MCCF Monthly
August 2023
Greetings MCCF Friends,
Happy August. Finally, it appears that summer weather has arrived. We have been busy at MCCF with so many projects on local and state levels. So, it was a wonderful surprise and opportunity to be invited, by Senator Angus King, to meet with President Biden in Auburn last week to discuss Bidenomics. This was an incredible opportunity to meet our legislators and leaders (right in my backyard!) and get that insider view into the policy agendas from both sides of the aisle that's shaping Maine for years to come.
-Alexa Dayton
Executive Director
Mi’kmaq Visit to Talk Scallops
MCCF and board member Marsden Brewer hosted a delegation from the Mi’kmaq environmental department recently. After taking Maureen, Cody, Pam, and Dave out onto his sea scallop farm they joined Alexa, Carla, and Mike from MCCF and Dana Morse from Maine Sea Grant (and MCCF Board Member) and Hugh Copperthwaite from Coastal Enterprises Institute for lunch in our Conference Room.

The Mi’kmaq have an aquaculture lease near the Canadian town of Gaspe’ where they have been culturing sea scallops as a scientific inquiry into feasible economic diversification strategies for the Band. They learned a few tricks of the trade from Marsden and we shared some industry contacts for follow on discussions to help them with their endeavors.
Help Us Celebrate our 20th Anniversary
with a Coastal Fisheries Fanfare Event
Don't Miss the Fun August 22nd!!
Do you like music? Do you like sea shanties? Do you like hearing stories from local fishermen about their adventures? Do you like having a fun time? If you said yes to any of these questions, you should plan to join us for the Coastal Fisheries Fanfare! On August 22nd from 6:30-8pm at the REACH Performing Arts Center, MCCF will be inviting a plethora of fishermen and friends to get together and perform, whether it be by song or storytelling. Performers will include Waterbound, Tidewalker, and many other special guests. Buy your tickets today at Can't attend but still want to support our non-profit? Please consider buying a ticket anyway.
Who Doesn't Love to Win?!
Eastern Gulf of Maine Sentinel Survey
On the Water in 2023
Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries and regional fishermen have collaborated with the University of Maine for the past eleven years to survey cod and other groundfish species throughout nearshore waters from Penobscot Bay to the US Canada border. These jig survey data are currently under review by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center Cod Research Track Stock Assessment as an index of juvenile cod abundance in the newly codified eastern Gulf of Maine cod substock. Our index suggests juvenile cod (1-3 years old) abundance in this area, despite some variation year to year, has not changed much since the survey began in 2011.

For the 2023 Sentinel Survey, we are conducting the survey in collaboration with the Maine Department of Marine Resources Trawl Survey staff, along with some new and some veteran MCCF Sentinel Survey fishermen. We are excited to bring the DMR survey staff on to the Sentinel Survey team this year to deepen our existing collaborations on cod diets and ecosystem monitoring. Look for us on the water over the next few months as we go jigging in 42 sites with our five Sentinel captains!