CBHA Updates & Announcements
May 17th, 2021
Press Release – Stop The Hate: A Conversation About Anti-Asian Racism & Behavioral Health on May 21st
Sacramento, CA - The California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies (CBHA) is proud to invite you to Stop The Hate: A Conversation About Anti-Asian Racism & Behavioral Health on May 21st from 11 AM to 1 PM. During the pandemic, the AAPI community has been increasingly targeted and experienced acts and crimes of hate and violence, which has risen by 150 percent since last year, in many cases targeting the elderly. CBHA is convening legislators and community representatives to stand with the AAPI community, highlighting current legislation, best practices, and leading dialogue around what our state and county are doing to address the experience of the AAPI community during this pandemic.
“We have a problem in America. There is no question that we are experiencing a racial pandemic. This racial pandemic has been highlighted for many by the increased violence and bigotry the AAPI has faced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. CBHA is proud to stand with the AAPI community, as we lead dialogue to combat hatred and keep our communities safe,” said Dr. Le Ondra Clark Harvey, Chief Executive Officer of the California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies (CBHA).

“I want to thank the California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies for hosting this incredibly important conversation on anti-Asian hate and what we can do to stop it. This has truly been a year unlike any other, and that is especially true for the AAPI community, who have faced an alarming surge in Anti-Asian hate and violence throughout the coronavirus pandemic,” said Congresswoman Judy Chu, 27th District of California. “There is no clearer example that what happened in March when our nation was shocked and horrified by the murder of 8 people in Georgia, including 6 Asian women.”

“Attacks, bigotry, and discrimination against Asian Americans are on the rise across the nation, and our elected leaders must come together to confront this xenophobia.” Sacramento City Councilmember Mai Vang, “I’m proud to join the California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies and community leaders from across the state and country to help lead a dialogue and inspire action to protect and support the AAPI community.”
“In the cyclical nature of our country’s history, we are at another inflection point on race relations relative to the Asian American communities. It is critical that we educate ourselves on what we, as AAPIs and our allies, can do to protect everyone in our communities. This panel by CBHA helps do just that,” said David Mineta, Chief Executive Officer of Momentum for Health.
“The current pandemic and rise in violence against Asian Pacific Islander individuals has revealed the deep-seated xenophobia that has persisted throughout U.S. history. In this moment, we must join with community leaders, elected officials, constituents, and allies to speak out against this targeted hate, take bold action, and elevate the needs of all diverse API communities. I am proud to join this conversation hosted by CBHA”, said Wendy Wang, Vice President of Public Policy & Advocacy of Hathaway-Sycamores.
“We must deal with our own learned ways of disliking certain groups of people to be the change of stopping the hate of others. Once we resolve our own inner struggles, we can then be and lead change towards healing. It takes a community to heal a community. I am honored to join the California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies and community leaders to Stop the Hate,” said Joty Sikand, President of the Hume Center.

Please click the button below to download the press release. All press inquiries, please contact CBHA's Communications Specialist, Sage Miller at smiller@cccbha.org.

In Service,

CBHA Staff
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