Lake County Right to Life
Jacqui Fetsko, Executive Director
[email protected]
For Immediate Release: September 10, 2019
MENTOR, OHIO-Lake County Right to Life has discovered that Mitchell William Reider, who serves as the Medical Director for Reproductive Health at Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio in Painesville, is believed to be the abortionist who carried out an abortion procedure on recently deceased Tia Parks at Preterm on June 7, 2019. He was seen at Preterm on the day of Tia's abortion. Tia Parks died the following day.  Her autopsy report states that she died as a result of bleeding in the abdominal cavity from a ruptured fallopian tube due to a heterotopic gestation. Tia was carrying twins; one was aborted and the other died with her the next day.

Reider is currently an abortionist at Preterm in Cleveland, Ohio and a former abortionist for Northeast Ohio Women's Center and Bedford Health Center-Planned Parenthood. He also works for Family Planning Association in Ashtabula. His specialty is Obstetrics and Gynecology and he is affiliated with the Cleveland Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital. "It would seem that Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio has a bias towards abortion and that is a disservice to Lake County, especially when we are losing over 300 babies to abortion each year. The fact that their Medical Director for Reproductive Health is an abortionist substantiates the bias," states Jacqui Fetsko, Executive Director for Lake County Right to Life.

Regarding Tia Park's case, Lake County Commissioner John Hamercheck states, "In my opinion, this is clearly an undeniable example of an abortion performed for profit."

Statewide pro-life leaders will be gathering for a press conference on Tuesday, September 17, 10:00 am at Preterm in Cleveland detailing Preterm's disregard for women's health, especially women of color. Tia Parks is the second woman to die after an abortion procedure at Preterm in recent history. Lakisha Wilson died March 21, 2014 after a second trimester abortion at Preterm.

Cleveland Right to Life Mission


WE believe that all human beings are made in the image of the Creator and must be respected and protected from the moment of conception until natural death. We know to be true that human rights begin when human life begins, as affirmed in the Declaration of Independence.  So as to foster a culture of life we promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings and reject such practices as abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, and same-sex marriage that are contrary to "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God".  We represent pro-life citizens from over 8 counties in the region, making our organization one of the largest pro-life organizations in the State of Ohio. We focus our efforts first and foremost at the local level to achieve local solutions and then cooperate with the state and national pro-life efforts as directed and needed.


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