Ohio Legislature Leads Nation Toward a U.S. Balanced Budget Amendment

LEESBURG, Virginia (November 20, 2013) - Today, the Ohio General Assembly answered Governor John Kasich's call to action by passing a resolution, with bipartisan support, demanding that Congress set the time and place for a Convention of the States to draft a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


Article V of the Constitution provides both Congress and the states with equal authority to propose an amendment. Under Article V. of the U.S. Constitution thirty-four states need to pass a similar resolution to initiate a convention for the sole purpose of drafting a balanced budget amendment.


The total U.S. debt has increased every year since 1957. Now, only 12 countries out of world's 196 have a higher debt to G.D.P. ratio than does the U.S. (102%). Among these are Greece - 157%, Zimbabwe-151%, Jamaica-146%, Italy-127% and Portugal -124%.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy Admiral Mike Mullen stated, "I've said many times that I believe the single, biggest threat to our national security is our debt."


Rep. Matt Huffman (R-Lima) stated, "I am proud that the Ohio General Assembly has recognized its responsibility under Article V of the United States Constitution to act by passing this Resolution. The state legislatures throughout the country are the only authority that can control a Federal Government which is clearly unable to police itself."


"The American people could prosper for generations when enough states join Ohio to propose and ratify a U.S. balanced budget amendment (BBA) that constitutionally stops the unsustainable deficits and pays back the $17 trillion in debt" stated Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force (BBATF) Co-founder Representative Yvette Herrell (NM).


BBATF Co-founder Mark Guyer added, "Fortunately our Founders gave the states in Article V of our Constitution a powerful mechanism to restrain the federal government if it should abuse or exceed its limited delegated authority."


"We commend Ohio Governor John Kasich, House Speaker Pro Tem Matt Huffman, Senate President Faber, and the Ohio General Assembly for their bipartition leadership in passing the American-Dream-Saving Balanced Budget Amendment Resolution," stated BBATF Co-founder Bill Fruth.


BBATF Executive Director, Scott Rogers concluded, "We believe that the Ohio Legislators were listening to our coalition of citizen and business groups who reflect the 74% percent of Americans (CNN Survey) and 90% of small businessmen (NFIB Member Survey) who want to pass on the American Dream and not $17 trillion in debt. This marks a turning point in our balanced budget amendment campaign as Ohio has considered but never, until today, supported the constitutionally required Article V Resolution."


The Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force is a nonprofit, nonpartisan coalition whose mission is to educate state legislators on their Constitutional power to propose and ratify a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  


To learn more about our national campaign for a Balanced Budget Amendment, visit us at http://www.bba4usa.org and Twitter at BBA4USA.



Scott Rogers, Executive Director

(386) 423-4744




We Demand a Balanced Budget


Citizens Against Government Waste


Families for America


National Tax-Limitation Committee


I Am American