Wisconsin Women in Government Seeks Professional Women to Join Board of Directors
June 2, 2022
MADISON - Wisconsin Women in Government (WWIG), a statewide, bipartisan, non-profit organization of women in government service, today announced it is seeking professional women to join the WWIG Board of Directors for a two-year term beginning August 2022.

“We invite those interested in creating opportunities that support and advance the careers of women who choose to work in or with government to apply for our board," said WWIG President Amanda Graham. “This is a meaningful and rewarding way to broaden your own personal leadership skills, while supporting other women who also chose to commit their careers to public service.”

The WWIG Board of Directors is an all-volunteer working board that seeks women of diverse backgrounds who are willing to contribute their time and experience to support the organization's fundraising, event planning and communications efforts.

Women who work in government, those who work with government through a role in the private sector, and women with previous experience working with nonprofit organizations are encouraged to apply.

The board of directors typically meet at least six times per year, and board members are expected to participate in WWIG's committees and events.

To apply, women should send their resume and a cover letter describing why they would like to join the WWIG Board of Directors to [email protected] by June 21, 2022. Applicants should include a description of relevant experience and the specific skills they can contribute to the board. Experience in fundraising, communications, and event planning is particularly desired.
For more information on WWIG and to join our membership program, please visit: wiscwomeningovernment.org.
Wisconsin Women in Government was founded in 1987 to celebrate and support talented women who choose a career in government service. Over the past 35 years, WWIG has awarded over $1.2 million in scholarships to women pursuing careers in government service, including undergraduate scholarships. WWIG has also provided numerous networking, professional development, and leadership training opportunities for professional women.