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President's Update

Dear Families,

Early evening traffic was crawling along Main Street, Melrose. It was taking three light cycles for vehicles to get past the row of shops and restaurants in the town’s center, so as I walked along in my MC t-shirt on a late-August, after-supper stroll, I had “partnered” for the length of a long block with cars waiting their turn to get past the light. We moved ahead together. All of a sudden, I was startled by a loud shout coming from the tall cab of a dump truck inching along beside me with a big “RENT ME” on the side. There was a guy at the wheel, partially obscured by a female passenger. “BROTHER PUCCIO!” he bellowed. I couldn’t quite see him, about 25 feet away, but I smiled, waved, and kept walking. The truck moved along, too.  He shouted his name and yelled “MC Class of ’91.” I waved again, recognizing the name. Then, “You changed my life! I love you.” The girl beside him giggled, perhaps a little embarrassed, as I was. Though the driver was still partially obscured, our eyes met, and I gave him a smiling “thumbs up.” The light changed, and he was on his way. “Well, THAT was different,” I thought as I walked on, quietly moved by the experience! He gave me something to think about for the rest of the walk. Though I remember him well, I have no idea how I may have changed his life! Sounds like it worked out for the best, though, so that’s good.

Walking on, I reflected how what each of the faculty and staff does each day does, in fact, change lives. Along the way, we nurture enduring personal relationships, as we encourage students to grow toward their best selves. More than that, however, in what we model and in the ways we invite, we alert students to the reality that they, too, are real agents of real transformation in the lives of others, whether THEY know it or not! Malden Catholic can be proud of the charitable outreach of students and families throughout the year, impacting many, truly changing the quality of others’ lives.  It is one of the things we are called to do as a Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School. 

Last Sunday, for instance, 45 students, parents, and staff participated in Malden’s “Bread of Life” Walk, supporting local food needs. Next Sunday, we’re expecting that somewhere around 125 of the MC community will support the Leonard Florence Center’s “ALS/MS Walk for Living,” as we remember Tim Paquette ’07, my confrere Brother Joe Comber, CFX, and very recently deceased Chris Snow ’99, who all succumbed to ALS.

Each month, right through the year, Campus Ministry, or various teams or clubs invite student and family outreach to people in need around us, changing lives. You’ll be impressed if you take a look at the full listing of charitable events in our calendar.   In September alone, Athletics tackled Pediatric Cancer, donating upwards of $8000 toward a cure.    

None of this happens, of course, without YOUR support, and for this we are thankful.    We should remind ourselves, additionally, that all of these efforts supplement the approximately 30,000 hours of service our students will render in the run of the year with their Christian Service commitments. Put it all together, and it’s a pretty impressive picture of changing lives!

As the Prayer of Archbishop Oscar Romero reminds us, we plant seeds for a future unknown, but with a confidence that we are quietly infusing God’s love in the world. We change lives. Thank you for your part in that! May each of us find a joy in the sowing!


Brother Thomas Puccio C.F.X., Ed.D., H'18

At a Glance

Monday, October 9

Columbus Day - No Classes/Offices Closed

Tuesday, October 10

Day B

Wednesday, October 11

Day A

Praying of the Rosary - 7:25 AM

MC Parent Club - 6 PM

Thursday, October 12

Day H

Friday, October 13

Day G

Weekly Mass - 7:25 AM

Alumni BBQ - 5 PM

Homecoming Football Game - 6 PM

Saturday, October 14

Homecoming Dance - 7 PM

Sunday, October 15

Leonard Florence ALS/MS Walk for Living - 10 AM

MC Weekly Dining Menu

We are providing the MC weekly dining menu in the President's Update to make it easier for students to plan lunch throughout the week. The menu is also available through the Malden Catholic Mobile App along with easy access to the online portal for adding money to student lunch accounts.

MC Spotlight

Boston Consulate General of Italy Scholarship Recipients - Theodore Luscinski '24 & Catherine Crane '25

Congratulations to Theodore Luscinski '24 and Catherine Crane '25, who were invited to attend the 24th anniversary celebration of October Italian American Heritage Month at the Massachusetts State House in Boston last week, where they were awarded the Joseph J. Albanese Scholarship in recognition of their excellence in Italian class. Way to go, Theodore and Catherine!

School and College Counseling

College Visits

College representatives will continue to visit Malden Catholic until mid-November. We encourage all Grade 11 and Grade 12 students to sign up to meet the representatives 24 hours in advance in Naviance. All college visits are held during lunch in the MC front lobby from 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM.

This is a wonderful opportunity for students to meet the college admissions representatives who will likely be handling future applications. Below is a list of colleges and universities that are currently registered for the upcoming week. Please note that these dates are subject to change. Students should reach out to their school counselor with any questions.

Tuesday, October 10

Saint Anslem College

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Wednesday, October 11

Husson University

Thursday, October 12

Colby-Sawyer College

Elizabethtown College

College Affordable Financial Aid Webinar - 10.12 at 6:30 PM

School and College Counseling is pleased to continue our partnership with College Affordable (formerly Campus Bound) to provide all our families with free comprehensive support navigating the college financial aid process. Families can register for all webinars at the start of the academic year with one click by completing the Family Registration Form. The next webinar will focus on Merit vs. Need-Based Aid and will take place on Thursday, October 12 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. 


Please contact your school counselor with any questions.   

College Financial Aid Night & FAFSA Review - 10.19 at 6 PM

Representatives from College Affordable will present the College Financial Aid Process and FAFSA Review at MC on Thursday, October 19 at 6 PM in the cafeteria. The presentation will include an overview of the college financial aid process, FAFSA examination, and a review of the general timeline through the student's application cycle.

What's New?

Malden Catholic Has Been Ranked as the #7 Best Catholic High School in the Boston Area!

We are thrilled to announce that Malden Catholic has been ranked as the #7 best Catholic high school in the Boston area, according to Niche's 2024 Best School in the Boston Area Report! Check out the report through this link.

Homecoming Week - 10.9 to 10.13

MC will kick off Homecoming week with a series of Student Council-sponsored dress down days and a variety of events will follow throughout the weekend. Please note: All Dress Down Days must follow Dress Down Day protocol listed in the MC 2023 – 2024 Parent Student Handbook.

Dress Down Days 

Tuesday, October 10 - MC Gear

  • Students may wear MC apparel.

Wednesday, October 11 - Decades

  • Students may dress in clothing of a past decade.

Thursday, October 12 - Jersey Day

  • Students may wear the jersey of their favorite team or an MC jersey.

Friday, October 13 - Color War

  • Students may wear the color assigned to their grade.
  • Grade 9 - Yellow
  • Grade 10 - Green
  • Grade 11 - Blue
  • Grade 12 - White

Homecoming Events

Friday, October 13

  • Alumni BBQ at 5 PM - MC alumni and faculty/staff are invited to join us for an Alumni BBQ celebrating the legendary career of Bob Bucchino ‘71, P’10! This complementary event will be held on the Donovan Field during MC’s Homecoming football game. Please register through this link.
  • Homecoming Game at 6 PM - Come cheer on the Lancers for the Homecoming football game against St. John's Prep. Members of the MC community including parents and siblings are also invited to join in the fun!


Saturday, October 14

  • Homecoming Dance at 7 PM - The MC Homecoming Dance will be held in the gymnasium from 7 PM to 10 PM for MC students ONLY and will include refreshments and a DJ. Tickets will be on sale after school on Tuesday, October 10 and Wednesday, October 11.

Please note the following for the Homecoming Dance:

  • The dress code for this event is semi-formal and all students must follow the formal events dress code guidelines listed in the MC 2023 - 2024 Parent Student Handbook. 
  • Students may not arrive to the dance any later than 8 PM (unless there is a scheduled school athletic event that conflicts) and students may not leave the dance any earlier than 9:30 PM without authorization from a parent/guardian. Authorization may be either a note prior to the event from parent/guardian or parent/guardian speaking directly with a teacher/administrator at the event. 
  • Please contact Ms. Sheila Foley sfoley@maldencatholic.org or Mr. Jacobson tjacobsen@maldencatholic.org with any questions. 

MC Parent Club Meeting - 10.11 at 6 PM

The Malden Catholic Parent Club Kick-Off Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 11 at 6 PM in the cafeteria. Principal Smith will talk about the new school year, President Thornburg will discuss the Parent Survey results, and MC’s Dean of Community, Culture and Equity, Ms. Erga Pierrette P'21, '23, '27 will speak about CCE efforts.

ALS/MS Walk for Living - 10.15 at 10 AM

Join us for the 15th Annual ALS/MS Walk for Living on October 15 at 10 AM which will be held at 165 Captains Row, Admiral's Hill, in Chelsea. This will be Malden Catholic’s 10th consecutive year of participation in support of the Leonard-Florence Center for Living.

ALS has touched the lives of many in our Malden Catholic community. We walk in memory of MC alum Tim Paquette ’07, son of MC School Nurse Elizabeth Paquette and MC Swim Coach Rick Paquette, and Xaverian Brother Joseph Comber, C.F.X., who had lived in community with Brothers Daniel Cremin, Timothy Hoey, and Thomas Puccio. We also walk in memory of Chris Snow ’99. Every single dollar raised goes directly back to patient care and programs for the ALS and MS residents at Leonard Florence.


Students may register during lunch periods with a $20 cash-or check donation. Parents and other family members are also welcome to participate and may register using this link.


A bus has been scheduled to transport students to the event. Students who would like to sign up for the bus must do so during lunch periods by Tuesday, October 10. Buses will depart from MC at 8:45 AM on Saturday, October 15 and will return by 1 PM. Those driving separately should plan to arrive at Admirals’ Hill between 9:15 and 9:45 AM. 

Baby Clothing Drive - 10.16 to 10.31

Campus Ministry will begin collecting new, unused baby clothes for infants under 18 months up to children of age six on Monday, October 16. Items such as diapers, cleaning wipes, all-purpose cleaning products, blankets, mittens, and hats will be collected and donated to Housing Families Inc. in Malden. All donations can be made in either the donation bin in the main lobby or in the Campus Ministry Center. 

PSAT for Grades 9, 10 & 11 - 10.18 at 8 AM

As part of our comprehensive school and college counseling program, all 9th, 10th and 11th grade students are required to take the PSAT at MC, also known as the Practice or Preliminary SAT, on Wednesday, October 18. The test will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete and will be taken digitally.

Please note that students must arrive to the exam with their laptop in working order and fully charged, and with the Bluebook App installed. There will be no option to charge laptops during the test.

Students were expected to download the Bluebook App last week, and there will be a digital readiness check during homeroom on Wednesday, October 11. On this day, students will become familiar with the Bluebook testing application, confirm the accuracy of their personal information, and ensure that their devices are ready for the test day.

Grade 12 will use October 18 as a College Visit Day and will not report to school.

Please reach out to your school counselor with any questions.

Senior Yearbook Portraits - 11.18

All Seniors must arrange to have their yearbook photograph taken before November 18. Portraits will be taken by Prestige Photography facility in Woburn at 102 Cummings Park Drive. 


For those who have had their portraits taken, please remember to select your yearbook portrait through the following directions: 

Instructions to Select Senior Portrait Yearbook Image online: 

  1. Go to shop.prestigeportraits.com and create an account, if you have not done so already. 
  2. Enter your specific Session ID & Access Code numbers provided to you on the proof sheet of images, or on the receipt from the photographer. (Check for emails from Prestige as well and if you do not have that information, contact Mrs. Jeannine Reardon for your session ID/access code. 
  3. Once on the home page, select View Portrait Proofs tab (under Get Started Here) to view images and select a yearbook choice. The "Select Your Yearbook Image" will be front and center at the top of the website above the images/proofs. 


Please note, after the online pose selection deadline has passed, this option will no longer be available. 

What's Happening Around MC?

50 Crystal Street Update

We are starting to see progress on the construction of the building across the street from Malden Catholic, as we continue with our plans to expand MC's programs. A time-lapse camera that updates every 10 minutes has been installed for you to track the development at 50 Crystal Street. Check it out through this link.

Bread of Life Walk

Last weekend, Malden Catholic had over 40 students, faculty and friends participate in the Bread of Life Walk to support the Malden and Everett food pantries. Way to go, Lancers!

MC Parent Book Club

Thank you to all who joined us for the September MC Parent Book Club where author Jane Healey joined us for the discussion! If you are interested in co-chairing MC's Parent Book Club, please reach out to Vange Egizi at vangiemassagain@yahoo.com.

Guitar Club

The Malden Catholic Fund

Malden Catholic’s goal for the 2023 - 2024 Malden Catholic Fund is $1.2 million, with $100,000 raised by current MC families!

The Malden Catholic Fund benefits every student and makes it possible to continually enhance academic innovation, arts and athletic programming, tuition assistance and scholarships at our school.

Make your gift now by visiting the parent giving page on the MC website. 


Malden Catholic Hires David Valdez As Varsity Baseball Coach

We are delighted to announce that former MLB coach, David Valdez will join MC as the Boys Varsity Baseball coach. Prior to joining Malden Catholic, David Valdez spent several years coaching in Major League Baseball as a hitting coach, international player's assistant and most recently as a player development coach in the Milwaukee Brewers system. Check out the article in the Chelsea Record through this link.

Malden Catholic Hires David Valdez As Varsity Baseball Coach

Malden Catholic has hired former MLB coach David Valdez to head its Varsity Baseball program announced Malden Catholic Director of Athletics, William Raycraft.

Read More

Alumni Soccer Game

We would like to thank everyone who participated in MC's 5th annual Alumni Soccer Game last weekend! It was a fantastic turnout, and we are pleased to announce that the event has been renamed the Stephen J. O'Neil '78, P'15 Alumni Soccer Game in honor of Coach O'Neil's dedication to the MC soccer program. Check out more photos through this link (password - maldencatholic99).

Fall Sports

Stay updated on all communications regarding fall sports by visiting the MC website or subscribing to text alerts through this link.

Monday, October 9

10 AM Girls Varsity Field Hockey @ Revere HS

4 PM Boys JV Football vs BC High


Tuesday, October 10

3:30 PM Boys JV Golf vs BC High

4 PM Girls JV Volleyball vs Cathedral HS

4 PM Boys Varsity Cross Country vs Catholic Memorial (Senior Night)

4:30 PM Boys JV Soccer vs Catholic Memorial

5:15 PM Girls Varsity Volleyball vs Cathedral HS

6 PM Boys Varsity Soccer vs Catholic Memorial

Wednesday, October 11

3 PM Boys JV Golf @ Central Catholic HS

3:30 PM Boys Varsity Golf @ St. John's HS

3:30 PM Girls Freshman Volleyball vs Wilmington HS

4 PM Girls Varsity Soccer @ Bishop Fenwick

4:30 PM Girls JV Volleyball vs Wilmington HS

5:30 PM Girls JV Soccer @ Bishop Fenwick

5:45 Girls Varsity Volleyball vs Wilmington HS

6 PM Boys Varsity Soccer vs Bishop Fenwick

Thursday, October 12

4 PM Boys JV Golf vs Marblehead HS (Senior Night)

4 PM Boys JV Soccer @ BC High

4:30 PM Girls JV Field Hockey vs Gloucester HS

6 PM Girls Varsity Field Hockey vs Gloucester HS

6 PM Boys Varsity Soccer @ BC High

Friday, October 13

3:15 Girls Varsity Swim vs Notre Dame Academy - Hingham

4 PM Girls Freshman Volleyball vs Ursuline Academy

5 PM Girls JV Volleyball vs Ursuline Academy

6 PM Boys Varsity Football vs St. John's Prep (Homecoming)

6:30 PM Girls Varsity Volleyball vs Ursuline

Saturday, October 14

TBA Girls Varsity Cross Country @ Barnstable (Twilight Invitational)

10 AM Boys Freshman Football @ St. John's Prep

10 AM Boys JV Football @ St. John's Prep

2 PM Girls Varsity Soccer @ Belmont HS

Fall Senior Athlete Banners

Senior Banners may be purchased from Dracut Threads through this link. Banners will require a two-week turnaround. The banners will be hung for the fall season and then hung outside with the senior banners from all the seasons. Seniors will be able to take their banners home following graduation. Any questions about Senior Banners may be directed to Athletics Director, Bill Raycraft at raycraftb@maldencatholic.org