaths and learn how to make spectacular bows. Please bring a potluck appetizer. You can register through this link to reserve a spot.
Senior Yearbook Portraits - 12.10
All Seniors must arrange to have their yearbook photograph taken before December 10. Portraits will be taken by Prestige Photography facility in Woburn at 102 Cummings Park Drive.

For those who have had their portraits taken, please remember to select your yearbook portrait through the following directions:
Instructions to Select Senior Portrait Yearbook Image online:
  1. Go to and create an account, if you have not done so already.  
  2. Enter your specific Session ID & Access Code numbers provided to you on the proof sheet of images, or on the receipt from the photographer. (Check for emails from Prestige as well and if you do not have that information, contact Mrs. Jeannine Reardon for your session ID/access code.  
  3. Once on the home page, select View Portrait Proofs tab (under Get Started Here) to view images and select a yearbook choice. The "Select Your Yearbook Image" will be front and center at the top of the website above the images/proofs.  

Please note, after the online pose selection deadline has passed, this option will NO LONGER be available. 
MC Parent Book Club Christmas Party - 12.15 at 6:30 PM
The MC Parent Book Club Christmas Party will be held on Thursday, December 15 at 6:30 PM at MC in the Campus Ministry Center. The December MC Book Club will be discussing A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote, a series of five short stories that capture the magical moments of the holidays. Parents are invited to write a paragraph about a Christmas memory of their own that they can share at the meeting if they wish.

Yankee Swap
For those who wish to participate, the theme for the Yankee Swap will be "angels." You may find a unique, angel-related gift for under $10.

Please R.S.V.P. to Vange Egizi at: [email protected] if you can attend, and/or would like to bring one of the following refreshments:
  • Something savory
  • Something sweet
  • Bottle of red wine
  • Bottle of white wine
  • Sparkling water
  • Disposable cups, plates, and napkins
What's Happening Around MC?
Freshman Student Council
Congratulations to the new Freshman Student Council members!

Boys President: Adrian Babu
Boys VP: Lucas Baglio
Girls President: Maeve Hurley
Girls VP: Cassandra Capone
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Student Artwork
International Thanksgiving
Godspell Drama Production
MC Receives Major Gift of $52,000 To Create Permanent Scholarship in Memory of Elmer F. King ’82
Check out the article in the "Chelsea Record" regarding the Elmer F. King '82 Scholarship made possible by MC alumnus Mark J. Sullivan 1983 and his wife Julia O’Donnell. 
MC Receives Major Gift of $52,000 To Create Permanent...

Recently, Malden Catholic received a major gift donation of $52,000 to establish a permanent scholarship fund to honor the memory of Medford native and MC student, Elmer F. King '82, who along with another close friend from Medford, Ken Ritchie,...

Read more
October Plus Ultra Awards
The Plus Ultra Awards program is MC's monthly initiative to recognize students and faculty members who have gone Plus Ultra, "more beyond," and exemplify the Xaverian charism. This month, Malden Catholic is proud to recognize the following individuals who have demonstrated one of the following five spiritual values - humility, simplicity, compassion, trust and zeal. Congratulations to all!

October Plus Ultra Awards:
  • Thea Sanzone '24 - Humility
  • Matheus Lima '23 - Simplicity
  • Josh Lopresti '23- Compassion
  • Andrea Tracey - Trust
  • Grace Bisan '26 - Zeal
Thea Sanzone '24 - Humility

Malden Catholic Administration stated, "Thea is an incredibly humble member of the MC community, whether her successes happen in the classroom, on the field or in the pool, Thea would be the last person to promote them. She is a prime example of a person with a strong work ethic who does not seek recognition for her achievements. She has had a remarkable journey from an unimaginable accident this summer and went on to place 6th in the 100m breaststroke at the state swim tournament. Thea has done all this with a quiet smile and sheer determination."
Matheus Lima '23 - Simplicity

Malden Catholic Administration commented, "Matheus worked an outside job to pay for his books. He could not afford an English book so one was lent to him. He worked extra hours that week to buy himself the book and promptly returned the borrowed book to the faculty member. Matheus exemplifies the Xaverian value of Simplicity since he invested the time and effort to purchase his own school materials. He could easily have used the borrowed book all year and no one would have questioned it. However, he worked hard, bought a book for himself, and returned the borrowed book to the faculty member."
Josh Lopresti '23 - Compassion

Malden Catholic Administration said, "Josh exemplifies compassion in the way he treats everyone he encounters. In the classroom as well as during MCLI, Josh can relate to people from where they coming from - he is always respectful and draws those around him further into the MC community. He sets a great example for our younger students and is an ideal role model for a Malden Catholic student."
Andrea Tracey - Trust

According to Malden Catholic Administration, "The entire MC community trusts Mrs. Tracey. At the front desk, she keeps everyone calm and organized as they visit the front desk and she makes a point to know everyone who comes regularly into the building. She makes an effort each and every day to be a happy, constant and reliable presence for everyone. She is there to make our lives easier and immediately offers her help when people are struggling. She helps celebrate student accomplishments and makes it a point to say hello if she sees a student outside of school. She contacts faculty to double-check on missing students. She is also a pleasant and welcoming person to greet MC guests when they first arrive in the front office… and she can sing!"
Grace Bisan '26 - Zeal

Malden Catholic Administration stated, "On October 17 in the early morning, a new student was at the front desk for her first day of school. Grace noticed the student and without being prompted, went out of her way to introduce herself to the student. After the student met with a staff member and before she went to her first class, Grace said with a huge welcoming smile, 'If you have any questions, please let me know.' Grace’s upbeat personality and warm demeanor are simply contagious!"
Fall Sports
Fall Sports Awards Photos
The MC Winter Sports Awards were held on Wednesday, November 16. Photos from the event can be found through this link.
Thanksgiving Eve Varsity Football Game vs St. John’s Shrewsbury
The Thanksgiving Eve Varsity Football Game vs St. John’s Shrewsbury will be held on Wednesday, November 23 at 6 PM and tickets may be purchased for $5 through this link.
Winter Sports
Registration for Malden Catholic winter sports is now open. In order to participate in tryouts on November 28, all parents/guardians must register students through Family ID at by November 21.
Winter Senior Athlete Photos
All winter athletes may take their senior athlete photo on Thursday, December 8 at 2:30 PM.
Boys Basketball
Monday, November 28
Malden Catholic Gymnasium
Freshman/Sophomores - 5:45 PM
Juniors/Seniors - 7:00 PM

Girls Basketball
Monday November 28 - Wednesday, November 30
Malden Catholic Gymnasium
Freshman/JV - 2:45 PM to 4:15 PM
Varsity (all returning varsity players, all juniors, and underclassmen) - 4:15 PM to 5:45 PM

Monday, November 28
50 Crystal St. Athletic Complex
10 - 11:30 AM

Boys Indoor Track
Monday, November 28
Brother Gilbert Stadium
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Girls Indoor Track
Monday, November 28
Brother Gilbert Stadium
2:45 - 4:00 PM

Boys Hockey
Monday November 28 - Wednesday, November 30 Malden Forum
Returning Varsity and JVA players - 2:40 PM
Returning JVB Players and new candidates - 3:50 PM

Girls Hockey
Monday, November 28
Malden Forum
4:15 PM

Boys Swimming
Monday, November 28
Mystic Valley Pool
Practice will be from at 3 PM - 4:10 PM

Winter Game Day Cheer
Wednesday, November 30 - Thursday, December 1
50 Crystal St. Athletic Complex
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Requirements/expectations: No experience necessary, attendance is mandatory for both days.
  • Attire: All Black ex: t-shirt/tank top/shorts/leggings, white sneakers, hair up.