Representative Morales Files Ethnic Studies Bill: Texas-Sized History
Bill Makes Ethnic Studies Count Towards High School Graduation Requirements.
Houston, TX March 11, 2021 - Texas State Representative Christina Morales filed House Bill 1504, along with joint authors, Representatives Alama Allen and Gene Wu, which would make Ethnic Studies count towards high school graduation.

They will introduce the bill to the public to gain support and to answer questions. Morales said, "Research proves that students who study culturally relevant courses are more successful in school and are more likely to graduate. I have been empowered by knowing my history and my family's story. We are uniting to bring this knowledge to more and more of our students in Texas. It is time to unite for Texas-Sized History to give a full picture with more voices."

Community organizer Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante added, "Our history and culture were once banned in Arizona. I am proud that in Texas we are poised to become the leaders in Ethnic Studies."

The Texas State Board of Education unanimously endorsed Mexican American Studies and African American Studies as electives across party lines. This law will promote those disciplines to high school graduation requirements.

Who: Sponsors and Supporters of Ethnic Studies Bill for Texas-Sized History
What: Press conference to Introduce A New Ethnic Studies Bill to the Community.
When: Friday, March 12, 10 am
Where: Houston Independent District (HISD) Headquarters
4400 W 18th St, Houston, TX 77023
Why: Ethnic Studies Courses are proven to stem the drop-out rate.
(Launches Friday, March 12, 2021)

Media Contacts:
State Representative Christina Morales
(512) 463-0732

Tony Diaz
Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Their Say
Phone: (713) 867-8943