CONTACT: Dominique Johnson, PIO 
COMPANY: Alaska Council of School Administrators 
PHONE: 907-209-8783 
Alaska Council of School Administrators Receives Two Grants to Support School Leaders and Civics Education
October 25, 2023 - For Immediate Release

The Alaska Council of School Administrators (ACSA), a statewide private education nonprofit that provides leadership, unity, advocacy, and professional development for Alaskan public education entities, has received two grants from the U.S. Department of Education. The grants will help expand opportunities for educators and districts to obtain high-quality professional development, access nationally recognized instructional resources, and amplify student opportunities across the state.

The U.S. Department of Education awarded ACSA, and a selection of school district partners a three-year American History and Civics Education National Activities grant to promote innovative instruction, learning strategies, and professional development in civics, American history, government, and geography, with an emphasis on activities and programs that benefit low-income students and underserved populations. ACSA is proud to partner with national partners iCivics and CloseUp and regional partner Get Out the Native Vote in this work.

The US Department of Education also awarded ACSA and a selection of school district partners a 3-year Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program grant to support implementing, improving, or expanding their overall Human Capital Management System (HCMS). ACSA will partner with national partners the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) and Corwin Publishing in this work.  

“We are extremely grateful to the U.S. Department of Education and our partners for their generous support of our mission,” said Dr. Lisa Parady, Executive Director of ACSA. “These grants will enable us to continue providing vital support to the Alaskan public education community and make a difference in the lives of many teachers and students.”

ACSA’s unifying purpose is to support educational leaders through professional forums, provide a voice that champions possibilities for all students, and purposeful advocacy for public education. ACSA comprises professional educational leaders of Alaska’s schools and school systems. Members include superintendents, elementary and secondary principals, school business officials, district office professionals, and higher education faculty. ACSA is also proud to administer the Alaska Staff Development Network (ASDN), Alaska’s premier long-standing and highly regarded staff development resource. To learn more about ACSA, visit its website

Leadership, Unity and Advocacy for Public Education.

Dr. Lisa S. Parady
Executive Director 
Dominique Johnson
Public Information Officer
Alaska Superintendents Association,, 234 Gold Street Juneau, AK 99801