CONTACT: Rick Morgan, [email protected] ; 347.292.3909

Vermont Agent Association Endorses Work At Home Vintage Experts

26 State Groups Now Offer Remote Staff Services to Members

LAS VEGAS (April 13, 2018) – The Vermont Insurance Agents Association (VIAA), the largest professional independent insurance agents' association in the state, has endorsed Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE) to provide contract staffing services to its members.

The endorsement means VIAA members can access WAHVE’s unique staffing services on a preferred basis.

WAHVE is a contract staffing firm that brings insurance organizations and retiring professionals together across the country to meet their work needs. Carriers, MGAs and agencies get skilled talent to match their long- term, part-time or full-time requirements, while boomer professionals extend their careers working from home.

“One of the top issues impacting insurance firms is the challenge of finding experienced and knowledgeable staff,” said VIAA Executive Director, Mary Eversole. “VIAA listened to our members and we are excited to partner with WAHVE, whose service is proven to be successful and a true value to them. We are confident this partnership will fill a need for our members and help solve the staffing challenge of finding the right person for the job.”
Vermont is the 26 th state agent association to endorse WAHVE Insurance, which now has hundreds of vintage professionals working remotely for insurance firms throughout the country. WAHVE places professionals for customer service, claims, underwriting and other vital insurance workflows for commercial and personal lines as well as employee benefits.

“WAHVE’s proprietary in-depth candidate screening and matching process and tools are key in identifying the right fit for each firm’s needs”, said Bill Hunt, president and chief sales officer of WAHVE Insurance. “The ability for us to match specific skills with specific needs on a very granular level has resulted in an incredibly high success ratio,” he said.

Insurance firms interested in working with WAHVE and obtaining more information are invited to visit or contact Hunt at [email protected] or 646.807.4372, ext. 3757.

In addition to VIAA, agent associations in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming endorse WAHVE. All are affiliated with the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (Big “I”), except for Maryland, which is affiliated with National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA); and Ohio and Colorado, which are affiliated with both Big “I” and PIA.
About VIAA: Since 1906, the Vermont Insurance Agents Association (VIAA) has been devoted to the advancement of independent insurance agents and professionalism within the industry, offering unparalleled opportunities and unrelenting advocacy for agents at home and in Washington, D.C. VIAA is proud to serve as the advocate and strategic business partner for over 100 Trusted Choice® independent insurance agencies across Vermont, representing thousands of independent agents and staff. VIAA members benefit from a strong alliance with their peers and partnerships with the industry's leading companies. 

 About WAHVE: Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE  is a unique contract staffing talent solution that brings companies and pretiring professionals together across the country to meet their work needs. Our areas of specialty are insurance and accounting. Companies get the right matched talent, and veteran workers get to extend their careers working from home.
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