Date: August 2, 2021
Name: Anton Jungherr
Telephone: 510.697.7212

Establishment of the California Association
Bond Oversight Committee (CABOC)

The California Association Bond Oversight Committee (CABOC) was co-founded by Jack Weir and Anton Jungherr as a 510(c)(3),California Public Benefits Corporation.

The specific purpose of this corporation is to provide training, assistance, and encouragement to California School Proposition 39 Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Members through development of training materials, delivery of online training, conferences, workshops, formation of regional groups of California Citizens’ Bond Oversight Commit- tees and representing common interest at the statewide level.

California constitutional amendment School Proposition 39 approved in 2000 lowered the threshold for approval of school bonds from a two-thirds (66.67 percent) super majority vote to a fifty five ( 55) percent supermajority vote. As a result, many more school bond measures have been approved since that date. The total amount of Proposition 39 bonds approved by votes from 2001 thru the November 2020 election is $180.8 billion.

Accountability requirements include annual performance and financial audits on use of bond proceeds and the appointment of an independent Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC).

Each independent CBOC is required to have selected community groups represented as well as a taxpayer advocate association member. The sole duty of the CBOC is to monitor and report to the public on the expenditure of bond monies as authorized by voter bond ballot measure.

The Little Hoover Commission, a state agency, in 2017 issued a report on the effectiveness of CBOCs. Their report indicated CBOC's were not property trained and did not understand their role and responsibilities. In many cases the CBOCs are a “rubber stamp” for the school district. The Little Hoover Commission made several recommendations which will guide and focus the work of CABOC.